Chapter 1370-1390

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Chapter 1370
Watching as she smiled faintly after saying that, Gerald then took out the pendant before saying, “You… wish to live in the pendant?”

“Indeed. For you to actually be able to find me, I feel that someone must have told you to bring my corpse over to be buried together with Liemis, correct? Well, the aim of that lies within the dragon blood jade pendant. See, there’s a pure and natural space for me to adapt to my surroundings within the pendant. In other words, I’ll be able to train myself in there!” explained Zyla.

“…I see! Speaking of which, Zyla, have you any idea who the mysterious person is…?”

“I have an idea who it could be, though I’m not too certain about it. For any further specific details, you can wait till I find Liemis. Once both of you completely merge, with the aid of the dragon blood jade pendant’s power, it shouldn’t take long for you to restore one of your peaks of strength,” replied Zyla.

“…Restore one of my peaks…?” asked Gerald, feeling quite puzzled though he had a fair idea of what she was trying to say.

‘Could she be saying that she wants me to return to the era of Liemis, the God of Battle…? Then… Could I truly be the reincarnated form of the deity…?’ Gerald thought to himself, feeling immensely bewildered.

Now that he had already gotten this far, he was honestly finding it slightly difficult to just accept all of this.

‘If I truly am restored to my old self by the end of all this, then… Will I still be able to be who I am now…?’

“But of course! After all, you’ve been separated from each other for far too long! With that in mind, I’m only able to let your primordial spirit return to its original place. While you may have regained a small portion of Liemis’s memories, it’s near-impossible for you to restore all your memories!”
“Then… does that mean that I’ll be able to still be my current self, even after the primordial spirit returns to my body?” asked Gerald with a sigh of relief.

“You could say that. Why? Are you that fond of your current self that you don’t wish to return to being the old Liemis…?” asked Zyla rather curiously.

“As a matter of fact, I am. Though I’ve experienced many things by this point, I still find myself preferring things back when I was merely a poor student. To put it simply, compared to being a god of battle, I’m much more willing to remain being an ordinary Joe!” replied Gerald as he shared his true thoughts, a slightly bitter smile on his face.

“I see… Know, however, that there are simply some things that you just aren’t capable of fighting against. Not everything can change… Regardless, since you’ve now faced so much, you ought to continue forging on!” replied Zyla.

“I understand that. Also, now that I’ve embarked on this journey with no return, all I can do is continue doing the best I can!”

Watching as Zyla gave him a gratified smile, Gerald realized that she had been swaying her body slightly throughout their brief conversation…

A second later, everyone watched as Zyla’s form turned into pure light before flying straight into the crown of Rosie’s head!

Though Rosie opened her eyes again shortly after, despite there being no physical changes to her body, her default gaze was completely different from before. Noticing that, Gerald was certain that Zyla had successfully possessed Rosie’s body.

Turning to look at Gerald, Zyla asked, “Before you restore your past self, you’d prefer if I called you
Gerald, correct…?”
Understanding that it was a rhetorical question, Gerald simply remained silent as Zyla then turned to face the others present.

While Peter and Leo were brimming with respect for her, the women, on the other hand, were all displaying immense surprise.

Smiling slightly, Zyla then added, “I’d like to express my gratitude to all of you… After all, I couldn’t have returned without everyone’s help… With that, let’s be friends from now on!”

“Y-you’re absolutely welcome, Angelica! I’m only doing what’s right, and it’s already been a great honor for me to be able to assist both you and the god of battle!” replied Leo with a bashful smile.

“I’m glad to hear that… Regardless, we can’t continue staying here for too long… The King of Judgment Portal has already learned that Gerald rescued me, and given how intelligent he is, I believe that he’ll soon locate us and rush over! With that in mind, this place is no longer safe!” explained Zyla.

“I’ve already considered that possibility, which is why I’ve told Leo and Monica to relocate everyone in a small new neighborhood. I just had a gut feeling that someone would stalk us here!” replied Gerald.

“Excellent. Let’s leave immediately then!” said Zyla.

Just as they were about to head off, Zyla looked like she suddenly remembered something. Turning to look at Gerald, she then added, “Speaking of which, Gerald, I still have something I wish to share with you!”

Chapter 1371

“What is it?” asked Gerald,

“Well, though I’ve been sealed by the King of Judgment Portal in the Gunter family’s secret room this entire time, I was fully conscious the whole time. With that in mind, I was able to listen in on what the Gunter had been planning throughout this period, and from what I remember, the Gunters seem to be holding two of your friends captive. One of them has the surname of Tindall, whereas the other’s surname is Baker. Both of them should still be locked up in the Gunter manor’s secret underground room!”

“So that’s why I wasn’t able to locate Chester! Gerald told me to find him, you see, and I was finding it strange that I still had no clue where he was, even after investigating for a few days! As it turned out, the Gunters have him!” said Peter as he shook his head.

Upon hearing that, Gerald realized that his biggest fears had unfortunately come true.

Not too long ago, he had nearly fallen into the Gunter family’s trap, a trap which involved Hogan almost successfully killing him. While Chester had remained in the hotel under Gerald’s orders—back when Hogan was still attacking Gerald—Gerald could already sense that Chester was definitely in danger as well. After all, he knew how good the Gunters were at scheming.

Aside from Chester, Gerald was also well aware of the possibility of Aiden—his good friend who had been participating in a trial training hosted by the Gunters—getting dealt with. Understanding how the Gunters operated, after they went missing, Gerald knew that they weren’t going to have an easy time escaping from that family.

With that in mind, Gerald then replied, “Zyla, why don’t you go on ahead first? Now that Jasmine’s been saved, I can’t just leave my two friends behind. I’ll be staying back to rescue them!”

“Are you planning to run a solo mission, Gerald? You won’t stand a chance against the King of Judgment Portal!” replied Peter in a worried tone as Zyla looked at Gerald with a concerned expression.

“I’m well aware of that, which is why I won’t be fighting him head-on! Worry not, for I have a plan. I trust that with it, I’ll be able to rescue my friends and escape safely!” said Gerald with a smile.

Gerald had honestly thought up the idea—of sneaking into the Gunter Manor—much earlier while thinking about how to obtain more news and information from the Gunters. To think that his initial plan would end up being used as a method to rescue his friends!

Regardless, seeing how persistent Gerald was being, the others knew better than to persuade him against it. Quite frankly, Zyla herself seemed to have great confidence in Gerald’s decision.

“Very well, then. Since that’s the case, we’ll be heading to the desert in the Northwest first. Since the King of Judgment doesn’t know where Liemis is, that place will be a temporary safe haven for us! We’ll be waiting for you there!” said Zyla.

“Excellent! I was about to suggest the same thing as well! For safety, I think all of you should travel in a group. Now if there isn’t anything else, I’ll be heading off first. I’ll regroup with you as soon as I can!” replied Gerald as he watched as everyone nodded in return.

Everyone was well aware that the King of Judgment could very well be rushing toward them at that very second. Not wanting to delay things any further, both parties immediately departed their separate ways.

Gerald himself made sure to grab onto Felton—who currently looked like a wild dog—before dashing into the depths of the mountains.

And just like that, the entire shantytown fell into dead silence, with only the occasional glimmer of moonlight illuminating the area.

Not too long after, however, several powerful-looking people began leaping into the pitch-black shantytown! Upon finally arriving at Peter’s courtyard, the black light—that had been leading the other people to this spot—slowly turned into the vague shape of a human.

Scanning through the empty space with his frigid eyes, the dark figure quickly spotted the sacrificial altar that was still in the middle of the courtyard.

A second later, Hogan began walking toward the dark humanoid before saying, “There’s not a single soul in this shantytown, master!”

“They’ve all run away… And quite recently too…!” declared the dark figure—who was obviously the King of Judgment Portal—as his eyes grew scarlet. In his current form, he almost seemed demonic.

“Understood! Since that’s the case, I’ll immediately order the subordinates to split up and look for them all over the place!” replied Hogan.

“There’s no need to do that. Hogan, I need you to bring these men along and head to the mountains in the south. Based on my knowledge—and the fact that they’ve only recently left—the only way they could possibly avoid getting caught is by heading into the depths of the mountains there!” ordered the King of Judgment Portal, his eyes glinting in the darkness.

Receiving their order, the team then swiftly headed into the depths of the mountains, intent on catching Gerald and his allies.

The King of Judgment Portal himself took in a deep breath before clenching his fists tightly.

“I’ve been waiting for this day for thousands of years, Liemis and Zyla… Neither of you will be able to escape from my grasp! I’ll gain the Herculean Primordial Spirit and accede to the throne of the three worlds!” declared the King of Judgment Portal, his fists clenched so tightly now that his palm was going white.

By this point, he could no longer hide the immensely evil spirit in his body…

Moving back to the search party, almost everyone from Judgment Portal was currently doing a thorough search in the depths of the mountains. Naturally, there were also several Gunters helping them—since they were cooperating with the King of Judgment Portal—to ensure that nothing would escape their eyes. With so many people actively hunting them down, Gerald and the others wouldn’t have been able to fly out of that place, even if they had wings.

It hadn’t occurred to any of the Gunters or the Judgment Portal members, however, that the others had already long left Qerton City—at extremely rapid speeds—and were now heading northwest toward the desert.

It wasn’t too long after before it was near-dawn…

Chapter 1372
While searching around the dense forest, the team had split into smaller groups, and Hogan himself was currently leading a team of five people.

As they continued searching on, one of Hogan’s subordinates suddenly shouted, “There’s a person just right up ahead, Hogan!”

Hearing that, the rest of the small group instantly dashed forward and soon enough, they were standing by that person’s side.

While running over, they had noticed that not only was the person limping as he walked, but he also had shabby clothes on as well as scars all over his body.
Now that they were actually beside him, however, Hogan’s eyes widened in shock as he said, “…Young… Young Master Gunter…?”

The last anyone had heard from Felton was a few days ago after he was sent to Dordwell Heights to locate Gerald. Nobody could even contact him up till this point.

Worried sick, Yreth—who had managed to find some clues—made sure to send several people into the mountains to look for him, though to no avail. To think that something truly did happen to Felton!

“…H-Hogan…? Oh, thank god! I’m so relieved to see you…! Please, hurry up and save me…!” said Felton as he burst into tears the second he saw Hogan and his men.

“Rest assured, for with me here, nothing more will happen to you, Young Master Gunter. Regardless, who was it who beat you up this badly?” asked Hogan.

“It… It was Gerald…! While I managed to track him down in the shantytown a few days ago, I hadn’t expected him to have hired an extremely strong person to take me on! I had no way of counterattacking at all! Once I lost, Gerald captured me and inserted a potent poison into my body! As if that wasn’t already enough, he even tortured me in countless ways! Worst of all, he somehow managed to summon the soul of the woman in white last night! Following that, he brought me into this dense forest… I still have no idea what he had hoped to achieve from this, but I simply took the chance to escape when he wasn’t paying attention to me!” explained Felton.

