25. Sleeping Beauty

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*People...I love this chapter. And now you'll also know why 😩✨. Hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.*

Alexander's POV

As I parked my car in the parking lot of my building, i turned to Anamika and saw her deep into her slumber. A lock of hair was in her face restricting my view of her beautiful face. I reached out to tuck it behind her ear and looked at her peaceful face.

Numbers of what ifs crossed my mind in that perticular moment. Pushing those thoughts in the back of my mind, i unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. I made my way to her side and opened her door, unbuckled her seatbelt and scooped her in my arms.

I carried her to our apartment and unlocked the door using my fingerprint, which was difficult since I didn't want to wake up the sleeping beauty in my arms. Then I made my way to our bedroom and gently placed her on her bed.

I went to the dresser and picked the packet of makeup wipes and went to her and gently wiped the makeup off her face. I also helped her get out of her clothes since she looked uncomfortable and I know will definitely wake up in the middle of the night to remove them.

After that I went to change my clothes and then got into bed beside her. Wrapping my arms around her small frame, I let the sleep engulf me.

Next morning, I woke up with Anamika still wrapped in my arms. Except, now her legs were entangled with me. Looking at her sleeping face, my heart was filled with warmth.

When I decided that I'll take over grandpa's mafia, I just wanted him to forgive dad and reconcile with him. I was sixteen and knew enough about things to see my dad sad, when his father never accept mom as his daughter in law. When dad married mom, he promised her that he will never take over the mafia and that's the reason grandpa always hated both of them.

Although dad pretended to be strong, i knew deep down he was struggling. I never thought about ever falling in love. My parents were one of a kind. My dad had something that i would never. Hence, for the sake of my parents happiness, i decided to be the heir.

Although they were against it, grandpa was happy and finally decided to acknowledge us.

Not that I regret it. It was an impulsive decision, I know that. But i will never regret this. I know I was born to be in this world. Dad wasn't. He was soft hearted. Much like grandma. And he was never supposed to inherit the mafia. It was his big brother's. My uncle. Who unfortunately died in a war.

I know I had to tell her. And as dad said, sooner the better. But even the slight chance of loosing her makes my heart tremble. I can't even a day without her.

A beep of my phone brought me to my senses. I reached out for my phone to check it. As I read the message, my eyes narrowed and i released a breath of annoyance. They never give me a break.

My eyes shifted to the beautiful angle, snuggled into my chest and my heart melted. I kissed her temple and finally made my mind to get up from bed and get ready to deal with this situation.

After I got ready, looking at my sleeping beauty, i decided to steal a quick kiss. But just our lips touching wasn't enough. I know i would be late and most likely find her sleeping in bed. I decided to deepen the kiss and eventually woke her up. I could feel her smile against my lips as her hands went to the back of my neck. After breaking the kiss, we were both out of breath. As we took our time to catch our breath, I rested my forehead against hers. After that I finally decided to tell her.

"I need to deal with something important angel. I'll be late tonight. Don't wait for me and get into bed early."

I simply nodded her head and gave me her beautiful smile. Unable to control myself, i decided to kiss her one more time before leaving.

As I reached near the dockyard, I could hear guns firing. It's all because of that motherfucking traitor. I knew i should've tortured him more. But it's good that we had already taken precautions and was ready for this. I connected my Bluetooth and asked Leo for updates.

But there was a feeling that something was off. This attack seemed too obvious. I mean, they knew we've already captured the traitor, and may have already taken the precautions, then why did they risk it?

And then my phone beeped and suddenly grabbed my attention. I checked it and it was a message from Anamika. It read - 'Hey Alex. Today I have to go to a seminar. So, if I don't pick calls then don't worry too much. It'll end around 5.'

'Alright.' I texted back and then got out of the car.

We shot down around two dozens of them and capture six for some questioning. But even after all this, that bugging feeling is still there. There are way less than I expected. I looked at my watch and it was 4:15 P.M. and then checked my phone and there was no updates from Anamika. Well she did say that she'll be done with it around five. But I still need to do some checkups and make sure everythings alright. Also get some information from these bastards we've captured.

When I was in the middle of my checking, i heard a beep from my phone. And I somehow knew it's from my angel. I fetch my phone out of my pocket. The message read - 'Hey Alex. So we all decided to go out for dinner. I'm currently on my way home to change.'
'Also, when will you come home? Should I bring you takeout or you'll eat outside?'

I thought for a second before replying - 'I'll be late, so you don't have to worry about getting me a takeout. I'll just get something in the office. Also take care and have fun :)'

After that, i then went to finish my work here. But that bugging feelings came back to me again. Could it be...related to her?

I remembered the last time and just to be cautious, i connected to Lexie. "Yes boss?"

"Lexie I've got a mission for you."
"Yeah..what is it?"
"I want you to keep an eye on Anamika and protect her from the shadows. Get her exact location from Dave."
"I'm on it Boss."

Then i hung up the call. I just hope this is just me being paranoid.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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