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Saturday November 12, 2022:

Esmee POV


The car ride back home is quiet. Killian is driving this time and I am in the front seat with him. Emma doesn't look at us for even once.

I can't blame her. I hurt her pretty bad.

I sigh out loud and look out the window. It is still raining, and I see the drops on the glass race each other. I always guess the wrong one to win.

When we arrive Emma steps out of the car and walks fast to the front door.

Killian opens my side of the car and takes off his jacket so it can protect me from the rain.

The two of us run to the house. Killian fiddles with his keys and opens the front door.

He takes both mine and Emma's coat and puts them on a hanger.

I find him to be incredibly generous after he heard his mate getting hurt by her best friend. Only a truly strong heart stays true to his virtues as a man, after a complication as such.

To be honest I do not know if I could do the same, after someone hurts Killian. If I were a Lycan I would probably rip their hearts out.

Emma turns around and walks towards her room.

I look after her with a sad face.

Killian hugs me from behind, 'She will come when she is ready to talk.'

I know that it is true. But it still hurts.

'Come.' Killian takes my hand, and he guides me to the living room.

He places me on the couch and takes off my shoes.

After he grabs a blanket and places it over my body.

he turns around and fires up the fireplace.

'Tea?' He asks me.

I nod. I am still surprised how nice he treats me.

After a minute he comes back with one hot cup of tea. I take it from him and take a sip.

Ouch this is hot. But still I take another sip.

Killian places himself behind me on the couch, and I lean against his broad figure.

'Thank you little dove.' He whispers.

'For what?'

'For what you said at dinner.'

I blush and look down remembering it all. Right Killian his shame story.

'I figured it to be your story to tell. And you obviously did not want it to be known so...' I take another sip.

Killian kisses my head, 'As I said. Thank you.'

I place my cup down on the wooden side table.

'Aren't you curious?' He asks me.

I turn around and meet his gaze, 'For what?'

He grins, 'The story.'

I smile, 'Of course I am. But it makes you uncomfortable.' I speak again.

He simply shakes his head, 'Not to you. Besides, you have worse stories.'

I nod a ''Yes that is true.'' Hard to argue with facts.

He hugs me and start telling.

'I did not know what hit me. Not only am I a Lycan. I am the strongest one of my kind. I turned my first time when I was only ten years old....'

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