Golden eyes and red lips

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Wednesday October 5, 2022:

Esmee POV


The bus stops, and one by one we step out of the bus, Emma not leaving my sight.

'Stay with me.' I say to her, as I grab her hand.

She smiles in gratitude as she squeezes my hand.

She knows I'll protect her. She is way too good to be harmed by the cruel world. Whatever the danger may be. I'll be there to stop it.

It is what I've done for her for many years. And it is what I will remain to be doing for the next few.

The teachers tell us to gather around.

'We are at the museum. You are all free to explore, as long as you don't bother the other guests, we are not the only ones here. Now don't forget an assignment is linked to this.' All the students mumble annoyed by hearing this.

The teacher holds her hands up. 'We know how troublesome this is, but it's only a small assignment and if you start right away you have the entire day to explore the museum and parts of Amsterdam.'

Soon everybody enters the museum.

'Can we just skip this and mingle into the folks of Amsterdam?' Julia asks.

I step forward and walk into the museum. 'Do what you want but I'm going to surround myself with culture.' And the quietness of the museum.

Julia hums annoyed but does follow me inside. 


After three hours the four of us leave the museum for a lunch break.

'Where to go?' Maddy ask.

Emma is silent and doesn't show her opinion as usual.

I know Maddy and Julia have the strongest need to be right all the time, so I just go with the flow, 'Doesn't matter to me as long as it's not a fast-food restaurant.'

Maddy claps her hands. 'What about Starbucks.'

Julia starts laughing. 'Yeah, that is a place where you can get a proper meal. You want us to starve to death Mad. How about bagels and beans. Easy yet tasty, and not so expensive.'

'Fine by me.' I say as I walk In front of the group guiding them to the bagel shop.

Amsterdam is so busy and crowded.

There are traffic signs everywhere, and you need to watch your every step. I hate that, I'm like a gazelle... I need my space.

Emma starts to walk next to me. 'Watch your steps.' She speaks to me with a grin on her face.

I know why she says that. I always fall over little protrusions on roads.

I roll my eyes, 'I know.'

She laughs, 'Do I need to remember you about last week.'

I stop with walking and point my finger at her, 'That was a mechanical mistake. My heel... broke.'

She giggles and wraps her arm around mine, and we start walking again, 'You mean you broke your heel.'

I look the other way, 'Same thing.' I speak with a smile.

she squeezes my arm, 'Believe whatever you want to believe.'

I stick out my tung as love fills my heart. How I love just being around my loved ones.

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