Chapter 2

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"I'm Scott Hoying and the pleasure is all mine"

"Oh so gentlemanly and formal. So, tell me about yourself"

"Well, I am a singer in the band Pentatonix, I love Beyoncé, and I have a girlfriend named Maria"

"Wait hold up your in a band?? Acappela or regular band?"

"Acapella of course"

This guy is literally perfection! Hot and a singer woah! Breanna, stop he has a girlfriend!

"Let me guess you're the baritone?"

"Omg slay! How did you know?"

"Your voice, when you first started talking to me I knew you were a singer."

Scott and I kept on with our conversation for what felt like forever! He asked me about myself, we talked about him, and we played 20 questions to get to know each other. As he glanced down at his watch he told me we had been talking for more than an hour!

"I didn't even realize that we have been talking that long. I've just met you and i feel like we could definitely be friends. Also your friends sound so chill" I exclaimed.

"Here put your number in my phone "he said.

We traded phones and I put my number in. I put Breanna✌🏻️☕️ so he will always remember the crazy incident that happened today.

"It was very nice meeting you Scott"

"You too Breanna" he said as we walked out of the door

He started walking away when I realized that I still had his jacket.

"Scott wait!! Do you want your jacket back??"I said still chasing him down and almost running into him as he stopped abruptly.

"Keep it" he said "I feel like we will be meeting up very soon....."

"Thank you again for everything Scott"

"You mean for pouring coffee on you?" He said sarcastically as a smirk spread across his face.

"Well if that never would have happened I would have never had a conversation with a celebrity. My day went from zero to 100 real quick" I said winking as a smirk spread across my face.

"Goodbye Breanna" he said laughing

"Goodbye Scotty"

As I walked away I couldn't help but smile. I decided to go home and look up his band, and they are amazing! The harmonies are perfect and they take risks that most people wouldn't think of. I was on the computer until it was dark out and that's when my phone buzzed.
From:Scotty 👑
Hey Breanna
B- hey Scott! You never told me how amazing your band was! Your harmonies are perfect, the arrangements are on point, and the quality is amazing! Oh and you and Mitchie are hilarious!
S-looks like someone had a little Pentatonix marathon! You know a lot about music too. Do you sing?
B- I was in choir all throughout middle school and high school and I love theatre but I'm nowhere near as good as you guys!!
S- you should come over some time to Mitch and I's apartment. We were thinking about shooting a super fruit episode tomorrow if you wanted to come over?
B- that sounds amazing!! What time should I be over by?
S- noon would be good! See you tomorrow!

I turned off my phone and decided to take a midnight shower. I hopped out, threw on a sweatshirt and shorts and snuggled underneath the duvet. Looks like I have plans tomorrow, I thought as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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