Chapter 1

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It had been nearly a month since Bumblebee had reunited Ratchet, his creator, and Wheeljack, Ratchets bonded. that hadn't stop the Decepticons from their predictable once a week attacks. Bumblebee shook his head as he was getting higher and higher on the ladder. he had to get to the top of the building and get the allspark fragment asap. just as he got to the top, he heard Starscream shout.

"you really want to play Prime!? lets play! fire!" Starscream shouted, holding the prime up in front of his latest weapon. the weapon started up on his command.

"Prime!" Bumblebee shouted. he ran full speed off the building and jumped in front of Optimus, just as the weapon fired. instead of killing Bumblebee, like Starscream had wanted, the scout began shrinking as he fell through the air. shocked, Starscream dropped Optimus. the Prime yelped and nearly landed on his face plates.

"Bumblebee!" Ratchet shouted. his speed surprised everyone as he raced forward and dived to catch his son. he heaved a sigh of relief and slowly got up.

"what happened to him?" Bulkhead ask. Ratchet simply ignored him and held Bumblebee to his chestplates, looking him over carefully.

"I had no idea you could move that fast." Starscream muttered. Ratchet ignored him and looked the scout over. the scout was quiet, almost seeming confused. he didn't appear to be hurt. Starscream took the distraction to his advantage and grabbed the allspark fragment, leaving quickly. the Autobots raced over to Ratchet.

"Ratchet is he okay?" Optimus ask.

"what happened?" Prowl frowned. Ratchet heaved a sigh of relief and put Bumblebee on the ground. immediately they were all on alert, he chirped quietly and hugged Ratchets leg.

"thats what happened." Ratchet said. they stared at Bumblebee, who watched them all nervously, still clinging to the medic.

"what happened to him?" Sari ask poking around Bulkhead.

"he looks like, a sparkling." Prowl commented.

"whats that?" Sari ask curiously.

"Cybertronian babies." Ratchet said. Sari walked over to him.

"he's so little, I'm bigger than him." Sari said. he chirped loudly and held tighter to Ratchet.

"lets get back to the base." Optimus sighed. they nodded and transformed. Ratchet popped open his door for the sparkling.

"get in." Ratchet said. he chirped, turning his head and crossing his arms. "don't argue get in." Ratchet said. Bumblebee did his best to climb in, but eventually Prowl gave him a servo. Ratchet closed the door and followed the rest. "just don't touch anything." Ratchet said.

"whats with all the weird sounds?" Sari ask.

"sparkling chatter." Optimus said.

"you guys make some weird sounds for baby talk." Sari said.

"well what do humans sound like?" Optimus ask.

"we mostly scream when we're babies." Sari shrugged.

"how unappealing." Ratchet grumbled. Bumblebee stood and looked out his window, chirping and pointing at Bulkhead. "sit down Bumblebee." Ratchet warned.

"strap him in." Sari suggested.

"I plan to. the roads up here are awful and he's going to get flung around." Ratchet mumbled. he wrapped the seat belt around Bumblebee, but the sparkling unbuckled it immediately. "sit back down Bumblebee." Ratchet said. he hit a bump, harder than he meant to, and there was a thump.

"what was that?" Optimus ask.

"he fell face first into the floor boards." Ratchet said, sounding slightly amused. Bumblebee screamed loudly and the medic swerved. "oh that didn't hurt. knock it off." Ratchet said.

"Ratchet is everything okay?" Optimus ask.

"yeah he's fine." Ratchet said. the rolled up to the base and transformed. immediately Bumblebee stopped screaming, sitting in Ratchets servo. "see told you." Ratchet said.

"so... what do we do with him?" Sari ask curiously.

"we try to fix him, but for now we need to set up and sparkling proof the base. Ratchet do you still have an old sparkling energon formula anywhere?" Optimus ask. Ratchet frowned slightly. "no but I'll send a message out to Wheeljack. he'll know it." Ratchet said. Optimus nodded. Ratchet sat Bumblebee down and headed for the medbay. the sparkling stood there staring at the other four, before chirping loudly in distress, following Ratchet. Optimus was quick to scoop him up.

