Chapter 5

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It's been about 2 weeks since I met Scott and Mitch. We have probably hung out everyday of those two weeks. I met Scott's girlfriend a few days ago and I have a feeling she doesn't like me at all....... I hope she doesn't hate me....Scott invited me over for movie night tonight with him and Mitchy! I'm so excited, movie night is always the best!

I made it to Scott and Mitch's apartment around 8 and was greeted immediately by both of my favorite guys. They both engulfed me in a huge hug that was so tight I could barely breathe. This was just a normal night with Scotland and Michelle.

"So what's the movie for tonight" I asked excitedly.

"Well I thought we would start off with a little bit of Rent" Scott said as he pulled the dvd from behind his back.

I ran up to him excitedly and pulled the dvd out of his hands "You remembered this was my favorite musical?" I asked as Scott nodded I noticed a slight shade of pink start to creep on to his cheeks.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on my tippy toes, as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Mitch walked into the room and went directly to the couch. On his way he told us to get our asses to the couch so we can watch this musical. I tried to let go of Scott to walk over to the couch but I was lifted off the floor and spun around a few times before I was thrown on to the couch, nearly landing on Mitch. Again just a normal night with Scotty and Mitchy.

Scott threw in the movie and walked over to the couch. While the commercials were rolling I called Scott and Mitch over for a selfie. Scott took my phone and they both snuggled in close. Scott planted his lips on my cheek and Mitch did the same. I posted it on to Instagram with the caption "movie night with these losers 😘😘"

Scott and Mitch did the same while tagging me, and my phone started blowing up with follower notifications. I stared at my phone in disbelief. "How am I getting this many followers?!?" I questioned but then soon remembered the picture on Scott and Mitch's Instagram and mentally face palmed.

"The power of being famous" Scott and Mitch said at the same time their voices dripping with sarcasm. I laughed and we all settled in to watch the musical. Scott and Mitch were on the ends of the couch and I was in the middle. Sometime throughout the musical I got uncomfortable so I turned and put my head on Scott's lap and curled my legs into a ball where I was sitting earlier. Lucky for me Scott didn't question it and just adjusted so we could both be comfortable.

We finished Rent and Scott had the option for the next movie. Of course he picked a scary movie, I mean I'm okay with scary movies but I would rather watch a Disney movie or something that won't terrify me for the rest of the night.

"I'm going to my room to scroll through Tumblr and then go to sleep" Mitch declared.

"No don't leave I need someone to hide behind when I get scared!" I begged.

"Hide behind Scott, I'm going to bed"

"Goodnight old man" I said with a giggle. Mitch walked to his room laughing. "And then there were two"

"Are you ready for poltergeist?" Scott questioned evilly.

"Ready as I'll ever be"I answered. He was about to press play when I asked him if I could borrow one of his sweatshirts and he of course said yes. He came out with his Beyoncé no angel sweatshirt, and I put it on over my shirt. We returned to our spots on the couch, me sitting in the middle and Scott sitting to the left of me. Scott started the movie and I placed my head on Scott's lap again and got ready for the terror that was about to begin. As the movie was about to begin I heard Scott's camera go off and looked up at him. We both laughed and I commented about his obsession of snapchat while he just denied it. I sat up in the middle of the movie because I was jumping so much. Right as I was sitting up, a huge jump scare happened and I literally jumped ten feet in the air and of course Scott got it on film and posted it strait to snapchat. So I decided that I would just lay my head back in Scott's lap. Now sometime throughout the movie I fell asleep on Scott's lap, I don't know how I fell asleep in the middle of that terror but I did.

Scott's POV(probably won't happen often)
The movie finished and I was about to stand up and take the movie out when I heard steady breathing coming from Breanna. She was asleep, I don't want to wake her up, she was so peaceful and adorable. I grabbed the blanket next to me and lightly placed it over Breanna. I grabbed a pillow for myself and slowly drifted to sleep.

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