23. Parents

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Anamika's POV

Today we're going to meet Alex's parents. I know he told me to be relax, but I can't help but feel nervous.

After I got out of the shower, I was Alex in his casual clothes. He was wearing a brown knitted sweater, Black pants, his hairs not that overly tamed as always but looked neat and a watch in his wrist.

 He was wearing a brown knitted sweater, Black pants, his hairs not that overly tamed as always but looked neat and a watch in his wrist

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Damn. He looks soo handsome like this. I came out of daze when a deep chuckle reached my ears. Blood rush to my cheeks and I ran to the closet to get dressed.

Although we don't live together, we spent most of the time in each other's apartments. Actually, my apartment and his penthouse. We also have some clothes in each other's place because we stay over most of the times.

There are times when he has to go on business trips and he has to work late when we spend the nights alone. Although I don't like that mostly because of the attack that day. I know it wasn't aimed at me because I barely know anyone here, who will target me?

One the other side, he's so successful, I bet he has alot of dangerous enemies who wants to take him down.

Sometimes I do wish that he's some regular person with a regular job, not a freaking CEO, so that we can just be in peace and cuddle and watch movies.

I slipped into a dark purple dress that ends just a few inches above my knees. And paired them with knee length black boots. And since it's cold outside, i grabbed a green overcoat and finished my look with a black purse.

I kept my makeup to natural with some lipgloss and mascara

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I kept my makeup to natural with some lipgloss and mascara. I know most people would be wondering that you're Indian how can you not wear kajal. But people, kajal doesn't suit me. And I like my makeup as natural as possible. The most i would ever do is apply lipstick. Yeah. The major reason is that i don't know how to do that full face of makeup. Growing up, getting ready and applying make up were the last thing in my mind so I never got to learn how to do that.

When I was in college for my bachelor's degree, my room mate forced me to learn how to do eyeliner and mascara. Since she thought I got pretty eyes and just needed these to make them pop. Her words not mine.

After letting my loose curls sit on my shoulder, I made my way out of the closet.

I saw Alexander talking in his phone when I came to the living room. As soon as his eyes landed on me, I think I saw him freeze a bit. But that was so short that it might be my imagination. As I made my way towards him, a smile appeared on his lips and i heard him say "Yeah. We'll be there in an hour." Before he hung up.

"You look beautiful." He said with a big smile. I felt my lips making the curve identical to his in response and i replied to him with a small thank you.

He took my hand as we made our way down to the parking. He opened the passenger door for me and after I got inside, he pulled the seatbelt and clipped it to the other side of mine. After he was done, he paused for a bit in front of my face and suddenly planted a chaste kiss on my lips. Blood rush to my face as he chuckled and made his way to the other side of the car after closing the door.

An hour later, we pulled up to a grand mansion in the outskirts of the city. There was a big garden with lots of seasonal flowers. Well from outside I do expected there to be a grand fountain in front of the main door I don't know why. But there wasn't any. Well I guess everything shown in TVs aren't all real.

After we got out of the car, a man in formal black suit bowed to Alex and took his car keys, probably to park his car in the garage.

Alex took my hand and pulled me inside the mansion. The interior was modern and minimalistic. Everything was neat and the decor wasn't much, but they all felt soo luxurious.

As we made our way to the living room, where sat a middle aged couple. I could tell just by looking at them that they're soo in love.

As soon as they noticed us, a soft smile appeared in the man's face I'm assuming is Alex's father. And I have to say, Alex definitely got his charm from his dad. The small women beside him had a happy and excited expression as he happily made her way towards us.

Yep. That's his mother. She has the same black hair and deep blue ocean eyes.

"You must be Anamika." His mother almost squeaked with excitement.

"Don't scare her mom." Alex laughed as his mother glared at him.

"Honey, look at your son. Now he's making fun of his mother." She huffed as she complained to her husband. I saw a helpless smile appeared on Alex's face as his father scolded him for making fun of his mother.

"Alright alright. Let me first make a formal introduction then will come back to that. Anamika this is my mom and my dad. Mom dad this is Anamika, my girlfriend." Alex said with a smile.


Hey guys,

Yesterday, I finally read all your comments on this story and damn..you all had me giggle like a little girl (I'm in my early twenties)

And guys.. last time I checked in December there was 45k views..how did you guys managed to take it to almost 69k in less than two months.

I'm really grateful for everyone for giving this story a chance and specially the one's reading this story since the beginning. I've made you guys wait alot for updates and I deeply regret for making you wait.

And you guys really motivate me to write and come up with interesting plot for you.

Also there were some asking for my social media. I use Instagram and you can contact me there. Although I don't use it that often and rarely post much. (Specially because I'm soo much of an introvert who can't even make reels to promote my story XD)

Anyways my Instagram is - _silent_time_traveller_

See you soon in the next chapter. <3

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