"he'll be back soon." Optimus assured. Bumblebee wiggled and squirmed trying to get him to put him down, when he didn't get his way, he screamed loudly. Prowl walked over and took him silently, rubbing a small circle gently on the back of his helm while cradling him. Bumblebee chirped quietly and cuddled him.

"making him scream doesn't help anything." Prowl frowned. Optimus nodded.

"we'll need to get started on making the base safer for him." the Prime said. "we'll start setting up. Prowl you and Sari just stay with Bumblebee, keep him out of trouble." he said. Prowl frowned, but carried Bumblebee off. Sari followed.

"where are you taking him?" Sari ask.

"my room." Prowl replied. he opened the door and motioned for Sari to enter. the room was pretty empty except a berth, the tree, a hang in there poster, and a closet on the other side of the room. it looked pretty lonely and sad in Sari's opinion.

"your room is so bland." Sari said, sounding sad.

"I keep things put away due to the animals I allow in here. it's the safest place for Bumblebee at the moment." Prowl said, putting the sparkling down. Bumblebee was slightly calmer, but clearly nervous of Sari.

"why is he so shy?" Sari ask. Prowl shrugged.

"I'm not his creator or his carrier. you'd have to ask Ratchet that, but I'm not sure he'd be able to give you an answer since Bumblebee was one of the sparklings that had been attacked and kidnapped by the Decepticons in the war." Prowl said.

"what?" Sari ask.

"Decepticons attacked daycares. they stole sparklings and younglings. Bumblebee was one they stole, he was lucky enough to escape but thats why he didn't remember Ratchet." Prowl explained.

"but why be scared of me?" Sari ask.

"he probably doesn't remember you since he doesn't really seem to remember anyone other than Ratchet." Prowl said. he sat down to watch Bumblebee.

"he likes you." Sari frowned. Prowl frowned a little and looked at Bumblebee.

"I'm not sure why." Prowl said. the sparkling ran over and clung to him watching Sari.

"its okay Bee." Sari said walking over.

"why is Bumblebee so scared?" Ratchet grumbled loudly through the coms.

"he's weary of Sari. he'll be fine." Prowl assured. Bumblebee held onto Prowls arm. "it's alright Bee. just relax. its just Sari." Prowl said.

"so what do baby versions of you guys play with?" Sari ask.

"we'd have to go get him something to play with. something large enough he couldn't shove into his mouth but small enough he could pick up." Prowl said.

"okay! lets go!" Sari grinned.

"Sari we'd have to take him with us and I can't put a sparkling on a motorcycle." Prowl said. Sari nodded slightly. Bumblebee clicked and chirped at Prowl, hugging him. "what?" Prowl ask. Bumblebee chirped again.

"whats he saying?" Sari ask curiously.

"I don't know. I don't speak sparkling anymore, I haven't since I was a sparkling." Prowl said. Sari nodded slightly. Bumblebee whimpered and pulled on Prowls arm. "what?" Prowl ask. Bumblebee clicked and chirped, pulling on his arm. "what?" Prowl ask getting up. Bumblebee pulled on his servo and Prowl sighed following him. Bumblebee whimpered looking around.

"he's looking for something." Sari said. Prowl knelt down.

"are you looking for your creator?" Prowl ask. Bee whimpered. Prowl scooped him up gently and headed for the medbay.

"his what?" Sari ask.

"Ratchet." Prowl said. he walked into the medbay and Ratchet looked up annoyed.

"what?" he glared. Prowl held up Bumblebee.

"he wants you." Prowl said. Bumblebee whimpered. Ratchet walked over and sighed, taking him from Prowl. Bumblebee cuddled up to him and sniffled, clicking. Ratchet held him and sighed. "okay I'm almost done." Ratchet said putting him down on a nearby med berth. Prowl grabbed Sari and walked off. Bumblebee sat on the berth and watched his creator quietly. "I'm not going any where kid." Ratchet said looking over. Bumblebee gave him a sad look and the medic sighed. "alright. alright. I was done anyway." he muttered walking over and scooping him up. he chirped happily and curled up against him. he headed out of the medbay and into the living room.

