Chapter 10

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if anyone knew where the wrench was, it was probably the sparklings favorite ninja.


"please, dear Primus, please tell me you know where Bumblebee's wrench is. this kids going nuts looking for it."

"I haven't seen it since the battle. last I saw he threw it at Starscream. I'll do my best to find it."


Ratchet was getting nervous at the fact they couldn't find the wrench. the sparkling was having a full on panic meltdown. Ratchet did what he could to calm him down, but nothing was working.

"look kid. it's okay. it's gonna be okay. look I don't have your wrench but what about this?" Ratchet ask, offering him a hammer. the sparkling chirped angrily and smacked it from Ratchets servo. "okay... what about this?" Ratchet ask, holding up a set of pliers. another rejected tool. Ratchet continued to try and find a tool that Bumblebee would be okay with, but the sparkling wasn't having it. Ratchet groaned lowly, before smacking himself in the head and grumbling. he grabbed his back up wrench and held it out to the sparkling. "look, here." Ratchet said, holding out the wrench. Bumblebee sniffled and took the wrench, looking it over. Ratchet sighed in relief, but it was short lived. immediately the sparkling threw the wrench at Ratchet with an angry shriek. Ratchet blocked his face from the wrench and frowned. "it's a wrench." Ratchet said. Bumblebee screamed at him, crossing his arms over his chestplates and glaring at him and the medic sighed. "it's, it's a wrench but it's not your wrench, huh kid?" Ratchet sighed. the sparkling didn't hear him over his screaming.

"I can't see it out here Ratch."

"we've gotta find this wrench Jack. he won't even take my back up wrench. he threw it at me. he knows its not his wrench."

"of course he knows it's not his. your back up is basically brand new and his is clearly warn. he loves that wrench. you can't just replace it Ratch. that wrench is his favorite thing in the universe. you gave it to him. you taught him to throw his wrench at people when they make him angry. you taught him how to hold it. you cheered and loved on him when he nailed Sentinel in the head with that wrench. its important to him. don't worry, we'll find it."

Ratchet was silent, shocked. he thought about Wheeljacks words a moment, before looking down at the sparkling. he hadn't actually thought about it that way. of course the wrench was more than just a wrench to the sparkling. he couldn't replace it. Ratchet sighed and knelt in front of the sparkling, rubbing his cheek gently with his thumb.

"hey sparkling. it's okay. we're going to find your wrench all right? I won't stop until I find that wrench, even if I have to fight Megatron himself to get it back, okay? it's alright." Ratchet assured gently. the sparkling sniffled at him and Ratchet smiled slightly. "it's alright, we won't replace it. we'll find your wrench. okay?" Ratchet ask. the sparkling chirped quietly and sniffled, hugging him. Ratchet nodded and held him, standing up carefully. "okay lets go find that wrench, right?" Ratchet ask. the sparkling nodded against his neck.

"Wheeljack went and checked the rubble from the battle. it's not out there. can you ask the others if they've seen it?"

"Jazz says the last person he saw with it was Sari."

"got it."

Ratchet shifted the sparkling gently. how was he supposed to contact the little girl? he groaned lowly, tiredly. this was stressing him out more than he'd liked to admit. his sparkling was beyond distressed and it was bothering him. he looked at the sparkling.

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