Chapter 11

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Breanna POV
"Maria cheated on me" he said through sobs.

"Oh my gosh Scotty I'm so sorry" I said hugging him. He cried into my shoulder and we just sat there. I asked him if he wanted to tell me what happened.

"Well" he started as I wiped away a few of his tears. "I was going to surprise Maria, I bought flowers and chocolates to bring to her and everything. I got to her apartment, used the key she gave me and when I walked in I saw her making out with some guy. I dropped the presents and ran back to bus. Then you got here. Thank you for staying with me." Scott said breaking down into tears.

"Oh Scott I'm so sorry." I said starting to cry. "I hate to see you like this"

He laid his head on my lap and I played with his hair. He cried himself to sleep. I texted the band and told them that Scott fell asleep on my lap and that I don't want to wake him up so don't come to the back. I sat there just looking at Scott. Why would Maria hurt someone so amazing like Scott. I just can't believe Maria. She makes me so angry. That's when my phone buzzed.

Avi- what happened it's like 1 in the afternoon is he okay??
Breanna- Maria cheated on him. He cried himself to sleep on my lap, he asked me to stay with him. I feel so sorry for him. Maria is such a bitch.
Mitch- WHAT THE HELL?!?! How could Maria hurt my friend?!?
Avi- well actually she hurt more than just Scott........
Breanna- Avi......what are you doing?
Avi- do you guys remember when Breanna was in the hospital?
Breanna- Avi no.
Kirstie,Kevin,Mitch- yeah, what do you mean she hurt more than Scott, where are you going with this Avi
Avi- well Maria was the one that hurt Breanna..........
Breanna- you promised you wouldn't tell them Avi!
Kevin-why didn't you tell us that Maria was the one who hurt you?
Breanna- Maria made Scott so happy I couldn't ruin that relationship.......
Avi- you're too nice Breanna, she literally hurt you and you didn't say anything about it to anyone except for me.
Breanna- wait is Scott in this conversation...........
Breanna- shit someone needs to delete these messages off of his phone or he will find out that Maria hurt me
Mitch- no Breanna he needs to know...

Luckily today was an off day so we didn't have to worry about going through the stress of a show. They had a few interviews but they told them that Scott was sick. At about 4 Scott woke up and I suggested we go for some ice cream. After awhile of him just wanting to stay on the bus I convinced him to go get ice cream with me. By convincing I mean I tried to pull him off of the couch but ultimately failed.

Scott POV
I woke up on Breanna's lap and had a moment of forgetting. I forgot everything that had happened in the last 24 hours but only for a second. I sat up and was immediately hugged by Breanna. I hugged her back and she told me that we should go for ice cream. I really didn't want to go, but she really wanted me to. She even tried to pull me off the couch, luckily I'm stronger than her and managed to pull her back down on the couch.

Breanna POV
I was trying to pull Scott up from the couch when he pulled me back down on top of him. I fell onto Scott's lap and we both laughed. We sat there for awhile me on Scott's lap, my head on his shoulder and his arms around my waist.

"Scott, you don't need Maria. She doesn't deserve you, you are amazing, funny, talented and way better than Maria could ever be. You can find someone way better. Scotty I'm always here for you." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Thank you Breanna I haven't even known you for a year but you have always been there for me." Scott said pulling me closer to his chest.

"I will always be there for you no matter what" I said snuggling closer into his chest.

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