All shades of love

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Monday October 24, 2022:

Esmee POV


Killian and I have been in a rush the entire morning. And with Killian and I... I mean me. I was the stressed one. From the minute the alarm went off I've been running around like crazy woman. Killian just watched me in amusement. I think we both decided to postpone the arguments till a later, better moment.

I still feel some tension from last night. But I'm just glad Killian still talks to me.

Right now, we're on our way to the airport. More like private runway.

Killian isn't driving. Dimitri and the guy from three days ago are the once in the front seats.

The drive is an hour and a half, yet it feels much sorter. That probably comes from the fact that Dimitri and I have been enthusiastically chatting. We've connected on a deeper level after last night events.

Killian doesn't mind the friendship, he keeps stroking my hand which distracts me multiple times during the conversation.

In no time we reach the runway and the car stops next to the plane.

This time it's a smaller plane than the other one.

I look at Killian with a raised brow.

He knows what question runs through my mind.

'My father needed to borrow the other one. This one is just as good. less good when it comes to long distances. But it has everything that is needed for this flight.' He explains.

I nod and step out of the car.

This jet is so much smaller. Even smaller when we walk inside.

Killian has to bend to avoid hitting the ceiling. It looks so idiotic that I can't suppress the laughter.

He just rolls his eyes and pulls me next to him on the white, leather seats.

I nestle into his arms and sigh out, finally feeling relaxed.

The plane starts to make height and the stewardess takes our order. I'm feeling hungry so I ordered lasagna.

'Finally, you have your appetite back.' Killian speaks.

I look at my water, 'When did I lose it?'

'This morning.'

'Well, I was clearly stressed about packing and everything around it. And I can't stop my thoughts from going back to last night.'

Killian closes his eyes and grabs the bridge of his nose, 'I thought we discussed everything already.'

I huff, 'No, you already discussed everything. I'm still dealing with it all.'

Killian turns to me, 'Well, come on then... What's on your mind?'

I hardly dare say it. This is also a sensitive subject for me.

'You gave me the silent treatment,' I begin, 'Do you have any idea how much hurt I felt?'

He sighs, 'I know. I just didn't know how to deal with my emotions for a moment.'

I'm not satisfied with the answer. He's not getting off that easy.

I turn my body towards him and look at his shirt, 'Then you should have said so. You should have said that you needed to think, instead of shutting me out. You were so closed off from one moment to the next. The silent treatment is one of the worst things you can do to a person. By giving people that, you literally indicate, ''If you do something I don't like, I'm not here for you anymore, ' I look into his eyes, 'You rejected me. And I can't explain how much that hurts.'

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