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..........(づ •. •)?




Looking directly into those dark, deep, green eyes, Tang Bai's expression became serious.

Why would Xie Ruhang suddenly ask this question? Why did Xie Ruhang's expression look so fierce, as if she wanted to bite him? Was it because of the face-to-face salute?

Tang Bai's dull hairs startled when she recalled her comment that "the better the relationship between omega's, the closer their faces are to each other"...

Does omega-no-light think we're not close enough to stick face to face?!

Pfft click!

Heartbroken ......

The eyes beneath the thick lashes are strained with moisture, and a little omega like Tang Bai, with her tear ducts, can really have big, watery eyes at any time.

Realising that his eyes had frightened Tang Bai, Xie Ruhang quickly reassured her, "I'm just asking about our relationship, I won't do anything to you."

He's a very principled alpha, and would never pounce on an omega if he didn't want to!

Tang Bai looks uneasily at Xie Ruhang, not seeing the disgust in his eyes, and seems to be simply analysing their relationship.

Tang Bai's heart is pounding again, is this a confirmation of his relationship and giving him a name?

The uncertainty in her tone must be due to the fact that Xie Ruhang has never had a best friend, so she doesn't understand the confusion as to whether they are good sisters or not!

Then this is about the future in the protagonist subject to the camp status of the issue of high and low, is to do a little brother or good set of beauty in this move -

"Of course we're good friends!" Tang Bai said with conviction.


Xie Ruhang, who is nearly in heat after being aroused: "......?"

Good? Friends? Friends?

You told me we were good friends after you booby-trapped me?

Seeing Xie Ruhang's dumbfounded look, Tang Bai quickly added, "Brother Xie, you are my best friend!"

Xie Ruhang: "............"

How does this sound so familiar? Even Tang Bai's full-bodied little milk voice can't save the tea talk ......

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