21. The Breakfast

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Alexander's POV

"Haha. I'm just kidding. No one can force me to do anything I don't want to. And same goes for you, my love. No one will ever force you to do anything." I said kissing the tip of her nose.

"Well..i don't want to ruin my first impression so I guess I'll meet them." She said after pondering on it for a few minutes.

A smile spread accross my face when I thought about her caring about what my parents think about her. Progress.

And after our late night conversation, she fell asleep in my arms. But sleep was no where to be seen in my eyes.

I heard my phone vibrating on the bed side table. I quietly reached for it, trying not to wake my angle up.

My brows furrowed as I looked at the contact. I took a deep breath and decided to answer the call. "What is it?" I asked in a quite voice.

"Sir, we've found the mastermind behind the outburst. It looks like Miss Walter has something to do with it." A killing intent flashed across my mind. Hah. How dare this idiot dared to attack my women? Looks like it's time to teach her a lesson.

"Have you gathered all evidence?" I asked in a cold voice as I got out of the bed quietly, not wanting to disturb my angel.

"Yes sir. We've recorded all there conversation. Should we directly capture her or let the Walter family deal with her?" He asked knowing clearly that this incident has pissed me enough to torture that family to death.

"Drag her out of her house. Tell the family if they interfered. I'll be there in the morning to deal with her." I said and after receiving his 'yes sir' i hung up the call.

I went back to the bed and hugged my angel to sleep.

The morning after, i woke up early as usual. Looking at the sleeping beauty in my arms melted my heart. I took in all her beautiful features that I wanted to embed in my mind for the rest of the day.

Today is going to be a bit busy. And not being able to be by the side made me upset. But it's alright. I'll make it up for it by drawing blood of that stupid Chloe Walters.

Just thinking about her makes me mad. I used to treat her like a little sister in the past. And when on her 18th birthday she confessed to me. I politely declined her. Yeah. I didn't reject her. I just declined it. There's a difference.

And after that she's been pestering me all along. But after meeting Anamika, I put an end to her. I shut her out of my life. But I underestimated her foolishness. Looks like she investigated me. Or maybe got someone to follow. But anyway, her biggest mistake was threatening my angel's life. And for that she has to pay.

I got up after planting a kiss on Anamika's forehead and made my way to the bathroom. After a quick shower, I got into my sweatpants and made my way to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I remember Anamika preferring Indian food over anything else. So I've been learning to make them. I made a simple 'poha' that i learned to make it from an Indian chef named Devansh.

After I was about to finish I heard a click on the door. And as I've expected, a fresh looking Anamika came into my sight. But what made me stunned for a whole minute was how beautiful she looked in one of my white shirt.

There was a tint of redness on her cheeks. She's probably shy.

"Ah..um..I was half way into the shower..and already put my clothes in the washing machine...when I remember I didn't have any....any clothes to wear..so i borrowed your...your shirt. I'll return it to you as soon as my clothes are dried." She explained not looking into my eyes.

A gentle smile appeared on my lips as love filled my heart. After covering the pan that was on low heat. I made my way to her. Taking in her innocent appearance. She looked like a real life angel in my pure white shirt. Just like a dove. Her skin was fair but not pale. Her wet dark hairs, big eyes and flushed cheeks made her so adorable that I just want to take her back to bed and ravish her again.

But I know better. Last night was already alot. I don't want to do too much that may hurt her. As I stood in front of her, my hands automatically reached behind her head and pulled her into a sweet and gentle kiss.

I felt her place her tiny hands on my chest probably to steady herself. Smiling against her lips, I reached my other hand to grab her waist to give her more support.

After a long kiss, her cheeks are even more red  than before. I placed another kiss on her forehead and took her to the seat in dining table. "I'll bring your breakfast." I said as I head towards kitchen. I called Dave and asked him to bring clothes for Anamika within 15 minutes.

As I brought two plates of poha and placed one in front of her, i noticed how her eyes lit up as soon as she saw it.

"You made this?" She asked looking at me, surprise written all over her face.

A chuckle full of delight escaped my lips before saying "Uhm. Now dig in. And let me know if you like it."

I watched her take first bite and her eyes shone bright like stars twinkling. Maybe she liked it. She slowly chewed it as savouring it's flavour, not missing a bit of taste in it.

"Alex." She said after gulping the first bite. "This is the best poha I've eaten after coming to New York. When did you learn how to cook this? Honestly this reminded me of dad when he used to cook this for my lunch box for school." She said her eyes glistening with tears.

Knowing that she's probably missing her father, I said with a comforting smile "I'm glad that you liked it. Finish it up and get ready. I've asked Dave to get you clothes. Then I'll drive you to lab."

She nodded and gobbled her breakfast like a hungry kitten.


Hey everyone,

Long time no see.

I've been a bit tangled up all this while in lots of things. But I'm back now.

I know many of you have been waiting of an update. So here we are.

Also wishing you all a happy diwali 🌟 may this Diwali light up your life with joy and happiness.

I'll be updating it frequently now that I've sorted out everything.

See you all soon in the next chapter.

Till then, stay happy, stay healthy.


And Happy Diwali once again.

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