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Tang Bai lies under the covers, unable to sleep.

He knew that this was a normal reaction for an omega who had been marked for the first time, an uncontrollable dependence on the alpha that had marked him or her, and the higher the alpha level, the stronger that dependence would be.

Desire to be hugged, touched and kissed ......

With this intense longing and emptiness wrapped around him, Tang Bai turned on his light computer and hesitantly sent a message to Xiao Cheng: "Are you asleep?"

Career: "No, what's wrong?"

Not in love but in business: "Brother, I can't sleep."

Xie Ruhang, who had been lying in bed, sat up refreshed by this call, and asked in a voice so gentle that it could drip water, "Why can't you sleep, are you afraid?"

Qiu Yan, who was playing a game, looked up in horror at the sound of his voice and gave a ghostly look.

Brother Xie, what's wrong with you! Brother Xie, are you possessed?

Tang Bai, her hands and feet weak, hugged the pillow and said softly, "I'm not scared, I miss you."

Xie Ruhang was instantly struck by this unreserved "I miss you", and a silly smile appeared on his face, typical of people in love.

Tang Bai buried his face in the cushion with embarrassment as he smelt the indefinable smell of pheromones on the cushion.

Tang Bai's original pheromone was milky, and for as long as the temporary marker remained intact, his pheromone changed slightly depending on the alpha pheromone.

The elegant aroma of the tea neutralises the overly sweet and creamy aroma, finding the perfect balance of coolness and sweetness, which makes the tips of Tang Bai's ears flush when she thinks of the changes Xiao Cheng has brought to her body.

"Is it still hard for people?" Xie Ruhang had looked up the information and learnt that omega being injected with aphrodisiacs could cause some damage to the body, manifesting as drowsiness and easy drifting off, so he did not send a message to Tang Bai, afraid of disturbing Tang Bai's rest.


Smelling Xie Ruhang's scent, listening to Xie Ruhang's voice, Tang Bai was like a cat whose fur had been smoothed out, "I don't feel bad when I hear you talk, brother, will you read me a bedtime story? He rubbed against the cushion, his little face flushed as he exercised his boyfriend rights.

At this point even when Tang Bai wants to pick a star, a love-struck Xie Ruhang goes to find a ladder and tries to pick it, saying softly, "Yes."

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