Chapter 15

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(:hey readers, I hope you're all doing well. I'm sorry about the chapter before. If I didn't put that in, this book would've been discontinued! So you guys wouldn't get anymore chapters! But, these next few chapters I'm working get even better. Love ya readers! :)

Douma POV

When I got I up, I looked around. I saw the house I was in, I saw Akaza. But he was crying. Why? I'm right here! I stand up, "AKAZA!!! IM RIGHT HERE!!!" Before realizing that when I looked at what he has looking at, I realized. The poison was indeed, successful. Because I was dead. I saw my own dead body.

The second I saw Akaza upset that I was dead. It made me regret it, I never thought about how Akaza would feel about this. I wish I did. But instead of going to hell, I was a ghost. Something I was definitely not expecting. I could walk straight through Akaza! That's cool I guess. But I can't do anything. The only thing that is good about all of this, is that threes is no pain. Not at all! You don't feel pain, or hurt. Just peace. But I was a ghost. So I guess in hell, it's full of pain.

To be honest I thought that I'd be in the burning fires of hell. But no, I'm a stupid ghost. But now that I'm dead, I can't go back. No turning back time. Unless, I figure out a way that I can get back.

That's impossible.....

There's no way to go back, or is there? I don't who to go to ask this question! I don't think it can happen. But then, Akaza was teleported away. Probably to the Infinity Castle. Before I knew it, I was there. But no one could see me. Because I was a ghost. Duh!

I awkwardly stand there in the corner. Like anyone would see me. So it didn't matter. Then I saw Muzan, he told everyone that I was dead. Most of them didn't believe it. But Daki and Akaza were devastated. Daki just went to her brother, crying. I realized that I made all of these people upset, sad. It made sense, they all really cared. They just didn't show that well. But then I went back out of the Infinity Castle. I didn't want to see anymore reactions.

It was embarrassing, even though no one was able to see me. I started to think, if I can, how can go back alive? Most likely impossible, but why not try? You never know if you can go back.

After a while of wondering, I found a random library in the middle of no where. Kinda sus, but oh well! Like I'll die! I can't die, if it's a trap, it won't know I'm there.

I walk in. It looked like a wizard's library. Maybe these books can show me a spell that can bring me back. It'll probably take years, and Akaza might forget about me. Or move on. I wouldn't think too fast.

I look around to find a book that something to do with "life" or something like that. After around a while day of looking around this infinity library, I find something that might work. It was called "Spells of life." It seemed important. Because I was dead, I discovered that I can teleport around. Go anywhere I want! Cool! :)

Every once in while, I'd go to where Akaza is. To see if he's okay. Every time I went to see him, he was sad. But good thing this book might work.

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