Chapter 2491-2500

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Chapter 2491
“Refrain from scattering about! Charge in one direction!” commanded Yusra as she attempted to regroup her men.
Unfortunately, things had gone completely haywire.
Not only had several of the cultivators fallen, but many others had run off in all directions, too panicked to even consider heeding Yusra’s orders! Only Hauk, Master Greendrake, Mr. Sevenom, and a few other experienced cultivators ended up following Yusra’s orders.
Even so, the nether soldiers were extremely difficult to take down.
Just as Hauk had said, it was near impossible to accurately locate their demonic sources.
One soldier may have hidden it in his head, while the other his stomach! With that in mind, the party would be long dead if they simply focused on identifying where all their demonic sources were.
Thankfully, the ones who had regrouped understood that, which was why they were simply using attacks that would keep the nether soldiers at bay for now. Eventually, however, Master Greendrake yelled, “All of you, get on ahead! I’ll be using an angelic artifact!”
Following that, everyone watched as Master Greendrake tossed a jade bottle into the air and after chanting something, a surge of water came gushing out, washing away any nearby nether soldiers.
Unfortunately, despite the massive surge of water, the nether soldiers quickly began piling up to form a humongous mountain of bodies..!
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Seeing that, Yusra shouted, “It doesn’t seem like the water is going to hold them off for long! Let’s move on while we can!”
Naturally, everyone agreed, and the survivors quickly ran into the valley’s hinterlands..
Thankfully, they soon found a cave which they hid in to discuss their next course of action.
To think that they had started off with at least five hundred people… In the end, that ambush left them with only ten known survivors!
Among them were Mr. Greendrake, Mr. Sevenom, Hauk, and a few other Domiensch Masters.
“We had made such thorough plans, but we hadn’t anticipated that the nether soldiers had all turned into demons..!” muttered Hauk in a guilty tone.
“Indeed… Either way, it seems that our little excursion is doomed for failure this time… Even with angelic artifacts, I simply can’t see being able to take on so many nether soldiers!” added Master Greendrake with a frown.
After a brief pause, Yusra was prompted to ask, “Speaking of which, where’s the old man who came along with you, Mr. Crawford…?” Naturally, she was referring to Finnley.
Gerald, for one, had a feeling that Finnley had already sensed the nether soldiers’ presence way
before anyone else had. With that in mind, Gerald felt that Finnley had his own reasons for not even stepping out earlier.
While he didn’t know what was on that old man’s mind, Gerald simply replied, “Unfortunately, we got separated.. That aside, everything has a weakness, so I believe there must be a way for us to restrain those demonic corpses!”
Following that, Gerald fished out Filipe’s Heavenly Guard Order and upon seeing it, the surprised Master Greendrake, who was naturally familiar with the angelic artifact
couldn’t help but ask, “Are… You planning on using the Heavenly Guard Order, Mr. Crawford?”
“I am, though I’ll be needing your help. From what I’ve heard, the Heavenly Guard Order is capable of restraining demons and devils, correct?I don’t really know how to activate it, but since this was initially yours, I’m assuming you know how to get it to work?”
“It shames me to admit it, but I have no idea how to activate it as well… If I did, you wouldn’t have been able to injure my son that day…” muttered Master Greendrake with a
bitter smile.
“Indeed… Either way, it seems that our little excursion is doomed for failure this time… Even with angelic artifacts, I simply can’t see being able to take on so many nether
soldiers!” added Master Greendrake with a frown.
Naturally, this left Gerald surprised. ignoring his confusion, Yusra then explained,
“You see, my family has several secret books, and one of them stated that the Heavenly Guard Order was fashioned out of a heavenly stone tablet capable of restraining demons and devils! With that said, it truly is our best bet of getting out of this situation in one piece! Thankfully, the book also included the full procedure to use the angelic artifact! should mention, however, that only advanced cultivators with strong primordial spirits are capable of utilizing its powers!”
After hearing what she had to say, Master Greendrake and a few others immediately backed off. After all, they were demons themselves! With that in mind, if they managed to activate the Heavenly Guard Order and if what Yusra had said was true, then there was a good chance that they’d end up getting hurt.
Whatever the case was, Yusra then smiled as she added, “I can sense that Mr. Crawford has the most powerful primordial spirit among us, so I’m afraid you’ll have to be the one to activate it…”
“Agreed, though please hurry and tell him how to activate it, Miss Quarrington! The nether soldier army will be here any second now! I really don’t want any more of our allies to fall.” urged Hauk who was standing at the entrance in an impatient tone…
Chapter 2492
“Very well, I’ll be teaching you the activation spell then, Mr. Crawford!” replied Yusra as she quickly began imparting her knowledge onto him.
