Chapter 2455-2456

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The invisible rich man

Chapter 2455

<p>Regardless, the second he marked down Darkwind’s location, Gerald immediately led Lyndon over. However, when they arrived, not a soul was there!
<p>Looking at the ground, Lyndon was prompted to say, “There appears to
have been a big battle here…!”
<p>“Indeed, and since I sensed that fluctuation of angelic power,
most probably lost. That aside, if his opponent wasn’t an Angelord, it was most probably someone who possessed an angelic artifact!” muttered Gerald who was already frowning.
<p>Recalling how he had almost lost to Master Trilight due to her angelic
artifact, Gerald then gave the bloodstains on the ground a long look before
declaring, “I’m positive it’s them!”
<p>“Mr. Crawford! Look here! There’s a stone plaque with some writing on it!” exclaimed Lyndon out of the blue.
<p>Upon hearing that, Gerald went over to have a look and shortly after, he
read out, “Purple Bamboo Forest, huh… The culprit must have abducted
Darkwind to get us to head there!”
<p>Though Lyndon agreed, he couldn’t help but add in a serious tone, “Still, it appears that our opponents this time aren’t that simple… Since they’ve most probably set up traps there, we need to be extra careful…”
<p>“I know, but since Darkwind is with them, I still have to save him.
They’ve already laid out their cards anyway, so let’s just head to the
Bamboo Forest for now,” replied Gerald, prompting the two to immediately retum to the museum.
<p>Once they got there, they asked around, and eventually, an old professor told them where the Purple Bamboo Forest was. <p>There was apparently a steep and treacherous mountain in
Peaceton, and right behind it, lay the bamboo forest. With how beautiful the place was, the Purple Bamboo Forest was also known as the ‘fairyland on
Naturally, its beauty captivated many adventurous tourists to explore the area every year.
<p>Unfortunately, due to the mountain’s perilousness, many of the tourists ended up getting injured way before they even got to the forest. Whatever
the case was, now that they knew where the location was, Gerald was prompted to say, “Alright, let’s head over immediately!” <p>As Gerald and Lyndon began making their way there, there were already two rows of experts from Greendrake Church lying in wait for them within the bamboo forest… And located in the very center, was Saint Darkwind! Since he was tied to a huge stone pillar, his essential qi remained sealed.
<p>Filipe, on the other hand, was calmly sitting cross-legged nearby.
sipping on some tea, the boy said, “I do wonder why you ’re willing to be Gerald’s lapdog, Saint Darkwind… After all, you have pretty high cultivation. How about this? If you agree to follow me, I’ll mentor you till your cultivation reaches a level comparable to the Deitus Realm!” <p>“Hah! Please! You were only able to withstand my attack with the help
of your angelic artifact! If you only relied on your cultivation, you’d have perished there and then! That aside, do you really expect me to learn from
your demonic cultivators? If I did that, I’d surely turn into something similar
to that woman there! Neither human nor demon!” scoffed Darkwind with a laugh.
<p>“You…! What do you mean, demonic cultivation?! Our cultivation method is the true cultivation technique!” retorted Elain whose cheeks were now flushed.
<p>“Hah! That’s a good one! For as long as I’ve lived, this is the first time I’ve heard someone think that absorbing others’ masculine aura is the authentic cultivation method!” replied Darkwind as he shook his head, leaving the increasingly anxious Elain speechless.
<p>True enough, her cultivation relied on absorbing the masculine aura of children…
<p>While Elain was aware that the technique was slightly immoral, her master wouldn’t deceive her of the details, right…?
<p>Sensing Elain’s worry, Darkwind then smiled as he added, “You’ve been
tricked, girl… If you don’t believe me, try looking for the children whom you
absorbed masculine aura from! I don’t believe you’ll be able to find them anymore!”
<p>“What? But I can’t! Master told me that I wasn’t allowed to meet them till three years passed from the day I absorbed their masculine aural”

