Chapter 3

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"shhhh." Ratchet soothed, holding him gently. "he's still on base." Ratchet assured.


Ratchet sat up and hugged Wheeljack.

"he wanted to watch tv."

Ratchet nodded and smiled.

"Prowl has him. it's okay. come on." Ratchet assured, leading the way. Wheeljack followed him. Prowl was sitting silently on the couch, Bumblebee in his lap half asleep and suckling on a cube, watching tv. "see Jack? he's okay." Ratchet soothed. Wheeljack relaxed slightly.

"okay... I just got worried." Wheeljack said. Ratchet nodded.

"he likes Prowl. I figured he was with him." Ratchet smiled slightly. he walked over and the ninja nodded at him. Bumblebee chirped around the cube quietly. "come on sparkling. I'm sure Prowl wants to get some rest." Ratchet chuckled. Bumblebee yawned and stretched, reaching for him. Ratchet grabbed him and the cube, gently wiping the energon from his chin.

"thanks Prowl." Wheeljack said. he nodded and smiled slightly getting up and launching himself into the rafters to head to his room.

"come on sparkling its late." Ratchet said. Bumblebee chirped and cuddled him. he carried him back to the medbay and handed the sparkling to Wheeljack. "go lay down. I'm gonna work on fixing Bumblebee." Ratchet murmured. Wheeljack looked slightly confused.

"what are you talking about? come lay with us." Wheeljack murmured.

"I can't I should work on him." Ratchet said and headed over to the computer. Wheeljack watched him and nodded, heading to bed. he laid with the sparkling and quickly fell asleep. Ratchet worked silently, until he felt a hand on his leg. he paused and looked down. "hey little one. shouldn't you be resting with Wheeljack?" Ratchet ask, scooping him up. Bumblebee chirped at him and nuzzled him. "would you like the rest of your cube?" he ask. he grabbed the cube from his desk and held it out to the sparkling, who grabbed at it quickly and shoved the corner in his mouth. "now hold on kiddo, thats not the open corner." Ratchet chuckled. he pulled the cube away and turned it, giving it back. he squealed and sucked it down quickly. "easy. slowly Bumblebee." Ratchet said, sitting down with him. "you know before you were kidnapped, your carrier loved you to bits. you were just like her." Ratchet chuckled.

"he's more like you." Wheeljack chuckled, walking up behind him.

"not really. he looks just like she did, only..." he chuckles. "she never expected him to have stingers." Ratchet laughed slightly. the sparkling chirped quietly around the cube. "she would've been beyond fragged if she had lived long enough to see him go missing..." Ratchet said.

"no she wouldn't, Ratch. she would be more fragged you found the kid and didn't recognize him." Wheeljack laughed. Ratchet smiled and rubbed his sons cheek gently as he sucked down the cube.

"never would've guessed, just assumed he was offlined." Ratchet said.

"how did you figure out it was him?" Wheeljack ask curiously. Ratchet paused and held the sparkling.

"I over heard Prowl talking to him. Prowl was talking about his sparkling hood and ask Bumblebee about his. Bumblebee said he didn't really remember much about his creators as he'd been kidnapped by Decepticons. when he escaped... he couldn't feel them anymore. I had blocked the bond for the longest time, assuming he was dead and I didn't want to feel it, but I had to try when I heard it. I figured he probably wasn't it but it was worth a shot. I unblocked the bond and he froze in front of Prowl, his system nearly crashed. stupid ninja bot was freaking out, but finally managed to get out of him what was wrong and explain to him what had happened." Ratchet explained. he chuckled softly. "for the next week, the kid stared at me until he walked up to me one day and told me he'd been kidnapped as a sparkling and could suddenly feel someone else and it wasn't a bond. I couldn't tell him. I shrugged and said okay, but eventually the guilt ate away at me and I told him I had a sparkling who was kidnapped after his carrier had been offlined. that I had heard him talking a few nights before and unblocked my bond just to see. he didn't take it very well. couldn't believe an old grump like me was his creator but Jazz managed to get in a few tests just to prove it to the kid and suddenly.... it didn't seem so bad to him." Ratchet mumbled, hugging the sparkling. Wheeljack smiled and sat beside him.

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