Naturally, Gerald made sure to memorize all she had said to heart.
Once he successfully learned how to activate it, Gerald headed to the cave’s entrance before saying, “The rest of you stay in here first. I’ll try saving any survivors I can find!” Following that, Gerald then flew off.. Once Gerald spotted the soldiers, Gerald halted mid-air before beginning to chant the spell he had just learned and shortly after, the Heavenly Guard Order flew out of his hand and into the sky.
Not only that, but it also quickly began enlarging and within seconds, it covered the entire area in a brilliant, golden light! The moment the light touched any of the nether soldiers, they instantly began wailing in agony as they covered their eyes.
Seeing that, Gerald then yelled, “Form!”
Almost immediately after, the angelic artifact’s light took the form of a rapidly expanding dome! No matter how quickly the demonic corpses attempted to run or spread out, they simply couldn’t outrun the light! In the end, any nether soldiers enveloped by the dome instantly stiffened.
With that, Gerald then began manipulating the dome of light.. and without warning, he started applying an immense pressure on it!
Due to how great the force was, the ground began to crack and the nether soldiers’ bodies began emitting purple smoke as well.
Throughout the process, the nether soldiers could only howl and grimace in pain and when the smoke finally dispersed, all the corpses stopped moving.
Now that the soldiers had been dealt with, the remaining survivors quickly yelled, “T-thank you, Mr. Crawford!”
As Gerald slowly began descending, he saw that only about a third of the five hundred were still alive, and among them, over half of them appeared greatly injured. Whatever the case was, Gerald made sure to withdraw the Heavenly Guard Order before touching the ground again.
Yusra herself who could finally relax a little now that the situation was under control again was prompted to say, “The Heavenly Guard Order truly lives up to its name as an angelic artifact!”
“Indeed.. As it turned out, we just hadn’t realized how to properly use it all this time.” muttered Master Greendrake.
“Agreed. But that aside, you’re the one who’s most familiar with the general’s tomb, Master Greendrake. With that said, what should be our next course of action?” asked Gerald.
“Well, now that the nether soldiers have been dealt with, we can continue forward. The general’s tomb should be right up ahead. Speaking of the headless general, now that you know how to use the Heavenly Guard Order, I propose that we use it, alongside our other angelic artifacts and formations-to seal him up while he’s still weakened!” replied Master Greendrake.
“A fine plan… Speaking of which, I remember my father telling me that there were seventy two mounds of varying sizes within the tomb and the supreme angelic artifact is within one
of them. Do you know which mound we should be targeting, Master Greendrake?” asked Yusra.
“If you do, just spit it out so we don’t have to sacrifice any more lives! That aside, I still say we book it if we come across the headless general.
After all, chaos will surely ensue if we even attempt to take him on! Are you sure you didn’t suggest attempting to seal him just so you could sneak off into the right mound on your own before running off with the supreme angelic artifact amidst the chaos? If that isn’t your goal, then just be frank!” added Hauk as he stared at Master Greendrake.
Upon hearing that, Yusra who was clearly trying to say the same thing in a less direct way had to nod in agreement.
After all, everyone here was risking their lives to break into the general’s tomb to obtain the infamous supreme angelic artifact that laid within.
Chuckling in response, Master Greendrake then replied, “Let’s not point fingers at each other before we even enter. Regardless, I simply know that there are treasures in one of the seventy- two mounds. The rest are empty, and sadly enough, I have no idea which mound is the correct one”
“Can the Yinblood pellet be found in the mound with the treasure?” asked Gerald
“It can, Mr. Crawford. That aside. Are you really just here for the pellets, Mr. Crawford…? Not at all for the angelic artifact…?” asked Master Greendrake as he stroked his goatee while staring at Gerald.
Chapter 2493
“You jest, Mr. Greendrake. I truly am just here for the Yinblood pellets,” replied Gerald in a monotonous tone.
“I’m glad to hear. Well, putting that aside, let’s set up the formation that we initially planned as quickly as possible once we’re inside the tomb!”
Following that order, the group then began making their way toward the tomb.. and soon enough, they found themselves standing in the main chamber.
Honestly, the inside of the general’s tomb felt almost otherworldly.