“As expected, the master guessed correctly! So you truly were captured and locked up in the shantytown this entire time! No wonder the Gunters were unable to gain any news about you since that day!”

Hearing that, Felton then turned to look at one of his subordinates before ordering, “You there! Go order the rest to immediately increase the search scope within the forest! Gerald’s still somewhere in here, and we mustn’t allow him to escape again!”
“Affirmative! I’ll also be calling someone over to send you back to the Gunter manor now!”

“I appreciate it!” replied Felton with a nod.

A little while later in the Gunter Manor, a servant swiftly ran up to Yreth before declaring, “Lady Gunter! Master Gunter has finally returned!”

“What? Felton’s home?” replied Yreth instantaneously, feeling both surprised and delighted.

It was no secret that Yreth had constantly been worried about Felton’s safety throughout his absence.
Now that she knew that he was—at the very least—alive, her eyelids couldn’t stop twitching in her joy.

“Indeed! However, he’s also seriously injured and is currently unconscious!” said the servant.

“What? Lead me to him! Hurry!” shouted Yreth as she instantly ran out together with the servant.

Sure enough, she was immediately greeted by the sight of Felton—lying on a stretcher—the second she stepped outside. Seeing how terribly he had been tortured, Yreth was immediately filled with deep grief.

Yume herself had heard the commotion earlier, and she was now standing beside her grandmother.

“Felton… How did you end up this way…? Who did this…?!” muttered Yreth, immense pain in her voice.

“We found Young Master Gunter in the dense forest in a barely alive state! As for the perpetrator, it was none other than a subordinate that Gerald had hired! Aside from that, Gerald even inserted an extremely strange and potent poison into his body! Gerald himself is currently on the run in the dense forest!”
“…What? So it was Gerald…!” growled Yreth in such deep resentment that her eyes turned crimson.

Following that, she then turned to look at Felton again as she held onto him protectively.

“Can you hear my voice, Felton…? Worry not, I’ll definitely capture Gerald and hack him into pieces!” said Yreth as she gently caressed his cheek.

The second she touched him, however, Felton’s eyes immediately opened wide and he instantly kicked her hard in the stomach!

Completely caught off-guard, Yreth found herself flying backward before landing heavily—quite a distance away—with a loud ‘thud’!

“G-Grandma!” exclaimed Yume, feeling utterly shocked.

Felton himself was desperately screaming as he shouted, “P-please! Don’t come any closer! Please! Stay back!”

As the corner of Yreth’s mouth bled, she simply replied, “I-I’m fine…! Just go check on Felton! The poor boy must be traumatized after being tortured so terribly…!”

Chapter 1373

Yreth wasn’t blaming her grandson for his actions. After all, she knew for a fact that he simply thought that she was Gerald. After going through so much suffering, it wasn’t a surprise for Felton’s temperament to get this extreme.

‘How on earth did you even get this traumatized…? That d*mned Gerald…! I’ll hack him into pieces if it’s the last thing I do! I’ll surely get revenge on your behalf…!’ Yreth thought to herself as murderous intent flared in her eyes.

While she was undeniably furious, it was still a joyous occasion for the Gunters since Felton had managed to return in one piece.

Since both the Judgment Portal members and the Gunters were currently going all out on their hunt for Gerald, Yreth knew that this was their best chance of capturing him again. With that in mind, she let Felton recuperate in the Gunter Manor as she, too, set off to hunt Gerald down.

Due to everyone focusing on capturing Gerald, the Gunter Manor was pretty desolate by the time afternoon came.

It was around then when Felton finally decided to get off his sickbed.

Smiling slightly bitterly in his helpless state, Felton’s eyes momentarily lit up as he muttered to himself, “The underground prison that Aiden and Chester are currently being imprisoned in is most probably accessible through a secret room in the Manor… Still, to think that Yreth would constantly have so many servants by Felton’s side… I barely have any time alone! That witty woman is good in terms of security, that’s for sure!

While on the exterior, this person looked and sounded exactly like Felton, his true identity couldn’t be any further. In truth, the person who had been brought back to the Gunter Manor was none other than Gerald!

While he had already previously planned on sneaking into the Gunter Manor—by disguising himself as Felton—undetected to disrupt the actions of the Gunters as well as to get to the bottom of certain incidents that had been happening, he now had no need to do all that.

With that in mind, he concluded that he could just use the exact same method of sneaking in though this time, his mission would be to easily save and sneak his two friends out.

Unfortunately for him, even after inquiring—several servants—about where the entrance to the underground dungeon was the entire afternoon, none of them had any idea where it was!

Feeling slightly disappointed, Gerald then returned to Felton’s room to figure out his next step. Before he could think for long, however, he suddenly heard knocks coming from the door.

“Come in!” said Gerald.

Seconds later, the door opened and in walked a beautiful woman… Of course, it was none other than Yume.

“To think you’d still be getting out of bed and walking around even after suffering from such serious internal injuries!” said Yume rather indifferently as she looked at Felton.

From that alone, it was quite obvious that both of them didn’t really share a particularly good relationship.

Whatever the case was, Gerald found himself feeling delighted as he thought, ‘With Yume here, I’ll definitely be able to find out where the Gunter family’s underground dungeon is! ’

Following that, Felton coughed before saying, “Though Gerald is both powerful and ferocious, I’m still alive, aren’t I? So what if I walk around a bit?”

“Humph! I never thought that you’d actually admire others since you’ve been arrogant for as long as I’ve known you!” replied Yume, feeling slightly amused though she didn’t show it.

“So… Why exactly did you come over to look for me?” asked Felton rather coldly.

“It’s nothing much. I just wanted to ask whether Gerald’s truly as powerful as you described him to be. Has he really changed that much within such a short period of time?” asked Yume rather curiously.

“But of course he has! He’s currently probably even more terrifying than both of us could ever imagine!” replied Felton, trying to make as big a deal as possible about Gerald.

“…So it really is true… Well, based on his current strength, do you have any idea whether grandma will be able to capture him?” asked Yume.

“I’d say that it’s highly unlikely! After all, he’s no longer as weak as he previously was. Besides, that old woman alone won’t be able to-”


“…I- I mean grandma. What I was trying to say was that even if grandma and the King of Judgment Portal were to gang up on him, they’d still have a hard time capturing him!” corrected Felton.

Though he was rather close to Yume, he knew that it would be best if he didn’t expose his true identity for now. After all, it was better to be safe than sorry.

“…Regardless, I have something to do in the underground dungeon. Could you bring me there, Yume?” asked Felton.

Frowning slightly, she couldn’t help but feel that Felton was behaving increasingly strange today…

While she would’ve definitely been able to pick up on what was really happening on any other day, her mind was currently too occupied with Gerald’s massive transformation.

Not knowing what to make of Felton’s request, she then replied, “…Why do you wish to go there? Besides, can’t you just go yourself?”

“By the time I got back, the only item I had left on me was our family’s magic artifact. With that in mind, you have to bring me there!” replied Felton.

Chapter 1374

“Please, I know why you want to go there so much… I know for a fact that grandma’s captured two of Gerald’s friends and locked them down there. You just want to vent out your anger by hurting them, right?” said Yume without a second thought. After all, she, of all people, understood Felton’s personality the most.

“Bullsh*t! I’m trying to save them and lead them to a safe place!” retorted Felton.

“…What’s your motive here…?”

“Look, Gerald implanted an extremely potent poison within my body. If I don’t save his friends, then he’ll kill me! Is that reason good enough for you?!” replied Felton, hints of fear in his voice.

“…So that’s the case! No wonder your temperament has changed so vastly ever since you returned!
Very well! Since only grandma and I have the key to the underground dungeon, I’ll lead you there!” said Yume in a rather willing tone. After all, Yume herself had been racking her brains the past few days, wondering how she could release Gerald’s allies.

The second Yume and Felton walked past the dungeon’s main doors, they were immediately greeted by endless shouting. As it turned out, many others were being kept prisoner there. Even so, they weren’t who the duo was looking for, so they simply walked on till they eventually arrived at the final dungeon.

Even before they got close to that door, however, both of them could already hear Aiden scowling every curse word in the book.

“You b*tch! You’re a wicked old hag, that’s what you are! You better let us go before I curse your entire family…!”

After Yume opened the door—while blushing slightly from all the profanities—both she and Gerald were immediately greeted by the sight of Aiden and Chester who had been tied up with chains. Their torsos, in particular, had been tied extra securely, and both of them had a blue, sparkling bead hung over their chests.

“What do you want? If you’re daring enough, come get it over with me already! Honestly though, what was I thinking when I came over to your family’s trial training back then? To think that I once considered the Gunters to be good… How blind I was! Don’t even get me started on your unreliable promises! After all, you guaranteed us that we’d get at least three meals per day when you first captured us! While that was true at the start, it soon got reduced to two meals, and then to one… Just so you know, we haven’t had anything to eat in the past two days! If you want us to die so much, then just kill us outright! We’ve suffered enough! Once we’re dead, however, do expect our boss to avenge us…!”

“Please stop with the profanities already! I admit that I overlooked your meals! It’s just that I’ve been particularly busy with something in the past few days! Due to that, I admit that I forgot to order for food to be sent to you! I’m terribly sorry that you’ve had to go hungry for the past two days, but know that I would’ve definitely continued feeding you well had it not been for how busy I was!” replied Yume. While she didn’t like how angrily Aiden was scowling at her, she had to admit that she felt slightly guilty. “That’s quite enough shouting! We’re here to release you today, you know? Once you’re free, you can eat however much you want! Now hurry up and leave this place and remember, don’t ever show your faces in Qerton again!” declared Felton.

Following that, Yume turned to look at both Aiden and Chester before nodding firmly at them.

The second he heard that, a bandit—who had been standing at the side this entire time—quickly shook his head before saying, “H-huh…? Young Master Felton?! You’re letting them free? No way!”

Felton simply slapped him immediately in response before shouting, “You mother*cker! Who’s the rich heir here? Huh? Is it me or you?”

Falling to the ground from the force of the slap, the dizzy bandit then wobbled to his feet before replying, “O-of course you’re the rich heir, Young Master Felton…! However, these two are key figures in our effort to capture Gerald…! Due to that, Lady Gunter has implanted very special magic artifacts within their bodies! The second the artifacts leave their bodies, all their internal organs will simultaneously explode! It’ll be a horrible death like no other!”

“…Oh? Magical artifacts you say?” said Gerald as he paid closer attention to the blue, sparkling beads on both Chester and Aiden’s chests.

‘So they had such mysterious items implanted into them… That old woman truly is wicked…!’

“Tell me more about the magic artifacts. How do we undo their effects?” asked Yume.

