Looks, glances and stares

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Tuesday November 1, 2022:

Esmee POV


Before my mom woke up, I was already out of the house. Dimitri was driving in silence. I think we both were pretty shaken up by the events of yesterday.

During the car ride I called Killian, who arrived in America without any problems. Thank God.

I told him about what was going on with my parents. Fortunately, he had already predicted their reaction.

He also said that he will be back this Saturday, and that we should all go out for dinner. He suggested that a public place is a good first meeting place.

I can only agree. The chances of my father beating, killing and chasing Killian with a gun, are a lot smaller in that way.

And Killian, by the way, can show off his excellent table manners. Something that I know will impress my mother.

I hang up when we reach school and step out of the car.

I feel nervous. Very nervous. Everyone saw everything yesterday.

I already know that questions are being asked.

That I am looked at in different ways.

That loads of people will want things from me.

That my friends will never look at me the same way they did before.

But you know, that's okay. All this is okay. Because this school is temporary. Some friends are temporary.

But Killian. Killian is forever. And I must honor him with pride, even when people are against him, and detest me.

I have to stand strong. There is a reason why I wear my power dress and power shoes today.

I hold my head high and walk into the school full of new confidence.

I'm the Killian Cunningham's future wife, I have nothing to be unsure off. Everyone can do whatever they want. Be mean the way they want to be mean. They're just jealous. Because at the end of the day, I'm the one who will marry the strongest, richest, most handsome man to walk the face of the globe. And you should be proud of that. I am proud of that.

The moment I step into the school, eyes immediately fall on me.

For a moment my new-found self-assurance is gone. Then I'll recall what a good actor I am. I put on a mask and walk with long strides through the school towards my locker.

Never in my life, have I had such an urge to become invisible. But I have to admit, that the thought of me being the focus of everyone is quite flattering.

The moment I open my locker, Jonathan walks over to me.

'Hey Esmee. You look good'. He speaks.

I smile, 'Thanks'. I look into his eyes. His big, brown, curious eyes.

I sigh and close my locker, 'Okey ask away.'

He gets a grin on his face and claps his hands together in delight, 'Okey, what was yesterday about?'

Some people in a close distance look at us. Trying to eavesdrop on us.

I step closer, so only he can hear, 'Well...' I start looking around me, 'That man is my boyfriend and the principal tried to blackmail me. Luckily for me, my boyfriend has connections. So let's just say that our principle will never, ever, do it again'.

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