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..........(づ •. •)?



Looking at Xie Ruhang's stunned eyes, Tang Bai cried and laughed at the same time: "I'm so glad Brother Xie that you won! Brother Xie, you really look great today!"

After saying this, Tang Bai opened her arms and gave Xie Ruhang a soft and fragrant hug.

Tang Bai gently wrapped his arms around Xie Ruhang, carefully avoiding Xie Ruhang's wounds, knowing that the most important thing now was to treat them, but at this moment, Tang Bai just wanted to hold Xie Ruhang.

He always felt that the Xie Ruhang in the book, who was silently licking his wounds, was missing such a hug.

No one has ever hugged him from the beginning to the end.

You can smell the blood on the tip of your nose, and it makes Tang Bai want to cry again, how much these wounds must hurt ......

Once again the little omega in her arms dropped silent tears, her thick eyelashes wet with tears, the ends of her eyes and the tip of her nose flushed with a haloed red.

Xie Ruhang's heart was almost full of tears, and the little beast in his heart was spitting bubbles as he picked up a handkerchief to wipe Tang Bai's tears.

Tang Bai didn't realise what a big problem he had created for Xie Ruhang, his emotions came and went quickly, and after a few moments of venting and crying, his mind gradually calmed down, Tang Bai sniffled and undressed Xie Ruhang with red eyes.

Xie Ruhang is relieved to see his little hands unbuttoning ...... Wait?

Xie Ruhang jerked Tang Bai's hand and said in a slightly muffled voice, "It's not appropriate here, is it?"

Tang Bai blinked blankly and said softly, "It's just a simple wound, it won't take much time."

Xie Ruhang: "......"

Tang Bai removes the medical kit, sees Xie Ruhang looking uncomfortable and cautiously asks, "What's wrong?"

Xie Ruhang: "...... Nothing."


Tang Bai gently undoes the buttons and sees that Xie Ruhang's abdomen is bruised and bruised, especially on the pale skin, which is so striking that it draws one's breath back.

"It doesn't really matter, it'll just take a few days to get better." Xie Ruhang said reassuringly.

Without a word, Tang Bai picked up the healing spray and sprayed it on the wound, holding back her tears and making Xie Ruhang think she had some incurable disease.

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