Chapter 17

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Breanna POV
We had a wonderful thanksgiving and my parents asked me if I could babysit all of the children for a few days.

"Of course mom!" I said as she pulled her suitcase out of the door. All of the adults in the family and some friends were going on a quick vacation away from the kids. Wait.... We were supposed to go home a day before they get back.

"Scott" I yelled as I ran up the stairs.

Scott POV
"Scott" I heard Breanna yell as there was a knock on my door. I looked down and realized I didn't have a shirt on but told her to come in anyways.

Breanna POV
I walked into the room and saw a shirtless Scott standing next to his bed.

"Holy....hotness" I mumbled staring at his perfect abs.

"What was that?" He asked with a smirk. He knows what he is doing..... That loser.

"Nothing, um my mother asked me if I could watch all of the children and I said of course. But it goes past the day we are supposed to go home...." I said.

"We will just have to get a later flight." Scott said.

"We?" I questioned.

"Of course we." He said walking over and standing in front of me. "Did you really think I was going to just leave you?" He said pulling me into a hug.

"Well I thought you would want to get home..." I said as my head rested on his bare chest and my arms wrapped around his waist.

"Without you? No way!" He said laughing.

"Well the children will be arriving soon so get ready for a week of diaper changing and screaming children." I said walking down the stairs.

That's when the doorbell rang. Here we go...

Scott POV
All of the kids showed up and there was about 5 of them. There was Lilly a 7 month old baby, Jeremy a 2 year old little boy, Abby a 3 year old girl, Jenny a 3 year old girl, and Tim a 3 year old boy.

"Breanna the last kid is here" I yelled as I let the parent in. She kissed him goodbye and I brought him to the living room.

As I walked in I saw Breanna rocking Lilly in her arms and playing a game with the rest of the kids. As she placed Lilly into her crib for a nap she walked over to me.

"I'm going to go get some baby food from the store I'll take Tim and Abby can you distract Jenny, Jeremy and Lilly for me?" Breanna asked.

"Of course" I said kissing her on the cheek.

Breanna POV
I walked to the car holding Abby on my side with Tim next to me holding my hand and a huge smile on my face. He kissed me......yes it was in the cheek but maybe that means he likes me back.

I put Abby in her car seat and Tim got in his car seat and I buckled them both up. We drove to the grocery store and went to the baby food isle.

"Wait I don't know what Scott wants for dinner." I thought as I grabbed a lot of baby food.

Scott POV
I was occupying the kids with coloring books when my phone rang.

S- hello?
B- hey what do you want for dinner?
S- ummmm I don't know. A salad would be good.
B- okay I will grab some vegetables and other groceries.
S- we sound like an old married couple.
B- haha we do! Well I'll be home soon.

I hung up the phone and continued coloring with the kids.

A bit later I heard the garage door open as I was getting the kids into there seats. I filled their sippy cups with juice and placed them on their trays as Breanna walked in with all of the baby food.

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