The tomb itself had been built on a large mountain that was at least a few hundred meters tall and had a depth of approximately a thousand meters. Spacious didn’t even begin describing this massive place.
Regardless, in the center of the ring- shaped chamber, was a huge coffin with seventy-two massive stone monuments surrounding it.
According to Master Greendrake, the mystical angelic artifacts could be found in one of the rooms behind the stone monuments Either way, Master Greendrake was quick to order in
a stern tone, “Alright, let’s get to it. We need to set up the sealing formation while we still can!”
Hearing that, all the experienced cultivators quickly began setting up the formation flags, just as planned. And shortly after, the spell was ready to be cast.
After murmuring some angelic scripts, a humongous iron chain materialized and quickly began floating toward the coffin to have it bound.
To everyone’s horror, the now bound coffin suddenly began shaking violently! Had the headless general sensed their presence?!
“Oh god..!” muttered Hauk as his eyes fully widened..
Barely a second after Hauk said that, the iron chain snapped, instantly causing the chain to dematerialize and the coffin’s lid shot out toward his direction.
While Hauk was too shocked to dodge it in time, Gerald was thankfully more alert. Pinching his fingers together, Gerald launched a Skysplit attack toward the lid, instantly snapping it in two! In the end, the two halves grazed Hauk’s cheeks before finally bolting off into the distance.
“T-thank you for that, Mr. Crawford..!” muttered Hauk as he nodded at the boy.
Gerald, however, had his eyes glued on the coffin for there was a pair of legs sticking out of it! To everyone’s horror, an ironclad corpse then slowly began getting out of the coffin..! Though the large sword in its hand was scary, the fact that the corpse was headless made the situation all the more terrifying!
The headless general was now standing before them! The headless general reeked of a devilish aura, and now that it was awake, the surrounding temperature instantly plummeted.
His face now drenched in sweat, Master Greendrake managed to yell, “A-activate the angelic formation.!”
As a refresher, Master Greendrake and three others were disciples of Sanchez, and they were here hoping to snatch the dragon internal pellet within this tomb.
Regardless, while the rest immediately got to work, far too terrified to question his orders, Gerald couldn’t help but find this chain of events rather odd.
Master Greendrake, for one, was the main culprit of this thought.
For one, though Master Greendrake had said that he didn’t know the secrets of the seventy-two mounds, he seemed to have a rather good understanding of this place.
That aside, according to Finnley, the headless general was a corpse that had turned into a devil.
Master Greendrake should know this much, yet in the end, he still led so many experts over and even got them to prepare angelic formations to deal with the headless general.
The problem was, there was no way in hell that those from the Domiensch Realm would ever be able to fight against a devil with only an angelic formation..
Gerald was sure that Master Greendrake understood this.
With that in mind, why was Master Greendrake even bothering to do such a futile effort in the first place?
It was at that moment when a voice could be heard within Gerald’s head, saying, ‘You’ve noticed that something’s wrong as well, Mr. Crawford?’
As it turned out, Yusra was currently communicating with him in secret using the sound transmission technique.
Either way, Gerald simply replied, ‘I’m guessing you understand the situation now, Miss Quarrington?”
“I do. In fact, I’ve long felt that something was off with Master Greendrake! With that said, do be careful,” said Yusra in response.
Chapter 2494
While Gerald was communicating with Yusra, the other cultivators were readying themselves to take the headless general head-on.
Unfortunately for them, all they could do was watch as the headless general swung his longsword, prompting it to be enveloped within a black glow! With each swipe of the
sword capable of sending explosive energy out, all the experts who had been trying to use the formation to their advantage were eventually forced to retreat.
Hauk and a few others, however, weren’t going down without a fight.
With that, Hauk roared, “The Golden Dragon Formation! Now’s the time!”
Hearing that, the twelve pre-selected Domiensch Masters who were each holding onto a flag mustered their courage and leaped forward! Once they were in position, they immediately began chanting a spell, and shortly after, a gale began blowing all over the place! As if that wasn’t impressive enough, a black cloud soon materialized above everyone!
As the headless general “looked’ up, a massive golden dragon poked its head out from the clouds! Following a mighty roar, the shimmering dragon then charged toward the
headless general! The headless general himself simply raised his longsword and began dueling with the golden beast!
In only a few seconds, however, the twelve who were holding onto the flags were already drenched in sweat. Sensing that they weren’t going to hold on much longer, Master
Greendrake who had been standing near the formation quickly yelled, “Mr. Crawford! The Heavenly Guard Order..!”
