Where the secrets are born

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Sunday October 16, 2022:

Esmee POV


We walk back to the car.

I still can't get over the fact that this man is mine. Who would have ever thought?

'I have a question.' I speak.

Killian sniffles, 'You always do.'

I roll my eyes, 'Can I ask it?'

His hand lets go of mine and he places it around my shoulder, 'Ask away.'

'Marking... what does it feel like.'

Killian smiles, 'Well from what I've heard it is a very intimate experience. It bounds two souls together. And when it is done with love and acceptance from both parties, it is a very pleasurable experience.'

I nod, 'Because it is done during mating?'

Killian looks at me, 'Yes that's a part of it.'

My eyes turn to the road, and I jump over a small pole of water.

'Mating, is that any different than normal sex?'

Killian looks at me and turns his face to the sky, 'You really are a curious one.'

'Curiosity is a good thing.' I defend myself. It is the top ingredient of being smart, just like creativity.

Killian laughs, 'I never said it to be a bad thing.'

'No, but you made me believe like it was.'

'I apologize.' He smiles, 'And yes, mating is different. Not the act itself, no the feeling. Two souls come together as one, and it gives pleasure like no other. It really is an out of this world experience.... So I've been told.' He adds.

'Sounds intense.' I swallow and I know my face holds fear.

Killian frowns, 'It is. But only in every good way... I promise.'

Then this thing pops in my head.

I stop in my tracks and hold up my hand, 'Okey. Babies. What is the appropriate time for a Lycan to get a baby?'

Killian shrugs, 'The minute they find their erasthai.'

I put on big eyes. lord have mercy, I'm seventeen. I am so not ready to have a baby. And my vagina will die. And I will get fat. No fucking way.

Killian sees my fearful expression. He smiles in comfort and gives me a hug.

'Don't worry. Like I said we take this in your pace. We can have kids in one, five, ten, twenty years. Whatever you want.' He lets go of me. 'That is if you even want kids.' He eyes hold hope.

I smile, 'I do. Four, I think. Having myself a little band.' I want babies. I always have. I want to do it better than my parents did. But that is probably what every person thinks when they have kids.

Killian smiles happily, 'That sounds perfect.'

'But not right now.' I point out.

He laughs, 'Yeah not right now. And besides you need to become a Lycan first before you start delivering babies.'

In nod.

Wait what did he just say!

'Lycan?' I ask.

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