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The first match against Imperial was an ugly loss, perhaps the most humiliating match Imperial Team has ever had.

The Empire and the Federation have always played the game of pushing the envelope, even if they lose the competition they can still redeem themselves in the high-end appearance, design connotations and names of their mechs.

Froggy, the widow, comes out of nowhere and jumps on the altar of Imperial mecha high-fashion, and if Chris wins, then he can only prove that Cajun, the god of the River Styx, is better than Froggy, the widow.

If Chris had tied, he would have told the crowd that the gods of the River Styx and the widowed frogs were half and half on the same level.

Both of the above do nothing to enhance the Cajun, which was designed by one of the Empire's leading mech builders, with several historians and aestheticians as advisors on the Cajun's appearance, and which was blown out of the water by the Empire's public upon its release, even using the name of the deity.

But the worst happened when Cajun, the god of the river Styx, lost.

Such a mecha that was sitting firmly at the top of the pile was defeated by a frog as a fly.

So the name Cajun became the biggest mockery of all.

The fact is that the Federation's mechs have a lot of black marks, their names are child's play, their shapes are child's play, and as long as the Empire is as aggressive as ever against the Federation, it will be able to steer public opinion in the right direction in no time.

But the harder the Empire stomped on the Federation at this time, the more it was slapping itself in the face. To save its honor, the entire Empire began to blow the widow Froggy, how wise and powerful Professor Wang was who designed it, and how young and talented Gu Tunan, the mech, was.

What are they going to say about Tang Bai.

Tang Bai made few changes to Lone Froggy, but each of them played a crucial role in this tournament, such as the use of improved mechanical vines, the frog shape, the name Lone Froggy and the final insulting kill move "Froggy eats flies".

This deviant omega has already created chaos in the Federation, is a destabilising element, a contrarian, and a far cry from the omega education propagated by the Empire.

Weighing the pros and cons, the Empire's top brass suddenly had a flash of inspiration and realised that they could deflect the conflict other than blowing the Federation hard!

Soon, there was a flurry of blackmail against Tang Bai.


#Tang Bai finds a new leg up after his own grandfather Tang Rong as he reveals the gold-plated oddities of the Federation's mech-building scene

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