“Please, Mr. Crawford! I can’t hold on much longer.!” added Hauk as he spurted out a mouthful of blood!
“On it!” replied Gerald with a slight frown before tossing the Heavenly Guard Order into the air!
Now that it had the support of the Heavenly Guard Order, the golden dragon instantly grew.
“What on earth are you doing, Greendrake?” exclaimed Yusra in a panicked tone.
While Gerald couldn’t move since he was still busy using the Heavenly Guard Order, even he had noticed that things had just taken a turn for the worst.
As for Master Greendrake, he simply placed his arms against his back before saying,
“Hmm? And here I thought you were smart, Miss Quarrington! What does it look like I’m doing?”
“You…! Are you trying to get us all killed?!” retorted the furious Yusra as she struck a palm attack toward Master Greendrake.
To her shock, Master Greendrake simply raised his hand and out shot a powerful black light that quickly knocked Yusra and her bodyguards who were all Domiensch Masters aside! He was so strong that they didn’t even have the chance to resist.
“W-When did you get this powerful…?!” asked Yusra who couldn’t believe all this was happening. Even Gerald found himself baffled.
Though he had already been wary of Master Greendrake earlier, the dire situation had disallowed him from paying attention to that old man for a bit.
Now, however, Gerald finally came to realize what was really happening.
“Miss Quarrington! That isn’t Master Greendrake! Instead, it’s his master, Sanchez Zon!” yelled Gerald.
“What?! Greendrake’s master?!” exclaimed the surprised Hauk.
Sanchez himself simply laughed aloud before declaring, “I’ve gone great lengths just to gather all of you here today, my dear juniors! But that aside, you’re correct! I’m none other than Sanchez Zon!” Following that, ‘Master Greendrake’ transformed into a white haired old man! The fact that his body was all withered and thin and his face resembled an old tree’s bark made many of the remaining cultivators gasp in shock.
Ignoring them, Sanchez then nodded at Gerald before adding, “Either way, I really hadn’t misjudged you, Gerald! Unfortunately, while you’re a clever one, you still lack experience. Even so, you’re an uncut diamond for sure!” Upon hearing that, the puzzled boy furrowed his brow as he replied, “With your capabilities, even a hundred of our ranks wouldn’t be able to take you on, Sanchez. With that in mind, why exactly did you put in so much effort just to draw all these expert cultivators into this tomb?”
Chapter 2495
As he said that, Gerald made sure to use his eyes to signal Hank and the others to withdraw their power. His plan was to risk allowing the headless general to rampage, but
also cause enough chaos to stop Sanchez from getting what he wished to achieve.
Thankfully, all the cultivators seemed to get his message.
Unfortunately, just as they were about to withdraw their powers, Sanchez simply waved his hand, prompting a dome of light to trap them where they stood! Upon seeing that, Gerald understood that if he withdrew the Heavenly Guard Order now, he’d essentially be sentencing the rest of them to death.
The other cultivators naturally figured this out as well, and this prompted Hauk to yell, “How despicable…!”
As for the frowning Gerald, he couldn’t help but ask, “You couldn’t have spent this long preparing for only our deaths, no…?”
Laughing sinisterly, Sanchez then replied, “Well, since you’ll all be dead soon anyway, I guess there’s no harm in me telling you about my plan! As you said, killing all of you is easy.
However, while you’re all nothing to me, I find all of your blood extremely valuable! For context, I’ve been trying to uncover the secrets of the general’s tomb for ages now in hopes that I’d finally obtain what I’ve been yearning for! Thankfully, I eventually realized that there existed a strange phenomenon that intensified over time!”
“Phenomenon?” muttered the injured Yusra.
“Indeed. You see, the demonic spirits within the nether soldiers’ bodies have been getting denser and denser over the ages. What I’m saying is that it’s impossible for the ‘headless general before you to have such a massive influence on them to the point where he can continuously increase their demonic spirits!” replied Sanchez.
“Are you saying that this isn’t the real headless general? And that you’ve never truly seen the headless general either?” asked Gerald.
“Bingo! I already noticed that something was off a few hundred years back, but I’m now utterly convinced that this isn’t the legendary headless general, but merely a double to guard the tomb! I’ll have you know that I’ve come here on multiple occasions in an attempt to solve all the contraptions here.
Unfortunately, no matter how strong I was, I still couldn’t obtain what I sought!” muttered Sanchez as he shook his head.
