Ep. 8: Tonight on The Titanic

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Lemon Cookie stared at the strange woman in awe. Was this the cause of all the strange occurrences?

Lemon Cookie: Who are you?

Timekeeper Cookie: I am Timekeeper Cookie, the keeper of time and Director of the Time Balance department. And I am YOU from the future!

Lemon Cookie: What?

Timekeeper Cookie: Just kidding, I’m your future child.

Lemon Cookie: WHAT?!

Timekeeper Cookie: I’m actually the government coming to collect your tax money!

Lemon Cookie: LADY! Stop with the riddles! Who on this miserable planet are you!?

Timekeeper Cookie: Ok, ok. Sheesh.

I am your mother.

Lemon Cookie:................

Timekeeper Cookie: That’s right! You have a parent!

Lemon Cookie: What do you mean………..

Timekeeper Cookie: I created you! Well……..I created your recipe.

Lemon Cookie:  You’re my mom?……..

Timekeeper Cookie: Yup, you’re my kid. Can’t you see the resemblance?

Lemon Cookie: No.

Timekeeper Cookie: Yeah, you're right. Your haircut looks stupid. You look like you crawled out of a Walmart trash bin. You look like you’re in an emo rock band, you look like you live in your grandma's basement rent free. And you look like a neurotypical. 

Lemon Cookie:  Ouch.

Timekeeper Cookie: Where do you think you got your ability to roast people?

Lemon Cookie:  Wait, then who’s my dad?

Timekeeper Cookie: Me.

Lemon Cookie: Ok, now you're just confusing me.

Timekeeper Cookie: I can be a woman, I can be a man, I can be a Walmart trash can.

But to make things less complicated, just call me mom.

Lemon Cookie: So I don’t have a second parent?

Timekeeper Cookie: Corect!

Lemon Cookie: You’re my mom.

Timekeeper Cookie: That’s right, my child.


Timekeeper Cookie: S**** this was what I was afraid of.

Lemon Cookie: Why the hell did you decide to show up now? I’M A FREAKING ADULT!

Timekeeper Cookie: Alright, you clearly didn’t read the letter that I sent you. So let me explain this to you.

A while ago, Croissant Cookie gave me the idea to create the perfect cookie. So I spent a few days coming up with the perfect cookie recipe. When I finally did, I realized that I didn’t have the experience to make cookies.

So I went to these human scientists who were also trying to create the perfect cookie. I gave them the recipe and they got to work.

And of course, they made you. And you came out perfect. When I first saw your adorable little face, I thought of you as my child. I wanted to take care of you, but I realized that I don’t know how to raise children. 
So I left you on your own with someone who I thought was the right cookie to look after you.
I was wrong. So I brought you to this island to keep a close eye on you.

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