“I’m not too sure about that… I do know, however, that a key is needed to undo the magic artifacts, and the key itself is stored in Lady Gunter’s room! However, only she is allowed to enter that place, so I’m afraid I can’t help you with this!” replied the bandit in dismay.

“…Could it perhaps be there…?” mumbled Yume to herself as though she was deep in thought.
“…Do you have an idea of where it could be?”

“Well… I may have an idea where exactly the key is kept inside her room… Even so, nobody is allowed to enter without permission… If we get caught, then we’ll surely be given the family punishment… Are you still willing to do so after hearing that?” asked Yume.

“What’s there to be afraid of? If she wants to kill anyone, then she can just kill me! There’s nothing to worry about!”

Upon hearing that, Yume’s respect for Gerald instantly skyrocketed. After all, all it took was a few days for him to change Felton—a usually insufferably arrogant person—this much!

With that, the duo then continued talking as they slowly made their way out of the dungeon. Before arriving at the dungeon’s entrance, however, Felton suddenly turned to face Aiden—for a brief moment—before winking twice.

Aiden found himself widening his eyes as he watched the duo leave for Yreth’s room.

‘…That gaze…!’ Aiden thought to himself as he slowly broke into a smile.

“…Say, Chester! I have a feeling that we’re as good as saved now! The boss is here!”

Chapter 1375
“…The boss is here?” asked Chester, unsure how to even react to that statement.
“Hahaha! It won’t be long before we’re saved! Just you f*cking wait, you Gunters! Once we’re free, I’m definitely setting this place on fire!” growled Aiden in rage.

A little while later, Felton and Yume arrived at Yreth’s room.

Upon entering, he found that the layout of the room wasn’t particularly complicated. Quite minimalistic, in fact. The only notable things in there were a desk at one side of the room and a shelf behind it.

“…Is this where the secret room is…?” asked Felton.

“It should be… After all, Grandma has two secret rooms, as far as I’m aware of. I’m not sure whether you know about this or not, but grandma had a secret room that was accessible through her special study. It was where she imprisoned the woman in white. As for this room… I once caught grandma exiting from behind the shelf when I was much younger… With that in mind, there should be some contraption here that opens a path behind the shelf. If it’s anything similar to the way grandma revealed the secret room in her study, then…”

As Yume’s voice trailed off, Gerald watched as she walked to the side of the study before holding onto a pen’s cap—that was on the table—and twisting it slightly…

A brief ‘click’ was heard, and all of a sudden, the shelf began trembling as it slowly slid to the side, revealing a darkened hole leading underground!

Noticing how surprised she looked, Gerald then asked, “…Didn’t you say you saw her exit that place before…?”

“Well, I did… But it’s vastly different from the secret room entrance that I remember as a child… Besides, can’t you feel that…? The strange coldness coming from the hole…” muttered Yume in her bewilderment.
“…Whatever the case is, let’s enter first… Follow me!”

Quite honestly, Gerald himself had felt a chill run down his spine as well. There was just some sort of extraordinary aura that the hole emitted… and whatever it was, it scared Gerald greatly.

Within the hole was a long corridor, and secret compartments—filled with all sorts of things—were lined all across it.

Lighting an oil lamp that she found, Yume then began looking around…

Eventually, she shouted, “I… I think I’ve found it!”

Watching as she joyfully held onto a blue jade charm, Gerald himself began sensing an enigmatic aura that was slowly growing stronger. With that in mind, he then said in a slightly fearful voice, “…Its aura is very similar to the aura of the magic artifacts on both Aiden and Chester’s bodies. This should be it. Now let’s not waste any more time and leave this place already!”


However, just as they were about to leave, both of them suddenly heard a loud scraping noise…

By the time they realized what was happening, the opening to the corridor had been sealed off, leaving the duo surrounded only by dead silence!

Just as Yume was about to investigate, she suddenly felt an immense force pulling onto her, prompting her to scream!

Gerald himself had sensed the strong suction force, and though he immediately used his Thunder Eruption skill in his attempt to resist it, the force eventually got so strong that it almost felt like he was being sucked into a black hole!

Unable to continue resisting the force by that point, both Gerald and Yume fell to the ground in unison… Only to fall into yet another chamber that was made of stone!

The second they hit the floor of the new area, all the lights within it instantly lit up.

Looking up, both of them then saw a ghostly black light hovering around in mid-air.

As if that wasn’t already shocking enough, the orb of darkness suddenly deafeningly shouted, “Haha! I’ve been waiting for someone other than Yreth to stumble in here! Tell me, are both of you descendants of the Gunter family?”

Chapter 1376

“…W-who are you…? And why are you here in our manor…?” asked the surprised Yume.

“Hahaha! Your manor? This is my manor! I was the one who founded the Gunter family, girl! Both of you are nothing more than my descendants!” replied the black light in a booming voice before slowly taking the shape of an old man.

Having white hair that tufted around his old head and a beard that dropped all the way to his chest, it was hard to deny that the old man gave off the impression of a skillful martial artist.

Regardless, the shocked Yume then replied, “…W-what did you say…?”

Gerald himself was now looking at the old man in slight surprise.

From what Gerald could tell, the old man’s form of existence was quite similar to that of the woman in white’s thought of the soul. However, there was a clear difference between the two. It was quite obvious, honestly, that the power and energy that the old man had—and could release from himself— was much stronger compared to what the woman in white could achieve.

While the woman in white was nothing more than an ordinary thought of the soul before the fusion, the figure currently standing before him was immensely different. After all, not only did he have the power and energy to materialize himself, but he was also extremely strong!

Gerald wondered how strong and terrifying that old man’s training level would actually be if he actually possessed a physical body…

“I said that both of you are nothing more than my descendants! What, hasn’t Yreth told you two about the Gunter family’s history before?” sneered the old man.

As Gerald found himself shaking his head, Yume—on the other hand—nodded quickly before saying, “Grandma’s told me lots about our ancestors ever since I was young! From what I was told, the Gunter ancestors gained immense supernatural powers and founded the base of our family after discovering some historical relics from the great civilization of antiquity. However, when our family finally became stable enough, one of our ancestors went on a journey to seek out more divine artifacts from the great civilization of antiquity… Unfortunately, that was the last anyone ever saw of him! …You… couldn’t really be suggesting that you’re that ancestor… right? But… But how? If you truly are who you claim to be, then why did grandma keep you locked up in here?” asked Yume.

Watching as the old man simply laughed in response, Yume then asked, “…What’s so funny…?”

“…I don’t think he’s locked up in here… Rather, he probably can’t show himself for certain reasons, which is why grandma brought him into this secret chamber instead. Of course, though he doesn’t leave the chamber, I’m sure he’s been remotely controlling the entire family this entire time,” said Gerald while looking at the old man.

Hearing that, the old man simply scanned Gerald from head to toe in surprise. Following that, he shook his head before saying, “I hadn’t expected our family to still have decent and capable descendants. I admit that you truly are smart, grandson! As you’ve said, I’ve been controlling the heads of the Gunter family for many generations now!”

As Yume’s jaw dropped in shock, Gerald himself felt slightly surprised.

While Zyla had already told him that the Gunters were an unusual family, he was now only realizing how true her words were. Though he had previously been wondering how the Gunters had even gotten involved with those from the Judgment Portal in the first place, everything now made sense. As it turned out, the real mastermind behind the scenes was this old man—who had probably lived for thousands of years—this entire time!

Finally starting to believe what the old man was saying, Yume then replied, “…So… You truly are our family’s ancestor…? But, if you really are our ancestor, why have you remained in here for so long without ever heading out? Didn’t you venture out to look for more divine artifacts…?”

“That’s going to be a long story to detail… Essentially, while it’s true that I headed off to seek out more divine artifacts at the time, understand that all divine artifacts—in general—tend to be guarded by heavenly spirits. With that in mind, I failed to take down one of the heavenly spirits, resulting in my body getting crushed into pieces! However, not long after, I managed to barely escape with the thought of my soul. Since the Gunters still had many strong enemies at the time, I took it upon myself to direct and control the Gunters from behind the scenes in order to prevent our family’s utter destruction. As for why I’ve managed to preserve the thought of my soul for so long, it’s because the Gunter’s heads have continuously supplied me with the spirit bodies of many top masters!” explained the old man.

“…Wait… W-what did you say…? Are… are you telling me that our family’s annual training meeting is nothing more than a means for you to absorb spiritual energy from the contestants….?” said Yume as she came to a sudden realization.
“Bingo! Alas, even though those people possessed spirit bodies, their physical talents weren’t up to my standards at all! You two have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to possess a spirit body that’s able to help me achieve true reincarnation!” replied the old man with a laugh.

“…I… I think I see the bigger picture now… The person you’re aiming to possess is Gerald, right? The one grandma and those from the Judgment Portal are still trying to capture? After all, since his body contains the Herculean Primordial Spirit, his body is far different from an ordinary mortal’s… Is my guess correct?” asked the flabbergasted Yume.

“Right again! I can see now that you, too, are very intelligent!” said the old man before laughing once more.

Gerald himself was now so stunned that he muttered, “…Herculean Primordial Spirit…? What… is even going on here…?”

Whatever the case was, Gerald was now sure of one thing. These people were currently searching so desperately for him since his body contained a great secret that they urgently needed…

Chapter 1377

“Indeed! Once I possess Gerald’s body, I’ll surely be able to make a great comeback! Following that, our family will be able to head to Jaellatra together, a perfect world for the Gunters to reign supreme as overlords! By then, our family would be in total control of both heaven and earth!” added the old man as he chuckled longingly.

“…Regardless… Did you lead both of us down here just because you wanted to tell us all this…?” asked Yume.
“That’s a good question! See, while Gerald’s body would naturally be the best option for me, Yreth and the others have simply been too stupid. After waiting anxiously here for so long, I’m unwilling to wait any longer! Adding that to the fact that I’m slightly worried that Yreth will end up harming the body I wish to possess, I’m planning on making my comeback in advance! In order to do so, however, I’ll first need a suitable body for me to adapt to, and both of your bodies appear to possess sufficient auras…” replied the old man.

Turning to look at Gerald, he then added, “…Especially my grandson here! Quite frankly, I don’t think there’ll be anyone even close to being as suitable as him!”

“…You… what? But he’s your descendant! You aren’t even willing to let him go…?” asked Yume in surprise.

Quite honestly, even if the old man really were to harm Felton, Yume wasn’t about to feel upset or distressed for Felton’s sake. After all, Felton was a demon-like, cruel, and vicious person. In other words, him dying was actually going to be a good thing.

Even so, it still felt extremely awkward to Yume since she now knew that the person who was planning to harm Felton was her family’s ancestor whom everyone respected and admired! Knowing that simply served to amplify her discomfort!