“Enough about that. Where do we even fit into your equation?” asked Hauk.
“Oh, don’t you worry. You’re extremely useful to me! You see, it was during my fourth time coming to this place when I came to realize something vital. While I’m sure a few of you here have entered more times than me, have you noticed that every time you attempt to break into this place, the nether soldiers change a little more?” replied Sanchez with a chuckle.
“You mean the nether soldiers get stronger every time we come over?” asked Hauk in a curious tone.
“Close. To be more specific, the nether soldiers get stronger every time you shed blood! With that said, I believe that there’s a huge connection between the headless general’s cultivation and cultivator blood! After running all those minor experiments in the past and witnessing the growth of the nether soldiers, I’m now a hundred percent sure that my speculations are correct! It’s the only reason why I decided to show up! But enough of that. With your blood, I’ll finally be able to reveal the secrets of the tomb!” retorted Sanchez with a laugh.
“To think that you’d manage to lure us to this point..!” growled the infuriated Hauk.
“My dear juniors, I’ll have you know that I was never obligated to share all this with you. Had it not been for my admiration of Gerald’s talent in cultivation, I wouldn’t even have bothered wasting my time with you! With that said, let the blood sacrifice begin!” declared Sanchez before immediately starting to chant a spell! Upon hearing it, Yusra instantly found the spell incredibly odd… However, before she could ponder into it, she watched as cracks began appearing on the back of her hands!
Following that, fresh blood began flowing out!
This applied to everyone within the light dome as well!
All of a sudden, the jade pendant around Yusra’s neck began glowing.
And following a golden flash, two white haired elders materialized before her.
The Invisible Rich Man CHAPTER 2496-2500
Chapter 2496
One of the elders wore a black robe, while the other had a white one on. Oddly enough, though they had white hair, they still looked rather young.
Whatever the case was, the second the two appeared, Gerald could immediately feel an immense pressure being emitted from them!
Ever since Gerald entered the Domiensch Realm, nobody had been able to make him feel this way aside from Finnley and Sanchez.
With that in mind, it was obvious that these two men had already entered the Deitus Realm!
“Oh? The Blancetnoir Double Lords who entered the Deitus Realm about a thousand years ago? How interesting…! Why are such well known cultivators like you two standing guard over this child?” asked Sanchez as he laughed aloud.
Ignoring his question, the white-robed old man simply retorted, “Your true self has been destroyed, Sanchez! With that said, I don’t think I need to tell you how a battle with both of us is going to end!
“True enough, now that I’m only half of what I used to be, it’ll definitely be difficult for me to take on you two at the same time. However, hear me out. The secrets of the headless
general are about to be revealed. Aren’t you curious in the least?” replied Sanchez, his arms still against his back.
Upon hearing that, the two men were prompted to look at each other, clearly feeling a bit more hesitant now.
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“Don’t listen to him, Grandpa Blanc and Noir! Allow me to remind you that he sacrificed the lives of countless cultivators simply because he wanted to unlock the secrets of the headless general! He’s a sinister and cunning man who won’t share anything he finds with you!” yelled Yusra who was currently pressing her wound.
Seeing that, Sanchez simply waved his hand and a black light momentarily engulfed Yusra’s body!
However, the second the light dissipated, her wounds were shown to have completely healed.
“About that I didn’t really want to kill you, Miss Quarrington. That aside, I’ve now removed the curse on her. Now then… You two simply wish to protect Miss Quarrington, correct? Since those within the formation have already shed their blood, the secrets of the general’s tomb will soon be revealed.”
“Do you truly not wish to see what lies beyond that puzzle?” asked Sanchez with a sinister chuckle.
“Please don’t fall for it, Seniors Blancetnoir! Save us instead! I’m the current leader of the Mount Taivas Sect, and I’m sure you know my ancestor!” yelled Hauk Realizing that the black-robed man looked rather undecided, Hauk quickly began pleading, “You can’t just watch the cultivation realm fall like this, right…?!”
“There’s no need to hesitate any further, Second Brother! Though we’ve already ascended from the cultivation realm, we mustn’t allow this demon to kill everyone! Now let’s finish this!” added the white-robed man.
“Eldest Brother! Our mission is simply to protect Miss Quarrington! Now that she’s fine, we can make this trip more fruitful by witnessing the secrets of the general’s tomb!” replied the black-robed man after a brief pause.
“You…” retorted the white-robed man with a frown.
