Chapter 11

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(: I don't know if it's just me or, always on Chapter 11 something bad happens. lol :)

///Time skip / 3 months later///

Douma POV

Me Akaza have been together for 3 months now, I'm way more happy than I've ever been. Me and Akaza now live together. It's really nice.

And tonight, we have plans with all of the Uppermoons, like, a meeting. With friends, just for fun. Cause me and Akaza would like to go see every one else.

And why not? I mean, were going to talk and play games, it'll be fun.

We have to leave at 9 pm to be there on time. It starts at 9:30 pm. And it takes around 15-30 minutes to be there on time. I hope that we all have fun!

I'm still shocked that Akaza asked me to be his boyfriend, it was very unexpected. I would never know if he would've gotten enough courage to ask me. It's really scary to ask you know?

What if they say no? Then what? I don't know, because I've never asked anyone out, ever. It was always someone else asking me. Besides Akaza, no one has asked me. But, all I care about is that Akaza asked me, I accepted the request. We're together, that's enough for me.

"Akaza? We should leave soon to get there on time." I said,

"Okay, whenever you're ready."

"Okay then, in 5 minutes."

//5 minutes later lol//

"Alrighty, we should go now Akaza." I can't wait to go see everyone else!

"Okay, let's go."

And we left, we all are going to Daki's house, outside, and then when it gets light, we sleep in her house. That was her plan, at least that's what she told us her plan was.

We arrived there at 9:28 pm, ready to start our "meeting" more like a talk. Or break, but all in all, it'll be fun, I hope.

"Hey Douma!" Daki said, she looked happy for us to be there. Akaza was a bit happy, but I know that he doesn't really like parties. Therefore, he might only be happy if I'm there, which I am.

"Okay, you guys were the last ones who needed to showed up, but now that you're here, lets get talking!"

We mainly just talked most of the way, having fun, making jokes. Everyone was having a blast. Even Akaza, who doesn't even care for these type of things. It was a good night, so far.

I enjoyed it, I was with all of my "friends" and my boyfriend. I couldn't be more happy. I know that I used to want to end my own life, although, I still think about doing it. I know that if I do, I'd be leaving Akaza. And I can't do that.

After a while, it got pretty boring. So Daki said that we all could go home, due to it being around 10 pm. Not in the sunlight.

As me and Akaza walked home, we chatted. About random things, not just one topic. Many in fact.

We arrived home in about 13 minutes, and me and Akaza were still vibin' , having ourselves a good time.

But then I thought, what does it feel like to kiss someone? I mean I don't know, I've never kissed anyone! I mean I could probably kiss Akaza if I tried. Or maybe him.

But I decided to make the first move.

He'll know what I'm doing if he's smart. I put one of hands on his cheek, and put face close to his. When he realized what I was doing, he got red, of course. I mean, if someone did it to me, I'd have the same reaction.

But my plan was to sit there and to wait, to see if he does something.

And he kissed me.

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