Chapter 2456

<p>“Hah! Your master simply said that so that you wouldn’t realize that they’re already goners! It really is a shame that a young girl like you has already become a bloodthirsty demon working for other demons!” replied
Darkwind, causing Elain’s face to go even redder.
<p>Were… Those children really dead…?
<p>“Don’t listen to him, Youngest Junior! He’s just trying to mislead you!” growled Filipe as he got to his feet before snapping his whip! Following that, an electric current began running down the angelic whip… And the second it hit Darkwind, it left deep burn marks where it landed…! <p>“That’s for spouting nonsense, old man! There’s definitely a better way
to do all this, yet you seem to insist on choosing the worst options! Are you really that keen on dying?! ” scoffed Filipe in a fierce tone. <p>“Not at all, though you seem to be. Listen, if you don’t release me now, you won’t even know what killed you once Mr. Crawford arrives! Also, you’re extremely ignorant if you think your puny formation can stop him!
Almost as ignorant as the past me was!” retorted Darkwind, causing
to get so annoyed that his entire body now trembled in rage! <p>Clenching his fists, Filipe then growled, “I see! Then I hope you enjoy watching Gerald die later by my thunderbolt formation!”
<p>After hearing all that, Elain couldn’t help but ask, “For you to require the
help of the thunderbolt formation… Is Gerald really that much stronger compared to Darkwind…?”
<p>“It goes without saying. Why else would Darkwind submit to that boy?
Either way, don’t think too much about it. Gerald and Darkwind are both Domiensch Masters, and if Darkwind’s Fierce Wind Palm wasn’t even able to breach my defenses, Gerald won’t be able to lay a finger on me either!
With the help of the thunderbolt formation, that boy will be razed to nothing in no time…!” declared Filipe.
<p>The second his sentence ended, however, an immensely strong gale began blowing toward them! Not only was the gale black, but standing in its path felt like being sliced by millions of sharp blades…!
<p>With that in mind, it didn’t take long for the Greendrake underlings to begin wailing in pain as cut marks formed all over their faces and bodies…!
<p>Though Filipe and Elain were also caught by surprise, they were quick
enough to use their powers to block the gale! Even with their defenses, however, Elain began bleeding from the corner of her mouth shortly after!
<p>Filipe himself was already trembling like jelly as he continued trying to fight against the wind!
<p>Eventually, Filipe was prompted to yell, “H-Heavenly Guard
<p>Following that, the boy made a few hand gestures while chanting a spell and in no time at all, a dense, black barrier appeared before him and
Elain! By this point, they were the only two who hadn’t been killed by the gale…!
<p>Unfortunately for them, the barrier was only prolonging the inevitable.
After all, the gale had now turned into a hurricane, leaving a trail of destruction everywhere it went! It eventually got to the point where Elain
and Filipe had to work together to push the
<p>barrier against the gale just to prevent themselves from getting swept away!
<p>Alas, they were clearly fighting a losing battle! His face now stiffened,
Filipe was prompted to yell, “How the hell is he this strong…?!” <p>“You said the Fierce Wind Palm was weak, correct? Why don’t you try withstanding mine?” retorted an unfamiliar voice out of the blue. <p>Though Filipe was caught off guard, he instantly knew who was doing all this!
<p>“Gerald Crawford…!” roared Filipe.
<p>Though the boy was now extremely anxious, Darkwind, on the other hand, was utterly delighted. After all, the moment he saw that black gale,
he already knew that it was the Fierce Wind Palm attack that he had previously taught Gerald!
<p>During their time together, it was only natural for Lyndon and
to exchange their knowledge about martial arts with Gerald. Regardless, to think that Gerald was using his martial arts to help him reclaim his reputation!
<p>Whatever the case was, it wasn’t long before even the clouds began swirling and seconds later, Gerald appeared out of nowhere! Before
could even react, he watched as the boy leaped into the hurricane with the speed of lightning!
<p>Now moving at breakneck speed, Gerald’s palm collided right into the black barrier…!

The Invisible Rich Man by: Two Ears is BodhiWhere stories live. Discover now