A bonus chapter 3 years later

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Wheeljack has no idea what to think when he wakes up the next morning. before even onlining his optics he recognizes that there's a bot beside him, thats definitely not his bonded. he shifts and finally onlines his optics mumbling. there's a bright yellow arm in his face.

"what the hell?" Wheeljack mutters, reaching up to grab the arm carefully.

"don't wake him." Ratchet growls lowly.

"huh? wake who?" Wheeljack asks, moving the arm carefully.

"the kid." Ratchet mutters. Wheeljack sits up slightly.

"Bumblebee?" Wheeljack asks confused.

"his nightmares came back. he came to me for help, climbed right over you." Ratchet snorts a little. "he laid here with us for a bit, but you never even woke up when he had a nightmare. I reuploaded the program. after it downloaded, he curled up in here between us to sleep." Ratchet mutters, shifting a little. the smaller mech has his head on his chest, sleeping soundly, but he's sprawled like he'd done as a sparkling, clutching part of Ratchets armor. his wrench is on the floor, forgotten in the mess of nightmares and haze of stasis. Wheeljack shifts a little.

"takes over more of the berth than us." Wheeljack mutters, pushing the smaller mechs leg off his own. the medic growls in warning at his bonded.

"you leave my sparkling alone." Ratchet glares. Wheeljack huffs.

"he's not-" Wheeljack starts.

"he will always be my sparkling." Ratchet warns, rubbing the smaller mechs head gently. Wheeljack looks over and chuckles. sprawled or not, Bumblebee is cuddled to Ratchet.

"you've gone soft." Wheeljack teases.

"shut your mouthplates, I still haven't forgiven you for your nasty comment about it being my fault he got taken." Ratchet warns. Wheeljack winces. "or you leaving him on the ground in front of Grimlock." Ratchet glares.

"I haven't either." Bumblebee mutters, shifting to curl up against Ratchet. both bots look down at him. the medic rubs the side of the smaller mechs head gently, before pushing at him a little.

"morning. get off." Ratchet says. Bumblebee grumbles and hugs him tighter. the medic grumbles, but hugs him. "there, now get up." Ratchet mutters, pushing the smaller off so he can sit up. Bumblebee stretches and shoves himself up, propelling himself over Wheeljack and onto the floor.

"thanks grump." Bumblebee mutters stretching.

"how many times did he get up last night?" Wheeljack ask.

"a few, why?" Ratchet ask. Wheeljack frowns a little, showing him the streaks of yellow on his legs from where the scout had climbed over him repeatedly. the medic laughs and gets up. "come on, I'll fix it." he snorts.

Bumblebee races off down the hall, its early and he knows one bot that'll be awake and happy to see him, well happy as long as Jazz wasn't there.

he races off to Prowls room, entering as quietly as he can. Prowl and Jazz are meditating. the mech grins and runs at Prowl as fast as he can. he's not even attempting to be quiet.

"if you do that I'll send you to Primus my-" Prowl starts. he's tackles hard onto the floor, Bumblebee grinning down at him. he giggles a little and Prowl huffs. "I hate when you do that." he frowns.

"nah." Bumblebee laughs.

"don't you have anyone else to bother?" Prowl asks.

"nope." Bumblebee grins, dropping his head against the ninjas chest. he laughs a little.

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