“Well, I don’t really have a choice either. Regardless, our family is already doing well at the moment, so your sacrifice—to secure an even better future for the Gunters—will definitely be worth it!” scoffed the old man as he smiled wryly.

Astonishment was reflected in Gerald’s eyes as he finally realized where the dangerous aura—that he had sensed upon entering this area—came from. To think that this old man would be so cruel and heartless!

Even wild beasts always looked after their cubs… But this old man… He wasn’t even willing to let his own descendant off!
As Gerald took a step back, the old men then laughed before sneering, “Now, now, there’s no need to be afraid! I’ll be sure to lessen the pain as much as possible!”

Watching as the old man’s soul dived straight for Gerald, Gerald instantly exhausted all of the Thunder essential qi in his body to resist the attack!

Upon collision, an explosive sound was heard! Though Gerald had the Thunder Essential qi aura up to defend himself, the more the old man’s soul continued pushing forward, the more Gerald could feel his own soul trembling…!

His soul wasn’t the only thing trembling either, and as Gerald’s body began quivering uncontrollably, he found himself tasting a familiar sweetness in his mouth as blood began overflowing from it!

“I advise you not to continue engaging in such futile resistance! After all, it’ll only make things much more painful for you!” snorted the old man with a grin.

It was a few seconds later when the smile on the old man’s face slowly faded… Only to be turned into an expression of utter disbelief!

“…I’ve already practiced the technique—that allows me to freely move the thought of my soul—for so long that I’m quite literally an expert at it… By right, I shouldn’t make any mistakes at all while using the technique… However, why is it that a surging power repels me whenever I attempt to touch your soul…?!” said the old man in horror as he quickly backed quite a distance away from Gerald, his expression a mix of awkwardness and embarrassment!

With the strength that the old man currently possessed, it was near-impossible for him not to be able to absorb anyone’s soul, regardless of how powerful or talented that person was. Thinking about it, it was also impossible for a Gunter descendant to possess such powerful soul strength! Forget invading this young man’s soul, Gerald’s soul had the capability of destroying the old man’s own thought of the soul! But how could that be possible…?
“…You… You aren’t a descendant of my family, are you…? Who the hell are you?” muttered the intelligent old man who could now tell that something was amiss.

The strength this young man possessed was simply too incredible… Knowing that fact that it could easily destroy his thought of soul, the old man knew that he was very fortunate to have been able to pull away in time.

“His name is Felton Gunter, great-grandpa! There’s simply no way that he isn’t a Gunter descendant!” explained Yume.

“I’m well aware of who Felton is… Yreth had constantly been training him to become the next generation’s successor of the Gunter family, so I know the strength range of Felton’s power very well… With that said, the person who came with you earlier is definitely not Felton…! After all, the power of this person’s soul is so strong that even I feel terrified by it!” replied the terror-stricken old man.

Chapter 1378

Hearing that, Yume turned to look at Felton in amazement and immediately sensed that something was wrong. For one, she had never seen Felton’s eyes like that before.

Smiling faintly, Gerald then replied, “…You are correct. I’m not Felton.”

Truth be told, even he had no idea what was currently going on. While he had felt immensely dizzy after getting hit by that old man’s soul earlier, it wasn’t long before a rush of essential qi suddenly began filling his body!
It was as if a water god had collided against a mountain, causing all the essential qi dammed up inside to gush out the moment a crack appeared! To put things simply, Gerald’s body was currently overflowing with power, and along with it, came an extremely destructive aura.

As Gerald realized that he no longer needed to be afraid of the old man anymore, the surprised Yume exclaimed, “…H-huh…? Then… If you’re not Felton… Who are you…?!”

“I’m the one who killed him!” replied Gerald casually.

“You… You killed Felton…?!” said Yume as she took a few steps back.

Even so, she already had a good guess who the person standing before her truly was… Could… Could it really be him…?

As Yume pondered on her conclusion, the enraged old man roared, “You… You brat…! Not only did you kill my descendant, but you also disguised yourself to be him just so you could enter our family’s secret chamber! No wonder your essential qi felt so different compared to the rest of the Gunter family members…!”

Just as the old man was preparing to take action again, he suddenly froze in place as he saw what seemed to be a faint, golden light glowing off Gerald’s entire body…

It was the same golden light that had earlier hurt him!

“…What is this…? Why does it seem as though the power of your soul keeps getting stronger and stronger…? It’s just been a few moments, yet the aura your body’s emitting has risen several levels already…!” muttered the old man as his eyes widened in disbelief.

“I’ll be honest and say that I have no idea what’s happening either. What I do know, however, is that the strong impact on my soul—when you attacked me earlier—seemed to release something that had been suppressed within my body for the longest time… With that said, it’s now filling me with extreme strength!” replied the curious Gerald rather casually.

“You’re… being filled with extreme strength?” asked the old man in surprise.

“Indeed. With how strong I am now, I’m going to be frank and say that I now have the means to easily destroy you in seconds! I truly wonder how you managed to trigger all this… Well, since all this happened the second you attacked me, why don’t you try attacking me again?” asked Gerald in a curious tone as he smiled wryly.

“…T-that…” stuttered the old man as he began panting rather heavily.

By that point, the golden light had grown so much that it almost seemed to encapsulate Gerald within an orb of light. As the light completed its condensation process, the energy it emitted grew even more terrifying to the old man!

After staring intently at Gerald for a while, the old man’s eyes widened as he took a few steps back in horror. Seemingly understanding what was happening now, the old man then said, “This… This is the first stage of the Herculean Golden Primordial Spirit…! It seems to be the first-level potential release of the Herculean Primordial Spirit…! Which could only mean that… You… You’re Gerald…!”

Chapter 1379

“…Gerald?” asked Yume, looking at Gerald wide-eyed.

Nodding in response, Gerald then replied, “While Zyla did talk about the Herculean Golden Primordial Spirit—that you just mentioned—she didn’t elaborate much on it. With that in mind, I know very little about it. What exactly is it…? From what I can guess, it seems that you’re referring to the secret that’s hidden within me… Had the King of Judgment Portal come all the way here just to acquire this secret as well…?”

Upon hearing that, the old man’s eyes instantly lit up as he shouted, “So you truly are, Gerald!”

While he was overjoyed that Gerald was finally standing before him now, he was simultaneously saddened to know that Gerald’s current potential and strength were a bit too daunting for him to handle.

The old man was also well aware that even the slightest carelessness—on his behalf—could end up enraging Gerald, in turn destroying the Gunter Manor and eventually, the rest of his family despite them being so cautious this entire time!

Whatever the case was, it appeared that he was the one who had helped Gerald unlock the first stage of the Herculean Golden Primordial Spirit’s release…

To think that he was already this terrifying despite being only at the first stage! Hell, Gerald hadn’t even gained the full power of the first stage yet! If he were to one day unlock all nine stages of the Herculean Primordial Spirit, then he’d surely be able to destroy entire worlds with just a flick of his finger! How utterly horrifying…!

“You still haven’t answered my question. What exactly is the Herculean Golden Primordial Spirit?” asked Gerald.

“…It’s the potential that exists within you… Every time it is released, it’ll ramp up the potential of the three realms… Such potential is enough to make anyone whose training in martial arts go crazy!” explained the old man.

“This… potential… Is it in my body?” asked Gerald who hadn’t noticed the old man slowly moving his hands, sneakily gathering his essential qi.

“Bingo. Tell me, do you know who you are?” asked the old man in a hushed voice before gulping.

“Who I am?” asked Gerald.

The second Gerald’s question ended, the old man suddenly raised his head before launching an attack at Gerald with all his strength!

Since the worst possible outcome—to him—was now a reality, he knew that he couldn’t allow Gerald to continue developing any further. If he did, then his thousands of years preparing for all this would’ve been for nothing!

His only option left was to fight Gerald!

As the old man’s palm grew inches away from Gerald’s chest, the golden light suddenly reappeared where he had planned to strike, causing an explosive sound to ensue!

Not only did the thought of the soul of the old man tremble as it flew backward, but the darkness surrounding his body immediately dissipated as well! Due to the sudden instability of the thought of his soul, the old man instantly screamed in tremendous pain as he stared at Gerald with utterly horrified eyes.

“By god…! You’ve just unlocked the first stage of your potential yet you’re already capable of piercing through the thought of my soul?! How is any of this even possible?!” shouted the old man, looking extremely desperate now.

Watching as his thought of the soul slowly dissipated, the old man could only wail hysterically in all the pain he was experiencing.
He had already come this far, yet… No. He wasn’t going to just reconcile with this… He wasn’t going to just get destroyed like this…!

With that, he then turned to glare at the frightened Yume—who was still looking at Gerald—before dashing toward her!

Even if he wasn’t able to move Gerald’s soul, he could at least still take over Yume’s body. In doing so, he would, at the very least, still have a lease of life!

“Be careful!” shouted Gerald as he pointed his fingers at Yume before sealing the position between her eyebrows. Unable to bear Gerald’s power, she instantly fainted on the spot.

Gerald had learned a thing or two about adaptable bodies from Leo, and he knew what needed to be done in order to prevent a soul from entering another person’s body. True to Leo’s teachings, regardless of how powerful the old man was, there was nothing more he could do about the situation.

“I’ll say it now that you lost the right to call yourself the ancestor of the Gunters ages ago. In my eyes, you’re nothing but an old demon who’s lived for thousands of years! With that in mind, I believe it’s high time you got destroyed!” said Gerald.

“N-no…! Please don’t destroy me…! Wait!”

Naturally, Gerald wasn’t going to listen to a word he said. Gerald was well aware that the old man wasn’t most afraid of his essential qi, nor his strength. No, the old man was utterly terrified by his thought of the soul. After all, Gerald’s thought of the soul was many times stronger compared to the old man’s. Hell, Gerald’s thought of the soul was capable of ending the old man in a snap of a finger.

With that in mind, Gerald then unleashed a great power from his thought of the soul! Aiming it toward the old man, Gerald then coldly shouted, “To hell with you!”

Chapter 1380

Gerald’s golden light then flickered before completely enveloping the already faint, black light. And with that, the black light was no more, completely overwhelmed by the immense power.

‘So my potential has finally been released… If this is truly the Herculean Primordial Spirit, then that means I’ve successfully unlocked the first stage of the Primordial Spirit! Though I do wonder… Once I unlock all nine stages, will I really be capable of causing massive destruction to both heaven and earth…?’ Gerald thought to himself in amazement.

Whatever the case was, Gerald then lifted the unconscious Yume off the ground before tearing his mask off, revealing his true face. Just as he was about to leave with her, however, he suddenly noticed a rather strange piece of equipment built in the center of the secret chamber.

It looked like some kind of pool, and above it, was a blue light that dispersed a blue liquid from it, not unlike how automatic water fountains functioned. The pool itself seemed to be emitting its own blue glow.