Chuckling, Sanchez then said, “It appears that Lord Noir is the more sensible one here! That aside, do you really think you can kill me just because I’m a split self? Let’s face it, we’ll only end up seriously wounding each other! Regardless, now that so much blood has been drained out of these juniors, the secrets of the tomb will soon be revealed! If we fight now, we
may not be able to take on the headless general once that happens! So what do you say we sit this fight out?” After a long pause, the white-robed man slowly lowered his hand, prompting Yusra to anxiously say, “G-Grandpa Blanc..?”
“While I’m relieved that you’re now fine, Sanchez has a point. If we fight, not only will we waste our energy, but we’ll also be unable to save the lives of these juniors! What’s more,
if we’re all battered, we may not be able to win against the headless general or even escape. That’d be a major risk to all of us!” replied the white-robed man.
“Glad to hear that both of you are using your heads! With your aid, the chances of success are now higher than ever..!” declared Sanchez with a loud laugh before continuing to chant the spell Though Gerald still looked relatively fine, Hauk had gone fully pale by now. As he spat out a mouthful of blood, cracks began appearing on the Golden Dragon Formation.
It was clear that it was about to collapse.
As more and more blood streamed out of the cultivators, the cracks beneath the headless general who was still emitting a deadly aura kept getting deeper and deeper! Eventually, the entire chamber began quivering, and the cracks on the ground expanded even faster than ever.
Chapter 2497
Almost immediately after, all the blood began glowing in a golden light as they seeped down the cracks!
Though pretty much everyone was surprised by the earthquake, Sanchez quickly snapped out of it before laughing hideously as he yelled, “l… I’ve succeeded, haven’t 1?! As I predicted, the fresh blood of those cultivators was the key all along..!”
“Eldest Brother, look! No wonder nobody’s been able to solve the tomb’s secrets! There’s a space beneath the main chamber!”
“How horrifying… If this level’s headless general has already entered the Domiensch Realm, how powerful would the true owner of the tomb be…?” muttered the white-robed man as he placed his hands against his back while looking down at the massive hole that had just formed on the ground.
Meanwhile, Gerald could feel his body slowly sinking, almost as though something from the hole was drawing him in and it was at that moment when he got an idea.
Murmuring a spell, Gerald quickly released the Heavenly Guard Order and following that, he shot the token at the demonic formation that was trapping the others!
An explosive sound could be heard as the Heavenly Guard Order collided against the dome of light! Realizing what Gerald had done, everyone quickly withdrew their power from the Golden Dragon Formation.
Seeing that they were now safe, Gerald leaped right into the hole!
The second Gerald disappeared, a glaring light burst out from the hole, instantly shattering the demonic light dome! Since Sanchez was still casting the spell at the time, the sudden shattering of his dome caused him to stumble against the wall before Spurting out blood!
Ignoring him, the Blancetnoir Double Lords’ eyes quickly lit up as they simultaneously exclaimed, “The hole..!”
Following that, they both leaped in, instantly causing Sanchez to yell in panic, “N-No.! The dragon internal pellet is mine!”
Watching as Sanchez plunged down the hole as well, Hauk gulped before muttering, “What do we even do from here…?”
“Well, since the secrets of the tomb are right beneath us, we may as well learn them, even if we die!” replied Yusra as she, too, leaped down. “She’s right! Even if I were to lose my life, it’s too late to back down!”
Following that declaration, everyone began leaping down as well.
Moving back to Gerald, despite being the first to leap down, he had yet to reach the bottom.
In fact, it almost seemed like the pit was bottomless, and Gerald only felt himself falling faster and faster by the second.
Even after twenty minutes had passed, there were still no signs of the bottom yet.
It didn’t help that Gerald couldn’t use any of his powers as he continued falling on..
Eventually, after what felt like forever, Gerald finally reached the bottom and it turned out to be a huge body of water! Following a loud splash, the sinking boy quickly realized that
rather than this being a lake or river, it seemed that he had just been dropped into an ocean.
It was dark all around, and the dumbfounded boy couldn’t help but think to himself, ‘Why’s there an ocean underneath a mountain in Peaceton…?”
His train of thought was cut short when he realized that his essential qi was returning to him.
Not wanting to remain submerged, the boy then quickly shot out of the sea.
