Chapter 14

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Breanna POV
For the next few months we traveled around America. Through out the whole tour Scott and I got closer and closer. I think I may like him........ But why would he ever like me? I'm not as pretty as other people, I'm annoying, and not anywhere close to beautiful. We had our last show in Washington and road tripped back to Los Angeles. We stopped at random areas where we thought would be cool. We stumbled upon a lot of hidden forests, gardens and just all around beautiful areas. We took turns driving and once it was my turn to drive Scott became my co-pilot.

"Rules of co-piloting." I started "No sleeping because everyone else is and I can't deal with that, and singing is a priority." I said pulling out on to the highway.

"Sounds good to me!" Scott said laughing and turning on the radio and jamming out. We had dance parties, sang to our hearts content and had conversations.

It wasn't the usual conversations like how are you today, but it was the conversations you would have at midnight just questioning everything and anything you can.

We got back to the apartment at about midnight and I ran straight to my bed and fell asleep.

Scott POV
I've been hanging with Breanna a lot throughout the tour and I get this feeling in my stomach every time she is around. She is so amazing, and beautiful. She is so much fun to be around..... Do I like her?

Breanna POV
I woke up the next morning and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a granola bar and sat on the counter. Scott walked in moments later pestering a tired Mitch.

"Mitchy!!" Scott said whining.

"Scott my family loves you like a son but you can't come to our thanksgiving. I would love for you too but my parents are inviting people who we have never met before and she wants only family." Mitch said grabbing a granola bar and stomping back to his room.

"What was that all about?" I said confused.

"Well my parents are going on a cruise for thanksgiving so we aren't having family thanksgiving." He said slouching in his chair.

"Come to my house!" I said running over to him.

"I don't want to intrude." He said looking away.

"No you will be fine. Are your parents going to be home for Christmas because mine are going on vacation so we won't have family Christmas."

"Wait you will be alone on Christmas?!? That is unacceptable you will stay with my family for Christmas." Scott said walking purposefully to the table.

"So here is the plan" I started. "You will come to my house for thanksgiving and I will go to your house for Christmas."

"It's a date" he said smiling at me. "Breanna do you think you could help me with something?"

"Anything for you Scotty" I said smiling.

"I need to go shopping for a formal dinner I'm going to tonight. Will you come help me pick out a suit?"

"You know how much I hate shopping, but since I'll be with you I guess I could help you" I said laughing.

We drove to the mall and made our way to the men's wear store. We browsed around till I saw a perfect tuxedo for Scott.

"Scott, what about his one?" I said holding up a black tuxedo with a colorful tie.

"It's perfect" he said running to the dressing rooms. He is such a kid I thought to myself laughing.

"How do I look?" Scott said pretending to be a model.

"You look hot to trot." I said laughing. We bought the tux and we went back home. We watched YouTube till he had to leave.

Scott POV
I made it to the dinner and found my friends. I walked around the corner and saw Aislyn and Avi sitting at a table. They waved to me and I made it to my friends.

"Hey guys!" I said sitting down. I glanced at the end of the table and saw....... MARIA!! What do I do?!? I thought to myself.

"Hey Scott I thought you were bringing your girlfriend." My friend jake said.

"I am she is just running a bit late I should call her." I lied. I called Breanna as fast as I could.

Breanna POV
I was laying on the couch watching YouTube when my phone started ringing. Scott, I thought he was at the dinner.

S- Breanna you have to get down here right away!
B- woah Scott what's wrong?!?
S-Maria is here and she is with her date. She is apart of the group I'm with. I told them that I was waiting for my girlfriend who was running a bit late
B-Scott you don't have a girlfriend
S-but I do have a friend that is so amazing and would help me out anytime I need it.
B- okay fine let me get ready real fast and I'll be there in a bit.

I hung up the phone and grabbed my collared black dress and black pumps. I threw my hair up in an elegant (sort of) braided messy bun and added winged eyeliner and red lipstick. I put in my diamond earrings, grabbed my purse and was out the door.

Scott POV
"Scott I don't think you have met Alex before." Jake said pointing to the Maria's date.

"Hi I'm Alexander kirk." He said as Maria moved closer to him. That was the guy I walked in on Maria cheating on me with.

I shook his hand, hiding the anger I felt. That's when Breanna walked in. She was....breathtaking.

Breanna POV
I walked in the restaurant and walked over to Scott.

"You look stunning." Scott said while hugging me.

"Thanks babe" I said getting into character.

"Everyone this is my girlfriend Breanna." Scott said as we sat down.

"Hi it's nice to meet all of you." I said smiling at Scott's close friends.

"How did you guys meet" Maria asked. She must have been putting on a show as well.

"Well" I started. "I met Scott when he spilled his coffee all over me at Starbucks. We became really close friends and we had great times together. I was in a bad accident where his girlfriend beat me up and he had no clue that she was the one that did it so they kept dating until she cheated on him. I was there for him and we slowly started falling in love. One day during tour he kissed me on stage and we have been dating ever since." I said smiling at Scott as he grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined.

"And I fall more in love with her everyday" Scott said as I leaned my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head and the table gushed about how cute we were.

The dinner ended and we all walked outside.

"It was nice meeting you guys." I said and shivered as the wind picked up.

"Are you cold babe? Here take my jacket" Scott said handing me the tuxedo jacket. We walked to the car hand in hand. Scott opened my car door for me and I got in. He shut the door and made his way around the car.

"I can't believe that worked!" I said as we drove off.

"Well we are amazing actors." He said laughing.

"So what would you like to do now boyfriend." I said giving him a cheesy grin.

"How would you feel about a movie at home girlfriend." He said joining in the game.

"Sounds good to me" I said laughing.

We went home snuggled on the couch and watched a movie. Honestly I'm going to miss having Scott as a boyfriend even if it was just pretend.

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