1. Saving Him

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Anamika's POV

It's been six months since I've arrived in New York. And I'm homesick already. I barely get time for myself. The first month was good. They only thought of me as someone who doesn't know much and and treated me as their handyman.

But then i shocked everyone in my 2nd month when helped a research team who was behind the schedule to finish a project. Everyone was so shocked to know that i knew mechanical work and was very efficient. Hah..who would tell them that i used to help my father repair everything at home that wasn't working properly. Well that's a normal thing in India for most middle class father's repairing everything that got damaged at home. Because buying a new one when it's fixable is just waste of money.

Also as the oldest in the family I had to do all the mannual work when my father isn't home. Making me stronger than most.

I was soon promoted as a main member of the research team since everyone was impressed by my work. Oh..i forgot to tell you that I'm doing my PhD on Medical Robotics. I just love working with my robots. And my mother wanted me to be a doctor. But papa helped me achive my dream. He's my greatest support of all time. And he's the one who send me here going against the relatives, who just wanted me to get married.

After i finish my bachelor degree in technology, from IIT Jaipur. I worked in a company for two years along with my master's degree in mechatronics from IIT Bombay. By the end of my master's degree, I saved enough to pursue PhD in New York.

It was already past 10 at night and I'm going to my apartment alone. It's just three blocks away from my lab so i just walk home. The only problem is that, i had to take an extremely quite alley to reach my community. Taking a detour takes half an hour of more walking. And working 13 hours a day, i just want to take a hot shower and go to bed.

I take the alley and about 5 minutes of walking and I'll enter my community. It was an empty dark path to walk on. I closed my eyes and chanted 'Hanuman Chalisa' to give me enough courage to pass it quickly without any mishaps.

I quickly made my way into the alley. I was about to reach the end of the alley and that's when I heard it. It was a barely audible groan. It was as if someone was in pain. A man to be precise. My mind said to mind my business and go home. While my heart said that it's my duty as a human to not to leave someone in pain.

And as the person who always listen to her heart instead of my mind, even if i could possibly expose myself to the danger. I made my way towards the low groans of the man, not forgetting to lighting up the flash of my phone.

As I reached closer to the man, i saw him sitting with his back to the wall. He was wearing a dark suit with white shirt. His head was up to the sky with his eyes closed. His mouth slightly open and his hairs all messy. And his right hand holding the side of his waist.

As I approached closer to him i asked in a low voice "Hey. Are you alright?"

His eyes open slightly before closing again. I looked at his hand holding is waits and my eyes widened in shock. There was blood all over his hand. "Oh my god!! You're hurt!!" It came out louder than i thought in this quite alley.

My first thought was to send him to the hospital. I bend down to help him. I took my scarf out of my bag and removed his hand from his waist. I wrapped my scarf around his waist to stop the bleeding temporarily and said "wait, let me call an ambulance for you."

"No!! Please.. don't." He said in a barely audible and hoarse voice. I furrowed my brows in confusion. Why doesn't he want to go to the hospital. I looked around his pocket to find someone that could confirm if he's dangerous or not. After sometime i found his phone and his wallet that had his driving licence. It had his name. Alexander Gray. I didn't found any gun on him. So he's not someone in illegal things right?

I've decided to take him home and help him clean his wound. I helped him get on his feet. His body leaning on might putting all his weight on me. Although I'm stronger than normal, carring a full grown man is still too much for me. Not to mention he is quite tall. Good thing it's late at night and most of the people are already at home. I looked at the gaurds who was busy eating and chatting. I silently made my way to the entrance of the building. Making him look like a drunk boyfriend. After entering the elevator, i let him lean on the side wall of elevator and pressed the button to my floor. I took deep breaths to calm my racing heart. As we reached my floor i again let him lean over me and walked to my door. I was able to grab my keys from my bag and open the door. I took him to the bed and laid him down. I quickly warmed some water and found my first aid box.

I carefully removed all his clothes an his upper body. I looked at the wound. It wasn't deep, but a little wide. I dipped cotton in the warm water and drained all the excess water. Then started to clean the blood around the wound. I threw the bloody water and got some more clean warm water. I added a few drops of disinfectant solution and started to clean the wound.

It looked like someone has attacked him with a knife. But looking at his clothes i can tell that he lost quite a lot of blood. I applied some creame medicine over the wound and covered it with gauze bandage.

I sighed and looked at him. He doesn't look like he's going to wake up anytime soon.

I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


A new story for you guys.

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