Chapter 2498
Even after he got out of the water, however, Gerald wasn’t able to gauge how deep underground he was now. That aside, the ocean he had fallen into almost seemed boundless! From a rough estimate, he’d say that the body of water covered at least half of the northwest area…
“How strange for this underground ocean to even exist!” muttered Gerald to himself before starting to fly around to see if there were any clues lying around.
It wasn’t all that long before Gerald heard something rushing past him beneath the waves! Since Gerald could see perfectly well even in the dark, he was able to catch a glimpse of a massive shadow bolting off underwater.
Once it was out of sight, Gerald was prompted to mutter, “Could secrets lie at the bottom of the ocean?”
After surveying his surroundings once more and confirming that there was nothing unusual around him, Gerald eventually added, “Well, I guess searching the bottom of the ocean is better than flying aimlessly up here!”
Since there weren’t even signs of the hole he had earlier leaped down from, Gerald ultimately dove into the ocean again.
Now that he was more vigilant, Gerald quickly realized that the water quickly got colder and colder the deeper he went.
He also sensed that the water was brimming with demonic spirits… Even so, Gerald simply braved through the frigidness and began looking around.
Unfortunately, even after searching for the longest time, Gerald wasn’t able to find anything.
In fact, he hadn’t even been able to bump into the rapid shadow from earlier!
This prompted the frowning boy to think, ‘Even after using my Golden Blaze Somersault a few times, I’ve yet to find a border. Does this place even have one? If this goes on, I’ll be stuck here for the next thousand years!”
If this was a regular ocean, Gerald should’ve definitely found an edge to the ocean by now.
With that in mind, the sharp witted Gerald paused for a moment and shortly after, his eyes lit up!
Could all this be an illusion instead? I wonder if this is the divine ability of the
Realm in the Sleeve, the highest realm of formations as written in Saint Amorphous’ book of formations’
The way the book had described the divine ability was certainly similar to his current surroundings.
Essentially, upon being cast, the spell’s caster would be able to create a borderless illusionary world with just their sleeve.
As for those trapped within such illusions, Gerald had read that they’d never be able to free themselves no matter how powerful they were.
All that awaited them was eventual death.
With that in mind, this was pretty much less of a realm and more of a universe of its own and no matter how powerful one was, they’d never be able to fly out of a universe!
They’d ultimately only be moving about in a tiny area within the universe’s vastness! Regardless, the more Gerald thought about it, the more certain he was that all this was just an illusion.
As he continued pondering the situation, he wondered how many of the others had leaped down as well.
If they were down here, they should be nearby.
Well, under normal circumstances. Within this realm created through divine abilities, being just a millimeter apart could feel like there was a universe between them.
With that in mind, he wouldn’t be able to see or even touch the others.
‘Still, all this simply confirms that this should be it. After all, since he was previously a powerful Zearl, it only makes sense that he has access to such a divine ability.
Regardless, there’s no way I’d willingly remain trapped here forever!’ Gerald thought to himself with a frown..
Following that thought, Gerald was prompted to think of the only divine ability that he had truly mastered.
And that was the transformation technique! Back then, the ability had allowed him to pass through the Red River.
Since that was the case, Gerald wondered if it’d work in this situation as well.
In the end, the boy decided to give it a go
Chapter 2499
After initiating his transformation technique, Gerald then turned himself into a faint beam of light that dove deep into the borderless ocean!
When he finally spread out his divine sense again, Gerald realized that he had managed to break free from the illusion.
Currently, he found himself in what appeared to be a mansion’s storage space. As for how he made that guess, it was because there were several boxes of varying sizes lying all around him.
Though Gerald was left slightly confused, he was more relieved than anything as he thought, ‘Thank god I knew how to transform…
Otherwise, I would’ve been trapped in there forever!
Shivering slightly to the thought of that outcome, Gerald quickly shook his head before starting to look around… Apart from the boxes, the only other thing within the room was a landscape painting scroll hanging on the wall.
The painting portrayed a huge, open space within a peach forest that was surrounded by high mountains and waterfalls.
There was even a picturesque river, and the pleasantries of the painting reminded Gerald of a fairyland there were also several cranes in it.
However, what caught his attention most was the amount of detail on the pavilion in the open space.
From the looks of it, there was an old man sitting there, and he seemed rather in tune with all the beauty surrounding him… Just above the pavilion, hovered a dragon and phoenix, both painted extremely lifelike.
While the painting was certainly breathtaking, Gerald quickly realized that there was nothing too special about it. With that, his attention turned to the boxes.
After a quick scan across the room, Gerald saw that there were eight small boxes, and a single huge one.
