Chapter 11

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"he cried to Wheeljack." Ratchet muttered, walking over to sit on one of the chairs.

"I offered to help him up." Jazz huffed.

"he wanted Wheeljack to help him. he's stubborn." Ratchet shrugged. he watched the sparkling run back and forth across the couch and the two ninja's sitting on it. it was easy to see the two were losing their patience with the little sparkling, even if Jazz kept calling his behavior cute.

"sit down Bumblebee." Prowl said. the sparkling squealed and kept going, back and forth. giggling and chirping. he tripped on Jazz when the ninja moved, but got up quickly.

"can ya please sit?" Jazz ask. he giggled, shaking his head, and ran back and forth. Ratchet looked over.

"sit." Ratchet ordered. immediately the sparkling sat where he'd previously stood, giving a wide optic and innocent look over at his creator. Prowl shifted the sparkling in his lap gently. he chirped sheepishly at Ratchet.

"finally. he was makin' me dizzy." Jazz said. he teethed on his wrench for a few minutes before getting up, jumping out of Prowls lap, and running off. Ratchet sighed slightly. "kids got more energy than he knows what t' do with." Jazz said.

"yeah. he's always like that." Ratchet muttered. Prowl nodded in agreement. there was a thump and the three got up quickly. Ratchet walked quickly towards the sound only to stop and chuckle, immediately relaxed.

"Ratchet?" Prowl ask.

"he crashed." Ratchet said, sounding amused and smiled. the other two walked over and smiled as well. Bumblebee had fallen asleep, while running it appeared, and just laid where he'd landed. face first in the floor, cuddling his wrench. Ratchet shook his head and scooped him up gently, carefully, trying not to wake him. Bumblebee curled up against his windshield and slept silently. he headed for the medbay, he had work to do now that he was asleep. he laid the little sparkling on a berth and started to get to work. he wasn't sure how long he worked before Wheeljack put a hand on his shoulder. Ratchet immediately jumped, swinging around with his wrench in his servo. he paused and let out a breath. "Jack! what the frag?" Ratchet glared.

"sorry. you've been working a bit. thought you might need a cube." Wheeljack murmured, holding a cube out. Ratchet sighed slightly and nodded, taking the cube.

"thanks Jack." Ratchet smiled. he sipped from the cube and smiled at Wheeljack. Wheeljack smiled at him and turned to look at the little sparkling.

"knock him out?" Wheeljack ask.

"nah. he did that himself." Ratchet mused. Bumblebee shifted some and yawned, but didn't wake. the two watched him a moment, a soft smile one Ratchets faceplates. it was nice to see him so relaxed.

"I like seeing you so happy." Wheeljack mumbled, hugging his side. Ratchet smiled at him and kissed his head, pulling him to his side. he held the inventor gently.

"I haven't felt this happy in a long time Jack. thank you." he mumbled. Wheeljack nuzzled his neck and stepped back.

"can we all go lay down for a bit?" Wheeljack ask.

"yeah okay. let me get the kid." Ratchet said, walking over. he gently scooped up the sparkling, who squirmed a little and whined. he peeked quietly at the medic, giving him a dirty look, before curling up and falling back asleep. Ratchet ran a servo gently down his back and kissed his head. "I didn't mean to wake you up." he murmured. the sparkling whined quietly at him and cuddled him. Wheeljack grabbed onto Ratchet and pushed him towards their shared room. Ratchet smiled and let himself be moved into the room. he laid on the berth beside the wall, letting Wheeljack lay beside him. they got comfortable and still and were almost in recharge when the little sparkling sat up from between them. he wiggled his way out with a whine and climbed up onto Ratchet. "kid?" Ratchet mumbled. he clicked tiredly at Ratchet before moving to the medics side closest to the wall. he curled up against him, between the medics arm and side, and fell back asleep.

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