Chapter 12

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"alright kid you win." Ratchet murmured, getting up. he walked over to the door and opened it. Wheeljack looked up, almost relieved. "don't look at me like that. you're not the reason I opened the door." Ratchet said, shifting the sparkling. Bumblebee looked at Wheeljack and squealed reaching for him. the inventor slowly stood and took the sparkling with a small smile. Ratchet turned and went back to his room. Wheeljack knew the only reason he wasn't locked out again was because he had Bumblebee. the sparkling chirped quietly at Wheeljack, giving the inventor a dirty look.

"I'm trying kid." Wheeljack muttered quietly. he walked over and sat beside Ratchet. "Ratchet-" Wheeljack started.

"stop. you've made your point." Ratchet huffed. Wheeljack was slightly confused, until he realized he could feel his bondmate and the sparkling. more so the sparkling than Ratchet. Ratchets side of the bond was as silent as it used to be right after Wheeljack first bonded him. it hurt a little, but Wheeljack knew it was just his bondmate trying to get his emotions back under control. he could feel the confusion from the sparkling, who suddenly couldn't feel anything from his creator. he whined quietly at the medic, shifting.

"it getting pretty late. he's probably getting tired." Wheeljack said.

"he's fine." Ratchet said. there was a hesitant knock on the medics door. both looked up, Jazz seemed uneasy but smiled at them. "are you hurt?" Ratchet muttered, ready to get up.

"no. uh, Sari wants t' know if ya two are goin' t' join us fer movie night?" Jazz ask.

"for what?" Wheeljack ask.

"yeah." Ratchet said, getting up. he took the sparkling, scooping up the sparklings opened cube, and headed for the living room. Wheeljack looked confused, but got up. he followed the white ninja confusedly.

"whats movie night?" Wheeljack ask. Jazz shrugged.

"dunno. but the Earth team seems t' know what it is." Jazz shrugged slightly. they headed to the living room where the team was already sitting around waiting for the little girl to start the movie.

"there you two are." Sari huffed. she grinned. "it's October! so that means it's spooky season! this months movie, is a horror movie." Sari grinned.

"horror movie?" Wheeljack ask.

"the scariest of scary. the goriest of gory. the creepiest of creepy!" Sari giggled. she paused and looked at Bumblebee, who sat in Ratchets lap gnawing on the medics finger. "uh... I forgot about him being like this... do you think he'll be okay?" Sari ask. Ratchet opened his mouth to speak, but Wheeljack interrupted.

"yeah. I'm sure he'll be fine." Wheeljack said. Ratchet shot him a dirty look. "look it can't be that bad. right?" Wheeljack ask. Ratchet didn't answer. the wrecker had never seen a horror movie or how chicken Bumblebee was. the medic decided it wouldn't be himself that had to deal with the terrified sparkling tonight. Wheeljack wanted to take the choice from him, fine he could deal with it.

"okay." Sari nodded, starting the movie. the sparkling whined and squirmed in Ratchets lap, until the medic sat him up. he was afraid if he let go of the sparkling he'd go running around and keep the others from enjoying the movie. he screamed reaching for his wrench, beside his cube.

"knock it off kid." Ratchet grumbled, handing him the wrench. he was rewarded with a smack to the leg from said sparkling. "I'll take that wrench and beat you upside the head with it." Ratchet warned. the sparkling giggled and the medic huffed. "fragger." he muttered.

"don't curse at the sparkling." Wheeljack said.

"hush, we're watchin'." Jazz said. Ratchet rolled his optics and eventually gave the sparkling his cube, hoping to settle him down. the movie, dumb as ever, was unimpressive to the medic. too much blood, no human had that much blood in them. he'd done scans, it was impossible. to his knowledge human heads didn't turn all the way around like that, but he certainly hadn't looked into it, he'd have to eventually. he certainly knew that humans didn't float like the girl in the movie, but the others seemed to enjoy it, even the sparkling in his lap. maybe Wheeljack was right, maybe he was babying the sparkling too much. the sparkling sucked down the cube quietly, watching the movie, slowly falling into recharge. Wheeljack leaned against Ratchet's shoulder and yawned slightly. he nuzzled the medics shoulder, watching the movie happily. Ratchet muttered slightly and shrugged him off.

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