2. Awake

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Anamika's POV

After i came out of the bathroom, i stopped to look at him. And the man laying unconscious on my bed was devilishly handsome. His was tall and his body all toned like some celebrities. His dark brown hairs looked so silky just like a rabbit's fur in my grandmother's house.

I made my way to the kitchen to make some food for dinner. I am soooo exhausted that i just wanna lay on bed and fell into the deepest slumber possible, but my bed was occupied by the injured gorgeous man. Now that i think about him, he would be hungry and in pain when he wakes up. I decided to make 'khichadi' an Indian porridge with lots of pulses spices and any veggies if you want to add. I decided to make one without veggies because i was too tired to cut them. I washed the rice and pulses mix then put it on flame to let it simmer for a while and added all those Indian spices i brought from an Indian grocery store.

I then went to my medicine cabinet to grab some for him. I grabbed an antibiotic medicine to prevent infection and a pain killer. I kept them on the bedside table along with water.

After eating my dinner, i grabbed the extra pillow and quilt i had and layed on the couch. I don't know when I slept but i woke up when I heard a groan.

At first i was confused about the sound and thought of it as just my imagination but as soon as I closed my eyes, i remember about the man on my bed. I got up with a start and ran towards my bedroom, and saw him trying to get up.

As he noticed my arrival, his eyes shot up to me. Those gorgeous deep blue eyes started at me. His eyes narrowed as he studied me, as if trying of figure out the situation.

To ease the awkward silence between us, i tried to start a conversation with him. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked as i made my way to the bedside table and picked up the medicines and the glass of water. I turned to him to hand him over the things on my hand and that's when I noticed him struggling to get up to sit. My eyes widened in realisation and i hurriedly placed the glass and pills back on the table and helped him up. I supported his back on one hand and placed the pillow behind him with another.

After i made sure his wound didn't open up, i again grabbed the glass and pills and gave it to him. As I turned to him again to hand these over, i noticed him staring at me. Trying to ease the awkward silence between us, i said "you must be hungry, let me bring you something to eat while you eat the pills." Then ran towards the kitchen.

I warmed the 'khichadi' and then served it in a medium bowl. Grabbed a spoon and a bottle of water and made my way towards the bedroom. As I reached the door I saw him looking at everything in my room. I cleared my throat to get his attention and made my way towards the bed. "Here, eat it while it's still hot."

He was about to extend his arm as he winced. And that's when I remembered there was a wound on his right hand. I noticed it when I was cleaning blood off his body. I sighed and sat on the bed beside him. "It's ok. I'll help you." I said and scooped some in the spoon and brought it near my lips to blow on it. I then stretch my hand towards him to let him eat.

But unbeknownst to me, every one of my action amused the injured man sitting on my bed.

He slowly opened his mouth, and this slow motion romantic moment is just giving me goosebumps. Ahh..i had to go to work..just eat it up faster!! I have to get ready. It's already 7:30 am and i have to reach lab by 9 am.

I started to stuff him with food as fast as I can. Because i was about to get latee!!! After he finished eating everything, i rushed to the kitchen to wash the dishes and make some bread omelette for breakfast. After i let it out on the plate for it to cool down a bit. I went back to my bedroom to check on him and grab my clothes.

I saw him placing the bottle on the bedside table and that's when I realised that i forgot to give him water before i rushed off to the kitchen.

"You can stay here till you recover or leave if you want to. I'm heading out for a bit. I would like to suggest you to sleep a little bit. Yesterday you said you didn't want to go to the hospital so i brought you to my home. And I've kept your things on that drawer." I said all in one breath. I don't know if he understood whatever i said. But seeing him nodding to my words I guess he did understand?

As I turned around to go back and have my breakfast i heard him call out to me.

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