18. Naked

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Next morning I woke up feeling so comfortably warm and cozy that I snuggled even more.

Wait!! Something isn't right. I opened my eyes and saw the pair of deep blue ocean like eyes staring at me with amusement with a heart melting smile on his lips.

Blood rushed into my cheeks from embarrassment. I tried to quickly make my escape, but his strong arms held me into place.

"So where do you want to run away early in the morning?" He said in his deep husky morning voice. Damn!! Why did that sound so sexy. It almost made my insides tingle like butterflies fluttering.

"I-I should be get going. Or I'll be late for work." I said looking anywhere but at him. Because his shirt's buttons were undone. And I could clearly see his well built body.

"I think you've forgotten that today is Saturday Ms. Sharma." He said pulling me back into his chest and then continued "now go back to sleep. There's something I need to talk to you about."

And then I drifted back to sleep.


When I woke up again, Alex was no where to be seen. But before going out to find him, it's better to freshen up myself first.

As I opened the door, I saw Alex standing there NAKED, with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

Damn!!! His body is far better than those movie actors for some reason. "Ahem." Brought me out of my intense staring at his body.

Shit. I got caught staring at his body.

"If you like it that much, you can go ahead and touch it. I wouldn't mind if it's you." His deep voice rang into my ears.

Damn. Now that last night's tingly sensation is back. What should I do?

"You-why didn't you lock the door?" I said getting all flustered.

"Well I usually lives alone here. So I don't see a point in locking the door of my bathroom.

"And when someone else is here too? Don't tell me you never get guests here."

"Well, that's true. I do get guests. But no one dares to enter my room without my permission. Except you."

Well. Now my face is as red as a tomato.

"I.. I'll be going out." I said and about to open the door when he grabbed me by my waist from behind and pulled me into his chest.

I felt his hand on hairs, gathering them all to my right shoulder. I nervously stood there not knowing what to do. And then I suddenly felt something warm, soft and moist on my neck. Damn!! He-he's kissing my neck??

I turned to the side to look at him, his eyes were closed as he placed wet kisses, sucked and nibbled on my neck, driving me crazy with the feelings I never felt before.

From my neck to my jaw and then as he slowly turned me to face him, he finally reached my lips and kissed me till I was knocked out to breath.

After calming down from my panting, I looked at him to see him staring at me already with his intense gaze.

Starting with my eyes and then to my lips, his gaze went down my body, taking in every inch on my body. I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do under his intense gaze on my body. I looked everywhere but him. I felt him coming near me and subconsciously looked at him and saw a playful smile playing on his lips.

"I think we should take this to a better place." He lifted me up in his arms as these words left his mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let me carry him all the way, to the bed.

At this time, I remember the words of Mehek, my childhood best friend and the only person to tell me things I wouldn't have know if it wasn't for her. I remember her turning 20 and loosing virginity at a party week after to some guy of her class.

Well they were kind of dating? I don't remember that but I do remember that when I told her that we should not do these things before marriage, she said something like, 'C'mon Annu, I already told you many times that these are common things among youngsters these days. One day you'll understand this when you'll find someone with whom you won't be able to control yourself.'

So is this it? I'm going to do this with Alex? Is he the one for me? Well unlike Mehek, I'm not that open about these kind of things and doing it with someone I can't have a future with. Is it alright?

But if I didn't do this today, of reject him, I'm gonna regret this for the rest of my life right?

I mean, he told me last night that he would get my family's permission for us. But what if I reject him and everything's over between us?

But rather than that, do i really want to not do this? Do I really want all this to stop?


As he put me down on the bed, I looked into his eyes that were filled with affection. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him towards me and kissed him. Impulsive decision? Yes. Am i gonna regret this? No.


Next chapter would be the one you all are waiting for. XD

Also please vote if you liked the chapter. And do tell me your views in the comments. I really love reading them.

See you soon.


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