Chapter 2

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"this is the perfect opportunity Ratchet. he went missing before you had a chance with him. maybe don't rush to get him back to..." Wheeljack trailed looking behind the medic. Ratchet turned and sighed, scooping his son back up and taking him back to bed. Ratchet laid Bumblebee down on his berth. he was getting upset now, immediately following Ratchet with a whimper. the medic sighed and turned around, scooping him back up.

"no Bee. bed time." Ratchet said laying him down. "stay right here. don't get up again or I'll lock the door." Ratchet warned. he headed back to the medbay. "I'll call you tomorrow and we'll work on this Jack." Ratchet sighed.

"alright. love you." Wheeljack murmured.

"love you too Jack." Ratchet said hanging up. he laid down and powered off his optics. he winced slightly and muttered in confusion, rubbing his chest plate. he shook his head and shifted on the berth. he froze, something was seriously wrong with Bumblebee. he jumped out of his berth and headed quickly to Bumblebee's room. he could hear the screaming as he got closer and he raced over. Prowl was already knelt beside Bumblebee looking worried. the sparkling was screaming and holding the sides of his head. "what happened?" Ratchet ask. Prowl shrugged.

"I'm only in here because I heard him screaming." Prowl said. Ratchet knelt down beside him and scooped up the sparkling.

"hold on kid." Ratchet said. he was in pain, Ratchet could feel that. he carried him quickly to the medbay, Prowl following. Ratchet laid him down on the medical berth gently. "let me see, move your servos." Ratchet said, trying to be gentle.

"can't you put him into stasis?" Prowl ask. Ratchet nodded and put him into stasis. Prowl stepped back and looked at Ratchet. "now what?" Prowl ask.

"he was actually hurting. probably something under his helm." Ratchet said, gently prying the cover off. Prowl nodded and sat aside to watch silently. Bumblebee had honestly taken a liking to him like this and Prowl really didn't hate the younger, he was just more annoyed with him. he decided to meditate, if Ratchet needed him the medic knew how to get his attention. he realized he must've completely zoned out when he heard Ratchet sigh. he onlined his optics and stood in time to see the medic replacing the sparklings helm gently.

"well?" Prowl ask curiously.

"he some how managed to bust an energon line that led to his audio sensors." Ratchet replied. he frowned. "and he had some damage to the other side... it was pretty stubborn, as though it had been there a while." Ratchet frowned. Prowl frowned with him.

"as in, before he was like this." Prowl said. Ratchet nodded slightly and watched as the sparkling slowly onlined. he whimpered and held his head. he was scared and the medic felt it.

"Bee?" Ratchet ask. the sparkling didn't move. Ratchet snapped his fingers towards the sparkling, but received no acknowledgement. he frowned and gently pried the helm cover back off. Prowl watched curiously as the medic heaved a sigh and fiddled with something. "I forgot to flip the little switch to allow energon back to his audio receptors." Ratchet grumbled. Prowl nodded slightly. the sparkling squirmed, clearly uncomfortable. "is that better?" Ratchet ask looking at him. Bumblebee looked up at him and Ratchet nodded to himself. he replaced his helm and scooped him up gently.

"so the damage to his audios, how possible is it he was partially deaf?" Prowl ask curiously. Ratchet frowned, as though he hadn't thought about.

"with the damage to it, and no doubt there had to have been significant damage to the other side, its very likely. it's possible had he taken a bad hit to the head as a mech, he'd have destroyed his hearing. which is completely fixable, but only if I could get my servos on the parts. thankfully a sparklings are more flexible and I could just patch it up." Ratchet explained. Prowl nodded. Bumblebee sat up and looked at Ratchet. "better?" Ratchet smiled at him. he immediately purged.

"ew." Prowl said stepping back. Ratchet grimaced and frowned.

"well if you weren't better then you probably are now." Ratchet chuckled softly. he sniffled and cuddled to his creator, clinging to him. 

"is he going to be okay?" Prowl ask. Ratchet nodded at him.

"he'll be okay. go on back to your room. I'll keep the kid in here for the night." Ratchet said. Prowl nodded at him and rubbed Bumblebee's helm gently, heading back to his room. Bumblebee chirped. "no little one. it is time for you to get some stasis." Ratchet said heading for his room. Bumblebee yawned at him and Ratchet chuckled. "I agree kiddo." he murmured and headed for his room. he laid down with the sparkling and held him tightly.

*next morning*

Ratchet walked into the living room, holding his sleeping sparkling.

"how did he do last night?" Prowl ask.

"he did find after a bit. he squirmed a bit before he finally managed to settle down and I ain' waking the kid." Ratchet chuckled quietly. Prowl nodded and smiled.

"what happened last night?" Bulkhead ask.

"Bumblebee had an accident and I spent a few hours working on him. he's fine now." Ratchet explained. Sari ran over.

"have you found a way to fix him yet?" she ask.

"Wheeljack and I are working on it, but it could be a while. neither of us have ever seen anything like this before." Ratchet frowned slightly looking at his sparkling. 

"Autobots theres a Cybertronian ship headed for Earth." Optimus warned.

"Autobot?" Sari ask curiously.

"it identifies as Autobot, but we haven't been able to get a com through." Optimus said."I spent all morning trying." Prowl frowned. "it should land any time now." Prowl added. Bumblebee shifted and sat up rubbing his optics. he chirped at Ratchet before trying to climb down. the medic had an odd look on his face.

"Ratchet? are you okay?" Bulkhead ask. the medic sighed slightly.

"don't worry, I know who it is." Ratchet mumbled. Bumblebee struggled to get down, chirping excitedly. "I know kid. I know." Ratchet said holding him.

