When it sparkles

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Saturday October 15, 2022:

Esmee POV


I slowly wake up and stretch out my body.

It takes a minute before I remember last night's experience. I look at my phone and see that it's still calling.

O my word. I slept with fucking Killian Cunningham on the other side of the phone.

Is he still asleep? Should I wake him up?

I look at the clock and see that it's eleven AM.

'Killian?' I whisper in the microphone.

Just as I'm about to say his name again, I hear a soft click.

'Good morning Little one. You seem to have slept well.' He sounds enthusiastic, and not at all like a man who just woke up.

'Did you just wake up?'

Killian sniffles, 'No. I'm in a business meeting with one air pod in listening to you're breathing.'

HE WHAT? He how. I mean what.... No way?

'You are in a what?' I squeak.

'Don't worry, I left the room the minute you said my name. Those money investors have no place in our personal lives.'

I have no words. Like actually no words. And the last time that happened was.... Never.

I sigh, 'Well we should probably hang up then. It seems like you are busy, and I need to take a shower.'

Killian's voice becomes suspiciously low, 'Or you can just take me with you... In the shower.'

O dear lord. I think my heart just stopped.

'To soon?' He laughs.

'You need to get a life instead of making it your life's mission to give me a heart attack. So, for your protection and mine, I'm going to end the call.' I smile at the phone.

Killian just Laughs.

'Have a good day Killian, I'll call you tonight... if you want to?' Why do I always feel so insecure around him? It's not like I want his approval, but I do in some sort of way.

'I would love to.' He speaks.

I hang up and stand up from the bed.

My head throbs and I press the side of my head in pain.

This is going to be a long day.


I've spent the whole day in bed with the curtains closed, and just some soft music playing on the background.

It is one of those days that just go by you, like you have no idea what you have done and were the hours went.

Between sleeping, eating and sleeping again, I pretty much did nothing.

The good thing about this day is that I have got plenty of time to think about Killian. How I feel about him, and what I should do about him.

My main concern is that I am young. To young. He has so much life experience, and I am just getting started. He is older, richer and so powerful. I may not have that much life experience, but I do know that rich men go for hyper attractive woman. And let's face it, I am not. I am no were near the beauty standards. So why on god's green earth would he choose me? ME? It does not make any sense. Maybe he likes my doubt? Maybe that is why he likes me, because I am innocent and impressionable, and therefore he can mold me into a perfect partner for him. What if he just plays games and guards his true intentions until he caught me in his web?

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