Girl like me

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Tuesday November 14, 2022:

Esmee POV


Would you consider turning into a Lycan?

Would you consider turning into a Lycan?

Would you consider turning into a Lycan?

Those words ring in my ears the entire morning.

Killian left my house soon after those words.

I said I had to think about it. And he said he understood.

But how can I think about his.

How can I make a decision when so many questions run through my head.

Will I look the same?

Am I still able to go to school?

Will I have to tell my parent?

It is all simply too much.

I walk out of the flat and see that Dimitri has his car parked in front of the door.

Out steps Dimitri with a new man.

This man is shorter than Dimitri but has more noticeable muscles.

He has a sharp jawline and high cheekbones but with chubby cheeks. He has black hair and the brightest bluest eyes.

Just like Dimitri the man wears a black trousers and a simple black shirt.

The man looks at Dimitri, and Dimitri nods at the man.

I stand still while the man approaches me.

'Benjamin Laurent.' He introduces himself while he holds out his hand.

I shake his hand. His grip is strong but not too strong.

'Ah the infamous Benjamin. Killian told me about you. It is nice to meet you. May I say that you are quite the sight for sore eyes.' I speak with a grin on my face.

Benjamin gets a cute blush on his face and retracts his hand.

'Thank you Esmee- ma'am.' He corrects himself.

Because of his loss of words my grin grows wider, 'So you are to protect me day and night. Am I right?'

He nods and takes over my bag, 'Yes ma'am.'

I tilt my head, 'Does my partner not give you the gratification of sleep and a moment to empty the bladder?'

Benjamin blushes again, 'You have to pick your moments.'

I smile, 'Alright then.' I look at Dimitri, 'We ought to be leaving.'

Dimitri nods and opens the car door.

I walk past Benjamin and snatch my bag out his hand.

'Benjamin darling. You truly do not have to carry my stuff. People want to kill me, not my owned material goods.'

He smiles and simply nods.

Dimitri takes my hand as he guides me in the seat.

When I sit, he brings his lips closer to my ear, 'Must you make him so uncomfortable? He hasn't even dared to look you in the eye.'

I look at him and pound, 'I don't have to, but I can. And it is so tempting.'

He shakes his head and steps away, 'You are a monster.'

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