Chapter 27

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Breanna POV
"Thank you Breanna. For everything. I really needed this." He said.

"Anytime Avi. Thank you for being there for me." I said leaning my head on his shoulder. 

"I'll always be here...." Avi said kissing me on the forehead.

I smiled as the Ferris wheel came to a screeching halt at the top.

"Oh gosh...." Avi said as a wave of nervousness washed over his face.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I'm just a bit afraid of heights." He mumbled.

I quickly placed my hand on top of his that was gripping the bar tightly. He hesitantly let go of the handle as our fingers intertwined. I smiled holding his hand tightly as he gripped my arm out of fear. He squeezed my hand tightly as we made our way around a few more times. As we stepped off the ride Avi still gripped my hand tightly.

"Avi you can let go now..." I said laughing as he held on tighter.

"I'll never let go!!" He yelled as I laughed.

"Okay fine..." I smiled as we walked towards our car.

"WAIT!!" I screamed pulling him towards the ocean. I slipped my converse and socks off placing them on the sand. I put my feet in the freezing ocean water. Avi stood next to me as we looked at the setting sun.

"Fuck it..." I said running further into the water and jumping in. I swam out further and saw Avi laughing. I waved and swam back quickly to him. I stepped out of the water dripping and shivering.

"Breanna you're freezing!!" Avi said grabbing my arms. "Here take this." He said draping his leather jacket over my shoulders. I slipped my arms inside as Avi wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

We got back to the car and drove to Avis apartment.

"Avi...... I don't have anything to wear since my clothes are soaked and I haven't gotten my stuff from My old apartment...." I said as we walked inside his apartment.

"You can borrow something of mine." He said shyly as he led me to his closet. "I'll leave you to it then..." He said awkwardly backing away.

I laughed at Avis awkwardness as turned to his closet. I peeled the wet clothing off of me and placed it in the hamper so I could wash it later. I kept my underwear on and grabbed one of Avis flannels. I slipped my arms into the flannel and buttoned it up. I buttoned the last one and looked at the shirt. It went down to about mid thigh and made sweater paws.

I walked back to the living room and plopped back on the couch next to avi. I leaned into his side as he wrapped his arms around my body that was rolled into a ball. We sat there in silence just enjoying each other's company. My eyes slowly closed as I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning still in Avis arms but as I glanced around there was another body sitting next to me. I started to scream as the person slammed their hand over my mouth.

"Breanna no." The person whispered as I realized it was aislyn. I sighed in relief and gave her an evil glare.

"Why would you scare me like that...?" I whispered not trying to wake avi up.

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