"we're done baby proofing the base. now what?" Sari ask.

"now we go about our day." Ratchet shrugged. he sat down and Bumblebee cuddled up to him, chirping. "I'm not holding you while I'm sitting down you'll be fine." Ratchet said. Sari climbed up beside the sparkling.

"hi Bee." she smiled. Bumblebee immediately got up, chirping and clinging to Ratchet.

"what are you doing. stop it's just Sari." Ratchet frowned. he whimpered until the medic moved him when he started clicking in distress. he put the sparkling down on his other side and rubbed one of the horns on the side of his head. he chirped quietly and leaned into it, watching Sari wearily.

"he's not very friendly like this." Bulkhead frowned, watching him. Ratchet gave a frown, thinking quietly.

"from what I remember he was just the same as a sparkling as he usually is, but I don't know what all he remembers. he could remember being held prisoner." Ratchet said.

"he liked Prowl, but only when you weren't out here." Sari said.

"Prowl has a calming feeling around him. sparklings are good at sensing that stuff." Ratchet said.

"but he seems fine with you." Sari said. Ratchet shot her a nasty look.

"thats because I am calm." Ratchet hissed. Bumblebee giggled and hugged him. Optimus looked up when something went off.

"Sentinel." Optimus sighed heading for the screen. Ratchet stood. he turned to Bumblebee.

"stay here with Prowl. I'll be back." Ratchet said. Bumblebee looked over at him hesitantly. "you'll be fine." Ratchet said patting his head. he reached for him and whimpered. "stay with Prowl." Ratchet repeated, leaving the room. he immediately climbed off the couch and went after Ratchet as fast as he could. Prowl walked after him, not intent on grabbing him but distracting him and leading him somewhere else.

"Bumblebee don't go to the medbay." Prowl called following him. if he was lucky, Bumblebee wouldn't remember how to get to the medbay. when the sparkling screamed, Prowl immediately raced after him. "Prime put him down!" Prowl said walking over. Bumblebee practically jumped to Prowl and whimpered.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize anyone knew where he was." Optimus said.

"I was following him, trying to keep this from happening." Prowl said. he turned and carried Bumblebee back to the living room.

"look! he can play with this!" Sari grinned tossing Prowl a ball. it was roughly the size of a bowling ball and the ball was pretty hard, but it bounced.

"that should keep him entertained for a few minutes." Prowl frowned, handing it to him. "and it feels thick enough he can't, hopefully, chew on it and pop it." Prowl added. Bumblebee held the thing looking utterly confused.

"didn't you guys have bouncy balls on Cybertron?" Sari ask.

"sort of. he's probably just never seen one." Prowl said putting him down. he looked up at Prowl, who took the ball and bounced it once, then handed it back. Bumblebee bounced it and squealed happily. he played quietly until Ratchet came back. he didn't even wait for the medic to sit down he just ran over and threw his arms up, whining. Ratchet picked him up without question and the sparkling purred curling up. he yawned and slowly slipped into stasis.

"it is getting pretty late." Optimus commented. "lets get some stasis." Optimus ordered.
everyone headed on their way to bed, Ratchet stopping to put Bumblebee in his own room, locking the door open. he laid Bumblebee down and left the room. Ratchet headed to the medbay, calling Wheeljack on the screen. his bonded answer more excited than normal.

"where is he?" Wheeljack grinned.

"stasis." Ratchet replied. "I called you for help to get him back to normal." Ratchet said. Wheeljack pouted at him.

"but Ratch." Wheeljack pouted. Ratchet sighed and looked down.

"I thought I put you to bed." Ratchet muttered bending down to scoop him up. Bumblebee cuddled him looking tired.

"he's so little!" Wheeljack grinned.

"yes Jack, he's a sparkling." Ratchet rolled his optics and took Bumblebee back to bed. he came back sighed.

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