Chapter 17

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*a few days later*

Ratchet held his sparkling tightly to his chestplates, looking at the machine as Wheeljack explained to the team how it worked.

"so he'll be okay after this?" Sari ask.

"of course. we've tested it and done everything to ensure it was safe." Wheeljack smiled at her. she nodded and looked over at the medic who was knelt in front of the chamber that Bumblebee would be put into. he seemed to be quietly explaining to the sparkling what would happen. Wheeljack looked over at his bonded, his spark throbbing in pity as the war torn medic had his usual blank/grumpy look on his face and his bond blocked. "ready doc?" Wheeljack ask.

"don't call me doc." Ratchet glared, scooping the sparkling up gently from the floor and opening the container. "okay sparkling." Ratchet said, putting him down in the container and taking the sparklings wrench. the sparkling sat staring up at him curiously. "just stay put." Ratchet added, closing the door. he took a few steps back, watching the sparkling slowly get up. the medic nodded at Wheeljack once.

"lets go." Wheeljack said, throwing the switch. he headed over quickly to stand beside the emergency stop button. the machine slowly started up and they watched as the confused sparkling looked around quickly. he chirped in confusion and looked at his creator.

"it's alright kid." Ratchet assured.

"it's loud." Sari said covering her ears. the louder the machine got the more scared the sparkling became. clicking, chirping, and pressing his little servos against the glass frantically.

"it's alright Bee. it's okay. shhh." Wheeljack said, trying to comfort the sparkling. the sparkling started whimpering and looking at his creator, who avoided looking at him.

"maybe you should turn it off...." Prowl said as Jazz hid behind him. the sparkling screamed loudly in fear as a bright light formed in the tube.

"Jack turn it off." Ratchet said, looking back at the sparkling. the sparkling stared at him oily tears running down his face, smacking his palms against the glass and screaming. "Jack turn it off!" Ratchet said.

"we have to do this." Wheeljack said, ignoring Ratchet. he watched the sparkling, panic growing in his spark.

"Wheeljack shut it off!" Ratchet shouted.

"no!" Wheeljack replied. Ratchet watched the sparkling for only a moment longer before growling loudly. he shouted and threw the wrench in his servo at the emergency off switch, just as the sparkling pressed his back desperately against the glass as fog started filling the container. the glass flew open and the sparkling stumbled out tearfully. he tripped and landed on his back, screaming loudly. the team was silent as the medic quickly scooped the sparkling up off his back and held him tightly to his chestplates. the sparkling was still screaming loudly, sobbing.

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THAT FRAGGING THING OFF!" Ratchet shouted, holding the sparkling tightly.

"we have to do this Ratchet! we can't just leave him like this." Wheeljack said.

"you can't tell me you didn't feel how terrified he was! if I could feel it in every circuit in my body, then I know you could feel it too! he's fucking terrified Wheeljack and you expected me to just leave him in there!?" Ratchet shouted.

"yes! because he needs to be in there to get back to normal!" Wheeljack said, sounded exhausted that he had to explain this.

"he's terrified!" Ratchet said.

"if he wasn't a sparkling you wouldn't care!" Wheeljack rolled his optics.

"well he is a sparkling Jack! he's my sparkling and he's terrified of that machine! I told you that we needed to make it less terrifying to him! you slagging idiot!" Ratchet hissed stomping off with the terrified sparkling still sobbing and screaming, clicking frantically in his arms. Prowl watched him go and frowned slightly. they could still hear the sparkling screaming from the medics room. the screaming seemed to go on forever, until it finally stopped.

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