Chapter 22

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Breanna POV
"I remember." I said looking over at Scott with tears in my eyes.

"Oh my god." He said hugging me tightly as I cried into his shoulder.

"Scott I didn't get to say this when we were at the party but I really want you to know... I have liked you for a really long time. You're funny, cute, and really amazing. You make me laugh when I'm down and I can't thank you enough for that." I said to Scott. We kissed right as everyone else walked in the door.

"Are we interrupting...?" Mitch said as we broke apart. I blushed and looked at the floor.

"No need to blush." Scott said lifting my face as I snuggled into his side. "Well I guess we should make the announcement." Scott mumbled.

"Well first of all I have my memory back!" I announced as everyone rushed over to me. I giggled as they created a group hug smashing me.

"Also, on New Year's Eve I asked Breanna to be my girlfriend and she said yes..." Scott said as everyone smiled.

"Finally, my god!" Mitch said laughing.

We all laughed and talked for the rest of the day until I was released from the hospital.

I went to the bathroom to change into the clothes that Aislyn brought for me. I slipped off my hospital gown and saw all of the bruises and cuts covering my body. I slipped on my We The Kings sweatshirt and black lace shorts. I slowly made my way to the floor and put on my blue converse. Aislyn knew my style that's for sure.

I threw my hair up in a messy bun and walked out of the bathroom. Scott was waiting for me.

"Ready?" Scott said as I slowly walked over. He looked at me and twisted my messy bun like a doorknob. I guess that's what I get for always stealing his SnapBack and ruffling his hair.

"Ready you dork." I said laughing as ruffling his hair.

We slowly started walking towards the door and I winced at the pain with every step.

"Here get on my back." Scott said squatting down so I could climb on.

"Thanks babe" I said wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he walked me to the cab with everyone else.

"Oh my gosh I totally forgot that tour starts in a few days." I said as I hopped off Scott's back and into the car.

"Actually we are going to go the bus now." Avi said I buckled my seatbelt.

I sat between Avi and Scott with Kevin sitting in the front seat.

"Mitch, Aislyn, and Bre are in the other cab." Kevin said turning around from the front seat to talk to us.

We all talked till we got to the bus.

"This bus is so nice!" Mitch's said as we stepped inside.

"Guys...." Kevin started to say. "We have one more person than we do bunks..."

"Oh...." Scott said.

"I can sleep in the back on the couch...I don't mind." I offered.

"No." Scott said. "Let's just share a bunk." He said.

"Okay cool." I said throwing my stuff in our bunk wincing at the pain. We got everything on the bus and started off for New Jersey.

"OMG LETS MAKE A FORT!" I screamed running to the back of the bus. Scott laughed and followed me as I grabbed blankets and pillows. We created our fort and I asked Scott what he wanted to watch.

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