‘…This should be what Felton was telling me about… It should be the cornerstone that this family—with secret techniques—used to train their inner strength…! In other words, this should be the source of their family’s power…!’ Gerald thought to himself.

“Well, since I’m already here anyway, I may as well make the best of the situation. In order to repay your kindness, I’ll be passing on a special training technique to you, Yume! Still, it truly seems that both of us can never be on the same path after all!” muttered Gerald with a wry smile as he shook his head.

Following that, he gathered some strength in his palm before blasting the concentrated energy at the cornerstone!
Upon hitting its mark, the blue crystal sphere rolled to the side and the stone platform ended up shattering to pieces in an explosive sound, causing the liquid in the pool to immediately flow out!

“Let’s see how arrogant you can continue being after taking this away from you!” sneered Gerald before picking the blue crystal sphere up and leaving the place for good.

Meanwhile, Yreth—who had been busy commanding the rest of the Gunters in her search for Gerald— suddenly felt her heart palpitate, prompting her to shudder and shout, “…Something’s not right…!”

“What is it, Lady Yreth?” asked one of her subordinates.

“Something’s happened at home…! It seems that our foundation has shaken!” replied Yreth as she frowned incredulously.

She knew for a fact that the place where their foundation was hidden was extremely deep and wellconcealed. What more, ‘he’ would’ve been standing guard there as well. With that in mind, how could it have shaken…?

If the Gunters no longer had the foundation, then they’d never be able to continue making any progress in their training. Should that come to be, then all the Gunters could do in future was sit idle till their fortune ran dry! Worst come to worst, all it would take was a few years for there to no longer be any more new Gunters who possessed any knowledge of secret techniques!

As she was thinking about that, one of her subordinates suddenly called out in a panicked voice, “Wwe’ve found him…! Lady Yreth, we’ve found him…!”

“What? You’ve found Gerald? Also, why do you look so panicked?” asked Yreth as her eyes instantly lit up. Turning to face the direction of the voice, she saw several Gunters carrying a person as they rushed toward her.
Gulping, the subordinate then miserably replied, “…I-it’s not Gerald, Lady Yreth… We… We found Mr. Felton’s body…!”

“…W-what did you say…? Felton’s body…?!” said Yreth as she felt an acute pain in her heart.

By the time the subordinates stood before her with Felton’s body, Yreth was feeling so faint from the shock that she required someone to support her body.

Upon carefully inspecting the body, she heavy-heartedly had to acknowledge that her grandson was dead… But how could that be…? Hadn’t he already returned home…? Why was his corpse here then…?

…If he was here this entire time… Then… Who was the Felton back at Gunter Manor?

As a sea of questions arose in her heart, she slowly began connecting the dots… Before her eyes widened in astonishment.

“…This is bad. Everyone! Hurry and return to the Gunter Manor with me…!” commanded Yreth.

Chapter 1381
When Yreth rushed back to Gunter Manor with the other members of the Gunter family, all they could see was a burst of flames soaring into the sky.

The entire Gunter Manor was lit up in a big fire, and it had nearly turned into ashes.
Yreth’s face was flushed red with anger. At this moment, her feelings of grief and anger were mixed up, and this made her feel extremely hysterical. “The Gunter family’s foundation of more than ten thousand years has been completely ruined and destroyed by Gerald. Gerald! If I, Yreth Gunter, do not avenge the
Gunter family for everything that you have done today, I am not a member of the Gunter family!”

Yreth naturally understood the situation now. The person who had been posing as Felton was none other than Gerald.

Moreover, Gerald had also been telling the truth. Felton had truly ended up in his hands, but Felton had not managed to escape successfully, but instead, he had been brutally murdered by Gerald in the forest.

After that, Gerald had made his way into Gunter Manor, burning down and destroying the foundation of the Gunter family.

Yreth was filled with anger and resentment. She was so enraged that her whole body was trembling uncontrollably as she ground her teeth until they were crushed.

“Gather all our forces and try your best to find and locate Gerald’s whereabouts. Even if Gerald has already run to the ends of the earth, I want you to capture and bring him back so that I can tear him into pieces!”

Yreth could not help but feel inexplicably nervous.

Could Gerald have already taken the Gunter family’s cornerstone away?! It seemed as though it had already been shifted and displaced.

But that should be impossible! After all, the ancestor of the Gunter family should be in charge of watching over it.

At this moment, Yreth did not have time to think about anything else, and she braved the raging fire as she rushed directly to her secret chamber.

Three days later, at North Desert Town.

‘Although I do not fully understand what the Herculean Golden Primordial Spirit is, the first stage of the awakening of its potential has indeed brought about many huge changes to me!’

Gerald quickly walked out from within a dense forest.

North Desert Town was already before him.

Gerald could not help but feel very surprised and happy as he thought about the changes in his body within a very short three days’ period.

According to Gerald’s original cultivation level, it would not be a problem for him to arrive at North Desert Town within a day through Qerton Mountain from Qerton City.

However, Gerald could feel that his body had undergone earth-shattering changes over the past three days.

When Finnley had bathed him with medicinal herbs and materials back then, Gerald’s body had changed drastically because of that. It was as though all of the cells in his body had opened up at once, and it was madly absorbing the holy spirit, and his physique continued growing stronger, and his skills and abilities continued strengthening back then.

But now, after the first stage of potential had been awakened, Gerald felt as though his body did not belong to him anymore. He felt as though some sort of wonderful realm between heaven and earth had been opened up. In the past, he had absorbed all of the holy spirits in others to nourish and strengthen his body, but now, he felt as though the barrier between him and the holy spirit had been completely banished, and he felt as though he had completely integrated himself and become one with the elements of heaven and earth.

Using the Thunder Eruption method, the growth rate of his own cultivation level was showing an extremely incredible growth trend.

Now, it had just been three days, but he had already crossed the middle stage of the Spirit Earth Realm, and he had already reached the later stage directly. No, it seemed to be a stage that surpassed the later stage, but Gerald was still a little unclear about the exact details.

In short, Gerald felt extremely strong and powerful now.

Three days ago, Gerald had simply had a stronger and more powerful soul. So, he did not dare to stay in Qerton City to go head-to-head with the King of the Judgement Portal and the Gunter family.

But now, Gerald would certainly be able to defeat Yreth or Queena if he had to face them directly.

This was the confidence that Gerald had. It was the kind of confidence that arose entirely because of his current strength.

However, at this moment, Gerald had to help Zyla look for Liemes’s corpse so that the both of them could finally be reconciled. After that, he would have to deal with the important matter involving the pledge of the holy water.

So, after cultivating and rushing to make his way through the forest for three days, Gerald had finally arrived.

Everyone had already agreed to meet up at a hotel that Gerald had visited when he was here before.

However, it was only after Gerald had arrived and asked about it that he found out that Uncle, Zyla, and the others had indeed stayed at this hotel. However, someone had come to pick them up in the morning yesterday and they had left, never coming back after that.

‘How could it be? Could it be that uncle is also acquainted with someone here?’ Gerald thought to himself.

“Do you know who picked them up?”

Chapter 1382

Gerald asked.

“I don’t know. We have many guests coming here recently. However, those people are all dressed in Western-style clothing, and they also have a certain logo on their chest. Based on what I saw, your friends were respectfully picked up by those people!” The boss said.

Gerald nodded.

Uncle had not left anything behind for him at all to trace and find them.

So, it seemed as though they did not intend to stay there for a long time even if they had truly left. However, something must have cropped up, and that must be why Uncle and the others had not returned yet.

“Ah, young lad, can you see that? It is some people with a similar kind of dressing. They look just like the people who picked your friends up.”

At this time, the boss spoke as he looked outside the door and pointed at a group of more than a dozen people.

Gerald looked in that direction.

The leader of the group was a tall woman with naturally curly and long hair. She was dressed in sports attire and based on the outline of her figure, it was obvious that she was born from a martial arts family.

She looked very beautiful, and she had an eminent aura around her, making it obvious that she was not a local at first glance.

She was shopping on the street.

There were about a dozen bodyguards dressed in suits behind her at this time.

As the boss had just said, all of these bodyguards had a circular logo on their chests.

“It’s them?”

Gerald could not help but knit his brows together as he frowned. He stepped forward as he got ready to question them.

“Miss, you should hurry up and go back. We should be doing this personally, but Tilar Lacraft is a very sinister and cunning person. I am truly worried and afraid that you will be in danger if something were to go wrong!”

A middle-aged man behind her spoke up.

This middle-aged man had a pair of brows that were slanting like swords, and he had a piercing look in his eyes. He had an extraordinary aura, and his palms were filled with calluses. He was obviously a master.

He was speaking in a very polite and respectful manner as he followed behind the woman.

“Pfft! What is the matter? I want everyone in my family to see that I, Yileen Dailey, can also get things done, and I will not fall behind anyone else! I can even solve things that my father cannot solve, and I can deal with people that my father cannot deal with! Hmph! Alright, then. I will only meet up with them later. Stop disturbing me while I am trying to shop. Just follow me from far behind!”

Yileen looked like she was about twenty-three or twenty-four years old. Although she was very beautiful, anyone could tell that she was a very deadly person who was not to be trifled with.

So, at this moment, the few of her subordinates did not dare to continue persuading her anymore. Thus, they could only slowly follow behind her.

“Miss, there is something that I would like to ask you!”

After waiting for a while, Gerald suddenly came forward and stood in front of Yileen.

“Who are you?”

Yileen asked as she looked Gerald up and down.

He was wearing very ordinary clothes, but he actually had a very handsome appearance.

However, Yileen would never look up to someone like him, and a trace of disdain flashed through her eyes instantly.

“I would like to ask you about six of my friends. They are two men and four women, and they were staying at this hotel before this. However, I heard the boss saying that someone came to pick them up from the hotel early in the morning yesterday. Were you the ones who picked them up?” Gerald asked with a polite smile on his face.

He had decided to approach them as a normal and ordinary person.

“What the hell? Who are you? You can go and look for the person who took your friends away if you want to. Why are you asking me? I have already seen many people who have tried using the same means as you. You actually dare to try to strike up a conversation with me?! Why don’t you take a look at yourself! Do you honestly think you are worthy enough to speak to me?!” Yileen could not help but reply in contempt.

As she was speaking, the few bodyguards behind her had already taken a step forward as they all glared coldly at Gerald. They wanted to use their cold and sharp gaze to try and scare this person in front of her away…

Chapter 1383

When Gerald saw these people, he could not help but shake his head as he smiled bitterly.

It was rather dramatic if he were to think about it. Just one year ago, Gerald would certainly have felt extremely nervous no matter how calm he usually was if he were to meet so many bodyguards who were surrounding him.

But now, it would not be a joke to say that if Gerald were to simply point his finger at these people, they would all be dead in an instant, not even knowing how they died.

