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..........(づ •. •)?



At the sight of those wary grey-blue eyes, and at the half-eaten flesh of the worm, Qin Jun was dumbfounded.

This is ...... Did he eat it?

Just now he had lost his senses, his brain was consumed by endless hunger, and only now, when he was sober, did he realise that his hands and mouth were covered in the remains of insect flesh.

Reason told him that this was disgusting.

But the smell that Qin Jun's nose caught was so tantalizing, like the aroma of an omega, that his body was overwhelmingly satisfied with the flesh of the insects, every cell of his body smiling with insatiable satisfaction, a reaction of instinct that made Qin Jun's bones shiver.

Is it that thing?!

That thing affects his sanity?!

But he can't find where that thing is now, where did it get hidden?!

There was no foreign body sensation, it had left, it must have left, those people had told him at the beginning that once this thing matured down, it would leave of its own accord to complete its mission.

Qin Jun tried desperately to reassure himself, and in the midst of the wretched mess of worm meat, he argued, "I just wanted to try the taste of raw worm meat."

[? This isn't sashimi! Watching a live game makes me puke]

[Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!

[Qin Jun Couldn't have been parasitized by something strange, could it? A natural enemy of insects? The kind that eats insect flesh?

[I'm afraid I didn't get an adventure]

Maybe Qin Jun is the one who wants to eat the flesh of the worm.


Gu Tunan raised his energy gun, pointing it at Qin Jun, and said in a cold voice, "Show me your game panel."

Qin Jun's abnormal performance would require a trip to the hospital if it were in reality, but in the game it is simple, the game panel will expose the player's status in full.

Qin Jun's heart clicked, he didn't expect Gu Tunan to ask him for the game panel.

If he refused it would certainly look suspicious, and the man had told him that the thing was in the game ......

It's buggy.

The bug shouldn't be detected by the game, right?

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