Still breathing

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Saturday October, 22 2022:

Esmee POV


The week went by rather quickly. Yet it went so very slow.

Killian explained to me that it is very hard for erasthai's to live apart. The separation hurts them. Mind and body.

I thought that he was just exaggerating, or simply being dramatic. But now I truly understand what he means.

After two days of being gone, I felt a dull pain in my chest and I started having difficulty concentrating.

But now, about five days later it starts to become unbearable. I feel utterly depressed. I have felt a lot of sadness in my life, and man I have seen some bad days. But that is nothing compared to the dreadful feeling I feel right now.

I barely had the energy to work this morning.

So yes, I can't wait to see Killian. And I can only predict how he's feeling. He's a Lycan, his pain must be twice as bad.

I am packing my bags for Russia. Killian told me it's already snowing at his place. He said the snow has never been this early.

So, some cold weather clothes are the must.

I strip off my work clothes and put on my blue jeans and black turtleneck. I slip into my over the knee boots and tie my hair into a ponytail.

I look into the mirror.

I smile. I look amazing. Hourglass figure, tiny waist. Yes, I feel pretty.

I give myself a wink and grab my bags.

'See you Monday.' I yell at my mom.

She walks out of her bedroom and gives me a hug, 'I love you. Have fun.'

'I love you too.' I say sincere.

Dimitri already stands downstairs waiting to take over my bags.

I hand him my bags with a smile, 'Hey.'

He nods, 'Good morning. Are you ready?'

I swallow, feeling nervous, 'As ready as one can be.'

He laughs softly and guides me to the car.

I sit in the back seat and put in my EarPods.

Dimitri looks at me. I put on big eyes, 'Do you mind if I listen to music?' I point to my EarPods.

Dimitri simply shakes his head, 'Do whatever you wish Ma'am.'

I press shuffle on my pop playlist. The playlist for the good moods.

I sit back and close my eyes.

In less than half an hour we reach Rotterdam airport.

Wait not Amsterdam?

Instead of going to the main entrance, Dimitri drives another way.

I'm confused and take out my EarPods, 'We're we going?'

'We take the faster route.' He simply says.

I look around me confused. We are driving around the airport. Wait what?

Dimitri stops in front of steel gates with two security guys standing in front of them. One walks towards the car.

Dimitri lets the window slide down and hands the man a card. The man takes one quick look at it and makes a hand gesture to the other guard.

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