It was obvious that when a person possessed great strength and power that far surpassed that of an ordinary person, he would appear to be totally indifferent even when facing this kind of intimidation. He would not take it to heart at all.

At this time, Chester and Aiden had already returned to Mayberry City to recuperate and treat their injuries.

Now that Gerald could not find Zyla, he would have to get some clues from these people.

“Wait a minute!”

At this time, Yileen suddenly stopped them as she yelled out loud.

“Miss Yileen, what is wrong?” The middle-aged man asked.

“Dario, don’t you think that this young man seems to resemble someone?” Yileen suddenly spoke up, and her arms were crossed in front of her chest as she stared at Gerald.

“Resemble someone? Who does he resemble?” Dario asked.

“Don’t you think that he looks a lot like Jamarcus, the slave that I beat to death?”

Yileen was very keen and interested as she circled Gerald and stared intently at him.

The more she looked at him, the more she felt as though Gerald truly resembled her late slave.

“Miss Yileen, now that you have mentioned it, it seems as though he does indeed resemble your slave, Jamarcus!” Dario said as he nodded in agreement.

“Hahaha! I was just wondering why this person looks so familiar to me. Sigh. I still feel a little guilty sometimes because I did not control my strength well and killed Jamarcus back then. Why don’t we keep this young lad by my side as my attendant so that he can serve me, then? Looking at the way he is, I think he also cannot afford to feed and support himself anyway! Why don’t we give him a job, then?” Yileen said.

After cultivating and training in the forest for three days, Gerald’s clothes did look very embarrassing and depressing.

However, Gerald could not help but smile bitterly upon hearing Yileen’s words.

No one had ever dared to say this kind of thing to him ever since he had become Mr. Crawford, right?

“Miss, I only want to find my friends whom you had taken away. If you know where they are, please take me to see them!” Gerald replied as he smiled slightly.

“You are indeed courageous! Miss Yileen is allowing you to become her slave because she thinks you are worthy enough. You actually dare to turn her request down?!”
Dario had a very cold look in his eyes.

“Stay back, Dario. You said that you want to find your friends, right? Okay, then. I promise you. However, you will have to follow me first. After I am done with my business, I will bring you to see your friends!”

Yileen rolled her eyes slightly before she smiled at Dario.

How could this kind of petty trick escape Gerald’s eyes?

To be honest, Gerald could already guess what Yileen was thinking of. However, there were indeed traces and clues of Zyla, Uncle, and the others in this group of people.

Of course, Gerald had another option.

He could easily defeat them on the spot so that he could force them to tell him the truth.

However, Gerald was afraid that they would really turn out to be Uncle’s friends. These people would not be able to withstand Gerald’s blow. If he were to accidentally kill them, it would not be good.

After thinking about it, Gerald decided to agree to her request for the time being so that he could see what kind of plans and tricks she had up her sleeves.

“I will agree to your request if you promise me that I will be able to see my friends!” Gerald said.

“Hahaha! Alright, then. By the way, what is your name?” Yileen asked as she sneered.
“Gerald Crawford!”

“Your name is so girly! It would not sound good for me to call you Gerald. Well, I will call you Crawford in the future. You will stay by my side and follow me from now onward. I will treat you the same way that I treated Jamarcus in the past, but I will not beat you! Hahaha!” Yileen said as she laughed.

It seemed as though she had something important to do, and that was the reason why she had made an appearance here today. After a while, Yileen assembled and gathered her men before heading toward a manor that was located to the north of the town.

Gerald also had a general understanding of the situation along the way.

Chapter 1384

Something strange seemed to have happened in the North Desert Town about a month ago.

Many family forces had begun arriving and gathering here, one after the other.

The Dailey family was just one of them.

Yileen was out here as a representative of the Dailey family for negotiation and discussion with Tilar Lacraft. However, Gerald was unclear about the terms and purpose of their negotiation.

Regardless, Gerald could not be bothered about these things.
Very soon, Yileen’s convoy arrived outside of Tilar’s manor.

There were many of Tilar’s bodyguards, both inside and outside of the manor.

Tilar belonged to one of the powerful local forces, and he was a local tyrant.

Tilar was a middle-aged man who was a little round and chubby, and his eyes were narrowed into a straight line.

“Miss Dailey, I thought that the Dailey family would not step up this time. I truly did not expect that you would actually come here in person. Okay, then. You are indeed very courageous and resolute! Miss Dailey, you are certainly an exceptional heroine!”

Tilar said, and he squinted his eyes as he looked Yileen’s body up and down.

“Tilar Lacraft, stop talking so much nonsense and let’s just get straight to the point. I want to ask you, why did you suddenly change your mind and lower the Dailey family’s percentage, when we have originally agreed and decided that the four big and influential families would work together, make contributions, and share the discovery of these historical ruins? What do you mean by this?” Yileen spoke up in an extremely arrogant and domineering manner.

“Hahaha! Miss Dailey, you are indeed a very straightforward person! You are right. We originally planned to divide the historical ruins equally. However, the Xanthos family made the biggest contribution in this matter, and they were also the first ones to discover this miracle. As for the Dailey family, your family hardly made any contributions in this matter at all. Therefore, for the sake of achieving real fairness, the rest of the two families have already agreed to the Xanthos family’s proposal to allow the Xanthos family to gain a bigger percentage!” Tilar said as he laughed.

“My ass! Tilar Lacraft, don’t forget, the Dailey family was the one who opened the door to the historical ruins. If the Dailey family did not exist, the rest of the three families might still be waiting outside under the sun!” Yileen retorted.

Although Gerald, who was standing aside, could not hear everything, he could hear most of the important parts.

Historical ruins.

Gerald felt that it could be possible that this group of people had found a place that was similar to the ancient tomb. The four families were originally collaborating and working together to split the profits evenly. However, it was obvious that someone had tried to go back on their word after that!

“Tilar Lacraft, don’t forget who saved your life in the first place! You are indeed heartless and ungrateful!” Yileen scolded angrily.

“Pfft! Yileen Dailey, I am only so polite and respectful to you because of our mutual affection in the past. You stinky brat! You’d better not try to take advantage of my weakness to trample all over me! It seems as though you will not understand the current situation you are in if I do not teach you a lesson today!”

“Alright, then. Since you have already personally come all the way to my doorstep, it seems as though I will not have to make another trip, then!”

At this time, Tilar suddenly waved his hand, and a group of bodyguards rushed over immediately as they brought out their pistols and surrounded the group of people in an instant.

“Tilar Lacraft, I dare you!” Yileen yelled angrily.

As for Tilar, he simply walked over directly toward Yileen before giving her a tight slap across her face. “You stupid woman. Why wouldn’t I dare to?!”

“Dario, kill them for me!”

As for Yileen, she never expected that Tilar would actually dare to hit her.

So, she yelled out angrily at this moment.

“Hahaha! Dario is a very rare master indeed. To be honest, the reason why I have always been fearful of the Dailey family was simply because of Dario! The 108th generation of the descendants of the iron palm. It is indeed very terrifying!” Tilar said as he laughed without a hint of panic at all.

“Dario, what are you waiting for? I asked you to kill him for me!” Yileen shouted at Dario who was still standing in place without moving.

“Sigh. Miss Yileen, I have already advised you several times and told you that it would be best if you were to stay at home. Based on the current situation, it is not time for you to continue acting in such a willful manner!” Dario said with a bitter smile on his face as he shook his head.

After that, Dario brought more than a dozen bodyguards as they walked behind Tilar. “Mr. Lacraft is already being very polite to you, Miss Yileen!”

Dario smiled as he shook his head.


Yileen’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Dario was actually leading the bodyguards of the Dailey family to defect and betray the Dailey family!

Although Yileen was also skilled in martial arts, at this moment, she could only take a step back out of fear as she looked at the bodyguards of the Lacraft family who were all staring fiercely at her at this time…

Chapter 1385

She would never be these people’s opponent.

At this moment, she was so scared that her palms and the back of her hands were all sweaty.

Dario was supposed to be the Dailey family’s support and pillar of strength, but now, he was actually turning his back on them?!

“So, what now, Miss Dailey? Master Dario is one of the top masters, but he is made to look like a slave in the Dailey family. However, it will be a whole different story if Master Dario were to come to us. Master Dario will become the Lacraft family’s guest of honor!” Tilar said as he grinned.

“You… what are you guys thinking of doing?” Yileen said as she swallowed hard.

“Hahaha! I know that your father loves you the most because you are his only daughter. If he were to find out that you have fallen into our hands, I believe that your father will certainly agree and sign some of the terms of the agreement that Mr. Xanthos is going to bring up! It is actually that simple!” Tilar said as he shrugged.

“We have not even entered the innermost part of the historical ruins, and we cannot even be certain that there is even any treasure in it at all. So, don’t you think that you and the Xanthos family are acting a little too rashly by threatening the Dailey family so soon?” Yileen said.

“Hahaha! What a silly and adorable woman. Did you honestly think that we would go through so much trouble if we had not found anything? Anyway, no matter what it is, you have already fallen into my hands now. So, I might as well tell you the truth. The Xanthos family has already found a treasure inside the ruins!” Tilar said.

“I do not believe you! The historical ruins are so mysterious. I do not believe that the Xanthos family would have already discovered any secrets within it in just a few days.” Yileen replied as she shook her head.

However, at this time, Yileen was also starting to doubt her own beliefs. After all, if the Xanthos family had not found any earth-shattering and unbelievable priceless treasures, they would not have asked Tilar to go back on his oath. In that case, Tilar would certainly not have the power to make Dario turn his back on the Dailey family either.

At the end of the day, out of the four great and influential families, the other two families had already shown their favor toward the Xanthos family. So, at this point, the Dailey family was indeed a little out of place as compared to them.

“Alright, then. In that case, I will make sure that you are utterly convinced then, Miss Dailey. Why don’t you take a look at what this is?”

As he spoke, Tilar took out a very simple and unsophisticated wooden box.

The wooden box was pitch-black, and it looked just like the size of a baby’s palm.

He took it out carefully, and this wooden box naturally attracted Gerald’s attention at this time.

Gerald knitted his brows tightly together as he felt extremely curious.

The wooden box did not look like an ordinary relic at first glance. No matter how he looked at it, it seemed to contain a trace of a holy spirit.

Gerald’s brows were tightly knitted together as he watched intently.

At this time, Tilar opened the wooden box.

Immediately afterward, a hint of a very rich purple glow came out of the box, and the purple glow instantly enveloped itself around Tilar.

It was a spiritual artifact that was accompanying the purple glow.

Gerald’s eyelids twitched fiercely at this time.

‘It is indeed not just an ordinary relic! It is a spiritual artifact!’

Gerald was shocked.

He had originally thought that this group of people was simply fighting because of some treasure that they had found in the ancient tomb. Unexpectedly, what they had found was actually a spiritual artifact!