"whats wrong with him?" Sari ask.

"he knows who it is too. he can feel it." Bumblebee said. Prowl raised an optic ridge.

"Wheeljack." Prowl said. Ratchet nodded at him.

"but I thought Bumblebee said he and Wheeljack weren't related?" Sari ask curiously.

"they aren't. he's like a step parent." Ratchet said. "but the three of us share a family bond so he can feel Wheeljack just as much as he feels me." Ratchet explained. "he just has to be close enough for us to feel it." Ratchet added as they heard the sound of a ship landed. Bumblebee chirped and squirmed, trying to get down.

"Wheeljack watch out."

Ratchet commed his bonded before putting Bumblebee down. he squealed and toddled outside, the medic and team following behind. the ship door opened and Wheeljack stepped out. immediately the sparkling hugged his leg and Ratchet chuckled amused.

"aren't you just the cutest fragging little sparkling I've ever seen?" Wheeljack cooed scooping him up and cuddling him. Bumblebee chirped excitedly and looked over at Ratchet.

"I know kid. I see." Ratchet shook his head amused. his bonded smiled back and looked the team over.

"Optimus Prime." Wheeljack smiled walking over to shake his servo. Prime smiled and nodded shaking his.

"Wheeljack." Optimus smiled. "long time old friend." he smiled.

"last time I saw you, me and Ratch were putting your arm back on." Wheeljack laughed. Prime nodded and chuckled.

"hard headed young academy bot." he chuckled. Wheeljack looked at the other two.

"Prowl. Bulkhead." Wheeljack nodded. Prowl gave him a slight smile.

"hi." Bulkhead waved. Wheeljack looked down as he walked over.

"and Sari." Wheeljack smiled. Sari looked surprised.

"you know my name?" Sari ask curiously.

"of course! Ratchet tells me a lot about you guys when he's fragged off." Wheeljack smirked. Ratchet shoved him and glared. Bumblebee chirped angrily at his creator and hugged Wheeljacks chest plate.

"don't chirp at me like that." Ratchet huffed. he motioned for Wheeljack to follow him to the medbay. "my rooms that way." Ratchet said.

"of course you sleep in a room connected to the medbay." Wheeljack chuckled. he yawned slightly.

"go make yourself at home 'Jack." Ratchet smiled at him slightly. Bumblebee whined and cuddled him.

"okay little one, you can come too." Wheeljack smiled, holding him. "you gonna come lay with us Ratch?" Wheeljack ask. the medbay doors opened and Optimus walked in.

"yeah sure, give me a nanoclick." Ratchet said. Wheeljack nodded and carried Bumblebee towards Ratchets room. Wheeljack smiled as he walked into Ratchets room, it looks the same way all the medics rooms always looked. messy, disorganized, paper work and data pads all over the floor, half empty energon cubes laying around.

"your creator likes to think he's not as stressed as he usually is." Wheeljack chuckled, setting Bumblebee down on the berth and started cleaning. Bumblebee chirped and Wheeljack smiled at him, kissing his head. he smiled at the semi cleaned room, it looked better than it had before. "ready for a nap?" Wheeljack ask. Bumblebee yawned again and reached for him pitifully. he smiled and scooped the sparkling up, laying down until he paused. he could hear Ratchet yelling, there was a few loud crashes, and it suddenly got silent. Bumblebee cried loudly and Wheeljack could hear Ratchet stomping silently towards the room. his bonded was pissed. the door opened and Ratchet walked in. "Ratch?" Wheeljack ask. Ratchet walked over and took Bumblebee, trying to calm him.

"its alright little one. I'm sorry." Ratchet soothed him gently.

"Ratch what happened?" Wheeljack ask.

"nothing. it's fine 'Jack, I'm fine." he assured. he laid beside his bondmate. Bumblebee sniffled and chirped tearfully. Wheeljack didn't seem so sure, but nodded and cuddled him. he had missed his bondmate dearly and he didn't want to waste what little time they had together. he hugged Ratchets side and cuddled him, head resting on the medic's shoulder, faceplates right beside Bumblebee. the sparkling reached out and patted his faceplates, giggling quietly. the inventor smiled at him.

"its been a long time since we laid like this, especially with a sparkling." Wheeljack said. Ratchet smiled slightly.

"yeah, did you ever find out what happened to her?" Ratchet ask. Wheeljack shook his head. 

"no. but she's out there somewhere, probably fighting in a war that wasn't her fight. just a sparkling sparked into a war that wasn't hers to fight." he mumbled. Bumblebee sat up and chirped.

"lay back down sparkling." Ratchet said running his hand gently down his back. immediately he purred and laid back down curling up.

"Prime was pissed I'm here isn't he?" Wheeljack ask. Ratchet frowned slightly.

"thinks we're trying to play family." Ratchet grumbled. "doesn't seem to realize, we are family. you're just here to help fix Bumblebee." he explained. Wheeljack nodded and held him tightly.

"its okay Ratch." Wheeljack murmured, nuzzling him. the medic gave him a small smile.

"get some rest Jack." Ratchet smiled. Wheeljack nodded and nuzzled him again. Ratchet pulled him closer gently, holding his family. after a bit, when his bonded and sparkling were asleep, Ratchet let himself power down for a nap as well.

*a little while later*

Wheeljack shifted and onlined his optics, Ratchet was snoring quietly. he smiled and looked down at the medics chestplates to look at Bumblebee, but the sparkling was gone.

"Bumblebee?" Wheeljack ask, getting up to look around. "Bumblebee?" Wheeljack called again louder. Ratchet shifted.

"hmm? Jack?" Ratchet ask.

"Bumblebee's gone." Wheeljack said sounding panicked.

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