Gerald had heard Queena talking about this in the snake cave back then.

Any place where a spiritual artifact was found would be a miracle belonging to the ancient Shunzuog Civilization.
Anyone would certainly be able to find a great ancient heritage or even some good fortune or adventure in that place.

Could it be that the historical ruins were actually a miracle?

In that case, Gerald could now roughly guess the reason as to why Zyla would choose to mingle with and stick around this group of people.

Not to mention Uncle and the others, but if Gerald were to encounter and discover this kind of miracle, he would not let this opportunity go just like that either.

It seemed as though his trip was not in vain this time.

“This… what is this?!”

As for Yileen, she was extremely shocked.

“Hahaha! This is a kind of magic stone. This magic stone alone is already a priceless and invaluable treasure. So, do you finally understand everything now, Miss Dailey?” Tilar said as he laughed.

As for Dario, he could only shake his head with a bitter smile on his face.

Yileen was so enraged that her chest was rising up and down due to her frantic breathing. This group of people was simply too good at scheming! Even her father had been kept completely in the dark.

“Miss Dailey, you are all alone now. So, it would be best if you chose not to resist. You should just be obedient and submit to the arrest without putting up any resistance. Otherwise, you will certainly have to suffer a little, then!” Tilar reminded her.

Chapter 1386
Only then did Tilar suddenly realize that a young man was standing behind Yileen at this point.

Tilar did not know whether the young man had been frightened because of his majestic aura. At this moment, he seemed to be in a trance, as though he was deep in his own thoughts.

It seemed as though his mind and attention were not placed on Yileen at all.

‘Could it be because I have frightened and scared him?’

Tilar shook his head as he thought to himself.

After that, he asked, “Master Dario, who is that man? Is he one of Yileen’s slaves too?”

“Yes, Mr. Lacraft. He is a slave that Yileen had just taken in earlier.”

Dario nodded before he continued, “He is just a poor guy who was deceived and tricked by Yileen.
Hahaha! He did not even know that he had been sold off and taken advantage of!”

Dario smiled bitterly.

“He seems to have already heard all of our conversations. So, Master Dario, you know what you will have to do, then!” Tilar said as he sneered.
The complete success of this plan obviously made him feel extremely comfortable.

“I understand. I will burn him alive later. If he wants to blame anyone, he can only blame himself for his bad luck!” Dario replied confidently.

“Ahh!” Yileen was so afraid that she could only swallow her saliva out of fright.

This was especially so when she happened to see a subordinate bringing a big barrel full of gasoline over to them.

Yileen could not stop her legs from trembling out of fear as she observed this scene.

Dario was obviously doing this to make an example out of Gerald so that he could scare her. He was going to kill Gerald so that he could scare Yileen into submission, all so she would act obediently and fulfill the next step of their plan.

“Why? Miss Dailey, are you scared now?” Tilar asked as he sneered.

“You… you… don’t kill me! I beg you!” Yileen said as she trembled in fear.

“Hahaha! What if I can only keep one of you alive, then? Will it be you or this young lad here?” Tilar asked as he continued ridiculing Yileen.

“Of course you will have to kill him, then! He is just a slave! Even if you burn him to death, I would still be of use to you as long as I am alive!”

Yileen hurriedly backed away.

Yileen’s actions made everyone laugh until they were all rolling with laughter.

“Stop laughing! It is time for you to take action. You can also allow Miss Dailey to experience and witness a bloody scene!” Tilar said as he waved his hand.

“Okay, Boss. This kid is probably already scared silly. He has not even reacted all this time, but he will certainly scream out in pain later!”

The subordinate said with a grin on his face as he walked toward Gerald.

“Young lad, you are going to die tragically soon. You’d better shout it out loud if you have any last words!”

The subordinate said savagely as he cracked his own neck slightly.


As for Gerald, he was still focusing and concentrating, and he simply made a silent gesture at the subordinate.

“What is going on? What are you doing?” The subordinate was taken aback by Gerald’s reaction.

“Is the miracle that you mentioned found in a cave in the desert about seventy miles away from this place?” Gerald asked lightly.
“Ehh? Young lad, how did you know that?!”

Tilar could not help but feel a little startled.

This matter was a very big secret!

“You don’t have to worry about how I found out about it. By the way, you said that you want to keep this woman back here. I’m afraid that will not be possible. She has to bring me to see my friends!”

Gerald was using his own concentration energy to search for a place that was filled with a holy spirit nearby. Just as expected, he locked onto a spot. Based on Tilar’s reaction, it seemed as though the location of the miracle that he had speculated was indeed correct. It was the historical ruins that they were talking about.

“You brat! Are you really that dumb and brainless?! You are already about to die! I have more than seventy men in my manor, and they can easily drown you with a single mouthful of their saliva each. You actually dare to try and negotiate with me at this time?! It seems as though you are indeed not a smart kid at all. Moreover, you are truly stupid. Did you really think that you would be able to threaten me just because you know the location of the historical ruins?!”

Tilar shook his head speechlessly. All of Tilar’s men also sneered as they stared at Gerald.

“I am not trying to negotiate any terms with you. I think I have already expressed my intentions very clearly. Those are my words, and my words are commands before you. If you refuse to obey my commands…”

The corners of Gerald’s lips turned into a smile as he continued, “I will just kill all of you, then!”

Chapter 1387

“Hahaha! Boss, I have already confirmed that this person is definitely a lunatic. He can’t possibly be even crazier than this!”

The crowd of people was all laughing out loud at this time.

Don’t mention the others, but even Yileen was also looking at Gerald as though he was a fool.

There was indeed something wrong with this man’s brain.

He could have been a little smarter, and he could have simply knelt and begged Tilar for mercy at this moment. Yet, he was actually uttering conceited nonsense without using his brain at all. No, in fact, he was even speaking like a madman.

He was already on the verge of dying! Yileen had originally felt some pity for him, but now, she no longer felt even a trace of sympathy for him anymore.

‘He is a fool, and he truly deserves to die!’ Yileen thought to herself.

“Master Dario, I have already laughed enough. Killing him off was originally supposed to be an extremely serious matter. However, I never would have expected this young man to turn it into such an amusing matter. Forget it! Kill him now and let Miss Dailey witness his death with her own eyes!”

Tilar also shook his head with a wry smile on his face.
Dario’s mouth curved into a smile that was full of ridicule. At this time, he walked directly toward Gerald as he clasped his hands on Gerald’s shoulder.

He was prepared to throw Gerald into the gasoline.

But very soon, he was full of shock and surprise.

This was because he found that no matter how hard he tried, the young man in front of him would not move at all.

Dario felt as though what he was pulling was not a person, but a huge mountain.

His own strength seemed to be so mild and insignificant in front of this person!

Could it be an illusion?

Dario was horrified.

He was a top master amongst all masters. His iron palm was already at the point of perfection.

He could easily smash a cow to death with just one palm.

So, why couldn’t he settle this young man, then?

“Hahaha!” Gerald laughed faintly as he looked at him.
Gerald’s laughter, and especially the look in his eyes, actually made Dario feel chills all over his back.

“You… what are you laughing at?!” Dario asked in astonishment.

“I am laughing at all of you. All of you are truly very pitiful. Did you really think that people like you guys would be able to kill me just like that? Moreover, you even told me such a big piece of news!”

Gerald shook his head.

At this moment, he simply shook his body slightly.


The part between Dario’s thumb and index finger was torn apart directly, and his whole body was hit by a rush of surging energy as he flew to the back and crashed heavily on the ground.

Dario’s clothes were already torn into pieces because of the explosion, and he looked extremely pitiful and pathetic at this time.

All of the veins in his arms were protruding, and it bulged out, looking three times bigger than it was in an instant.

It was abolished!

His arm was now crippled!

Dario looked at the young man in disbelief as he swallowed wildly. He… he… was he a man or a demon?!

As for Tilar, his eyelids twitched wildly as he hurriedly took a few steps backward.

This scene had obviously scared him.

Yileen was even more shocked, and she used her hand to cover her mouth in shock.

She had originally thought that this man was just a pathetic person—a silly pathetic fool.

However, she never would have expected that he would actually be as powerful as a deity!

Everyone’s impression of Gerald immediately changed at this moment.

This was because a strong killing intent had shrouded itself around all of them at this point.

“Don’t mess around with us!”

Tilar shouted wildly, “Brothers! Take out your pistols now! I want all of you to take out your pistols! Do not let him move at all!”

Tilar was hysterical.

As soon as Tilar’s subordinates took out their weapons, Gerald simply waved his hand lightly, and all of the weapons fell out of their hands in an instant as it flew to the side.

Right then and there, everyone was dumbfounded.

Tilar had been in the underground world for such a long time, and at this moment, he could finally see the kind of existence that this young man who was standing in front of him actually was.

Chapter 1388

He seemed like a demon—a demon who could easily kill anyone at any time with just a single flick of his fingers!

“Don’t move! Don’t move any more! I want everyone to stay back!”

Tilar raised his hand to signal his subordinates so that they would not act rashly any longer.

Then, Tilar slowly walked in front of Gerald before he knelt directly in front of him with a thud.

“Boss, I… I was wrong!”

Tilar bowed in front of Gerald with an expression on his face that was filled with respect.

“That’s right. You are very smart indeed. Talking to me in this posture is probably the best and smartest thing you have ever done in your whole life!”

Gerald would never think about justice or righteousness whenever he was dealing with this kind of people.

Only fear—fear from deep within the body and mind would truly and utterly convince a person to surrender himself.

“I… I was wrong too! Please spare my life! I am willing to pledge my loyalty to you and serve you by your side from now onward!”

As for Dario, when he saw that Tilar seemed to have made a narrow escape after kneeling in front of Gerald, Dario hurriedly knelt and bowed in front of him too.

“Who do you think you are? Did you really think that someone like you would be worthy enough to stay by my side to serve me? You… you are not qualified or worthy enough to become my dog!”

Gerald shook his head.

“Please spare my life!”

Dario pleaded as he continued bowing and knocking his head on the ground.

“This is a gasoline tank. You said that you were going to light me up just now. It just so happens that I have never seen anyone get killed in this manner before. So, I truly want to open up my eyes and witness it for myself today!” Gerald replied coldly.

As soon as his voice fell, Gerald raised his hand as he inhaled, and Dario flew directly into the gasoline tank in an instant.

As he flicked his fingers, a flame shot out directly.

An earth-shattering burst of flames ignited in an instant, and Dario started screaming out loud as though he was a pig that was getting slaughtered.


Yileen held her head in her hands as she started screaming out of fear.

At this time, Tilar and his group of subordinates also swallowed wildly as all of them broke out in cold sweat.

This person in front of them at this moment was, in fact, a living demon.

Everyone knelt instantly, and no one dared to look directly into Gerald’s eyes at all.

There was even someone who peed in his pants.

“This is how it should have been. If you had known that this would happen, why would you bother talking so much nonsense just now?!”

Gerald shook his head as he smiled slightly.

Then, he looked at Yileen and said, “Miss Dailey, I was not joking with you just now either. If you really know of my friends’ whereabouts, you’d better bring me to see them right now!”

Yileen swallowed frantically at this time. She had been deceiving Gerald all along. She did not know of Gerald’s friends’ whereabouts at all.

She was terrified. She was afraid that she would die if she were to tell him the truth now.

However, if she refused to tell him the truth, she would certainly have to die, then.

After thinking about it, Yileen finally confessed honestly, “I… I haven’t seen your friends at all. I was simply lying to you. I am sorry! Please spare my life! I will not dare to do it again!”

“Could it be that they had already headed to the historical ruins that you guys were talking about? I heard the boss of the hotel saying that the people who picked them up and took them away were all wearing the same clothes as this dozen or so of your subordinates!” Gerald continued asking coldly.

“Perhaps… perhaps it was the Xanthos family! They could have been picked up by Mr. Xanthos. Both the Xanthos family and the Dailey family have this similar logo on their chests!” Tilar said with his head lowered at this time.

“Are you sure?” Gerald asked as he frowned.

Tilar nodded repeatedly as he said, “I am certain. Boss, can I ask if the friends that you were mentioning consist of three women and two men?”


Zyla was the thought of the soul. It had already been more than three days now, so she should have already come out of Rosie’s body.

Gerald nodded at this time.

“That’s right, then. Two days ago, Mr. Xanthos invited several masters to come over, and they seemed to be extremely powerful. They were also the ones who unraveled the mystery of the historical ruins! I have also met those people several times before, and they said that they were waiting for someone here. I thought that the person they were waiting for should be even more strong and powerful, then!”

As he thought about this, Tilar swallowed his saliva and asked, “Could it be that you are the person they were waiting for?”

“That’s right. I want you to bring me to see them now!”

Gerald said casually with his hands behind his back.

Tilar trembled slightly as he nodded repeatedly.

Chapter 1389

In the living room, at the Xanthos Manor.

A middle-aged man and a young man were seated on the sofa as they discussed something seriously with seven people who were all dressed in black uniforms.

“This matter related to the historical ruins will be the biggest event that will shake the whole world. So, we have to be extra careful and meticulous this time. As for the seven of you, you have extraordinary
skills and abilities. So, we will have to rely on you masters to help us in the future.”

The middle-aged man said as he laughed with a teacup in his hand.

This middle-aged man was Wesson Xanthos, and he was the head of the Xanthos family, which was a well-known family force. Wesson was a very cruel and merciless man, and he had been worshipping theology all his life. He had been continuously expanding and building his family up with the help and connection of various dark forces over the years.

The young man beside him was Sloan, commonly referred to as Young Master Xanthos. He seemed to have inherited all of Wesson’s characteristics, and he even surpassed his father in certain ways. Even from a young age, he had already gained a vicious title because he had a very ruthless character hidden behind his gentle appearance.

He was Wesson’s only son.

As for these seven people, they were all skillful top masters that the pair of father and son had just invited to come over.

Amongst the seven people, there were six men and one woman, and they had a very strong and hostile aura encompassing them.

The Xanthos family had originally thought that the historical ruin they had discovered was just a large ancient tomb. However, it would not have been easy for them to crack this ancient tomb open if they were to rely solely on the strength of the Xanthos family.

So, they had united with the Dailey family, the Lacraft family, and other big families to jointly develop and open up the historical ruins.

They would share everything equally after gathering the treasures.

Of course, as per the pair of father and son’s calculation, it would simply be impossible for all parties to share everything equally at the end of the day. So, they naturally had their own plans in regards to how they would eventually deal with those other big families.

However, Wesson would never have expected that this was not actually just an ancient tomb. Instead, it was a place that was filled with many spiritual artifacts.

Everything inside could not be measured by its value or price at all.

Therefore, the Xanthos family would have to take advantage of everything by themselves.

Their plan was originally going smoothly, but unexpectedly, a few strangers had come to this place a few days ago.

They were even more strange. They had discovered the secret of this ancient tomb almost immediately, and they had even helped everyone to enter the depths of this miracle.

There were men and women amongst this group of people. There were an extraordinarily beautiful young woman and a middle-aged man with a face full of scars, and there was also a very quiet and silent middle-aged man amongst them. They aroused and attracted both Wesson and Sloan’s attention.

None of them looked like people that anyone should easily provoke.

Therefore, it would certainly be very unwise of them to have a direct confrontation and conflict with them.

So, Wesson and Sloan had invited them to come over so that they could develop and further discover the historical ruins together before they would cut them off completely in one swoop.

That was what led to the current scene at the moment.

“Chairman Xanthos, you have an awe-inspiring reputation, and you are known for your great strength.
This time, you are actually paying such a high price just to invite the Seven Monsters from Snow Mountain to make a trip here personally. So, could it be possible that the skills and abilities of the few people that Chairman Xanthos is trying to deal with have already reached an incredibly terrifying point?”

The head of the Seven Monsters from Snow Mountain spoke up at this time.

“Yes. If that was not the case, I would not dare to trouble the seven of you at all!” Wesson replied.

“Chairman Xanthos, why don’t you tell us about your plans, then?!”

The head of the Seven Monsters from Snow Mountain was an old man, and he smiled as he squinted his eyes slightly.

“They are a group of people, and I do not know how they discovered the miracle. Moreover, they have even entered the depth of the miracle. It is actually really simple. I know that the Seven Monsters from Snow Mountain are in possession of a kind of poison known as the Snow Mountain Silkworm Venom which can be transformed into a poisonous fog. It would simply be impossible to stop this kind of poison. Therefore, I am thinking of releasing this poisonous fog in the depths of the miracle. After that, to stay on the safe side, I would like to trouble the Seven Monsters of Snow Mountain to personally step in and kill all of them one by one before bringing their corpses out to me. At that time, I will be willing to share the fruits of my victory with the seven of you!” Wesson said as he smiled.

The Seven Monsters of Snow Mountain were naturally not afraid of this kind of poison.

As soon as they heard this, the Seven Monsters of Snow Mountain also felt that this would be feasible. So, they naturally nodded, one after the other.

At this time, a servant suddenly walked in respectfully.

“Sir, Mr. Lacraft has brought a young man here with him to see you!”

“Hm? Alright, then. Invite him in!” Wesson said as he smiled.

As for the Seven Monsters of Snow Mountain, they disappeared from the sofa in a blink of an eye, almost as though they had never been there.

Sloan could not stop his eyelids from twitching slightly.

Right after that, Gerald, Tilar, and Yileen walked in.

“Chairman Lacraft, who is this?”

Chapter 1390

“This is Mr. Crawford. Mr. Gerald Crawford!” Tilar said respectfully as he made the introduction.

“Mr. Crawford is here today because he is looking for the few masters whom Chairman Xanthos invited to come over just a few days ago. They are all Mr. Crawford’s friends. At the same time, Mr. Crawford would also like to investigate and take a look at the miracle!”

At this time, Tilar was acting just like a filial son in front of Gerald, and he did not even dare to take a deeper breath at all.

As for Wesson, he had also obtained some important information and clues at this time.

This was especially so because he had just heard that the people in the cave who were about to be poisoned by him were actually this young man’s friends.

This made him feel a little more fearful and anxious.

“Oh! It will be easy for us to talk about this, then! It turns out that you are a friend of those few masters!” Wesson said as he smiled, and he wanted to shake hands with Gerald.

“Stop talking so much nonsense and take me to see them!”

As for Gerald, his sharp gaze swept across the room swiftly as he glanced coldly at Wesson.

At this moment, he spoke up casually.

“You arrogant man!”

Sloan could not help but feel angry when he saw Gerald’s arrogant and domineering attitude.

“Sloan! Don’t be rude!”

However, Wesson stopped him before he said, “Alright, then. Since you are determined and have the intention to investigate and check out the miracle, I will send some men to lead the way!”

Wesson seemed to agree with Gerald’s request on the surface, but in actual fact, he was already holding a grudge against Gerald.

At this time, he immediately arranged for his subordinate to lead Gerald and bring him to the cave.

Not long after Gerald had left, Sloan slammed his hands on the table angrily as he said, “Dad! Why did you stop me just now instead of letting me deal with that arrogant kid?!”

“You are too rash and reckless! Don’t forget that those people are also masters with great abilities. As for that young man, although we cannot see anything extraordinary about him, didn’t you notice that Yileen Dailey and Tilar Lacraft were both so frightened and afraid to even speak up in front of him?! Therefore, it is obvious that this man is not as simple as he looks!”

Wesson spoke up at this time as he could easily tell some things at a single glance when it came to certain underground matters.

“What should we do, then? Are we really going to take him to the ancient tomb?!” Sloan asked as he frowned.

“Of course, not! In order to prevent any new and complicated problems from arising, I want to invite the Seven Monsters from Snow Mountain to intercept and kill him as he is making his way there. That way, our mission will be accomplished as soon as we poison those few masters inside the cave to death! Pfft! In my opinion, Tilar Lacraft and the Dailey family are already of no use to me anymore!” Wesson said as he sneered.

At this time, the Seven Monsters from Snow Mountain who had disappeared from the sofa just now suddenly reappeared again.

All seven of them squinted their eyes slightly.

They looked like they were all very calm in meditation and had no worldly passions at all.

This was actually a necessary quality of every top master. They would always close their eyes to rest and calm their minds so that they would always be immersed in a certain wonderful and magical state.

“That young man just now is actually extremely talented. If it weren’t because of Chairman Xanthos’s needs, I would have already thought of taking him in as a disciple so that I could train him a little more.
Unfortunately, since this is Chairman Xanthos’s wishes, he will have to die today!”

The old man, who was the head of the group, said with his eyes closed.

“I will have to trouble the seven of you, then!”

Wesson was overjoyed, and he hurriedly picked up the hot ginseng tea as he prepared to replace the wine with tea instead.

The old man raised his hand and refused it as he said, “No need. We will be back soon. You can just leave the tea here because it will not get cold!”

The old man then laughed bitterly.

After that, their figures disappeared completely.

At this moment, there was only a young man left seated on the sofa with his legs crossed. He was the youngest amongst the Seven Monsters of Snow Mountain.

“Mr. Yvon, why didn’t you go with them?” Sloan asked curiously.

“Because the six of them are already sufficient to complete the mission. As for me, the reason why I am staying behind is because I am tasked with the responsibility of staying back with Chairman Xanthos so that we can receive the fruits of our victory together!” The young man named Yvon replied with a faint smile on his face.

The Invisible Rich Man by: Two Ears is BodhiWhere stories live. Discover now