Unsure what to expect, he then walked over to a random box to open it and shortly after, he was greeted by the sight of a dark, red bead that was exuding a thick, feminine aura!
“The Yinblood pellet!” exclaimed the overjoyed boy.
After going through so much trouble to get it, he had finally found the pellet! Once he had safely stored the pellet on him, Gerald then began opening another box.
Realizing that this box also contained a few pellets, Gerald cautiously gave the pellets a sniff and shortly after, he deduced that they were angelic pellets. While he had no idea what they were used for, he was certain that they were useful, so he simply took them along.
It was when he finally opened the last box that he hesitated for a moment.
Compared to the previous boxes, this box didn’t contain angelic pellets or elixirs.
Instead, there were gold beads inside that were clearly made of metal.
What were these even used for? Grabbing a handful of the beads, Gerald then began weighing them in his hand.
However, it didn’t take long for the beads to suddenly begin glowing! Before Gerald could even react, the beads had flown out of his hand and dropped to the floor.
After bouncing on the floor for a bit, the beads flashed again and all of a sudden, there were eighteen vicious looking men in the room!
Each of them was clad in gold armor, and they had golden swords in their hands as well.
Understandably taken aback, Gerald eventually brought himself to mutter, “Um… Who are you, seniors…?.”
Upon hearing that, the leader of the group instantly roared, “Trespasser! Finish him…!”
Following, the leader struck a lightblade toward Gerald!
Upon seeing that, Gerald quickly used his Cosmo-Amorphous Sword Technique to intercept the attack..
However, his aurablade ended up shattering to pieces. What’s more, the excess power was so great that Gerald ended up slamming against the wall.
Though a single of them was clearly capable enough of taking on Gerald, the boy instantly began panicking when he saw all eighteen of them charging toward him.
‘Am I really going to die by the hands of these gold beads of all things…?!’ Gerald thought to himself as he quickly began performing the Thordifussion Method!
Within seconds, the roar of thunder could be heard, and terrifying bolts of lightning even began striking about!
To Gerald’s dismay, when a lightning bolt struck one of the golden-clad warriors, the man looked completely unfazed! There wasn’t even a scratch on him.
“What tarrying levels of cultivation!” exclaimed the shocked boy…
Chapter 2500
This wasn’t the time to be hesitating..!
Watching as the golden-clad warrior slashed his blade at him, Gerald dodged with all his might and was only able to avoid the attack by a hair’s breadth…! That was naturally not the end of things, and Gerald soon found himself bolting about as he avoided the onslaught of slashes from the other golden-clad warriors.
He really was no match for this group of warriors at all.
As he continued dodging the attacks, one of the warriors’ blades of light collided against a scroll painting behind Gerald and to the boy’s amazement, the blade’s energy was completely absorbed by it!
“W-what on earth..?!” muttered the stunned Gerald as he turned to give the painting a good look only to end up feeling chills run down his spine.
While he was sure that there had only been a single person within the scroll’s pavilion before this there were now two! In fact, they seemed to be enjoying some tea together.
To make matters even more shocking, Gerald suddenly heard Finnley’s voice in his mind, saying, ‘Stop staring at the scroll and get in already. If you don’t come quick, I won’t be able to save you!’
Realizing that the golden-clad warriors were now charging toward him again, this time in formation, Gerald ultimately exclaimed, “F*ck it, there’s no time to waste! Fine, I’ll take a risk…!”
Following that, he transformed into a faint beam of light before diving right into the painting.
It didn’t take long for the boy to appear in the painting and shortly after, he felt like he was falling rapidly!
Before Gerald could even reposition himself, he had already crashed onto the ground! This startled the nearby cranes, and they quickly flew off in all directions.
Oddly enough, Gerald felt no pain from the fall…
Slowly getting up, Gerald looked around and he was greeted by an almost paradisiacal scene.
Before him, was that pavilion again, and sitting in it was Finnley and a white-haired old man, both enjoying some tea…
Upon seeing Gerald, the white-haired old man nodded at him with a grin before saying, “Not
bad.. It truly appears that your disciple possesses the Herculean Primordial Spirit,
Brother Quick! To think that he was able to not only penetrate my Realm in the Sleeve, but also enter my mansion!”
“Quite the flatterer you are, Zearl!” replied Finnley with a laugh.
“Who is he, Finnley…?” asked Gerald once he had collected his thoughts.
Anyone outside the painting had a pretty slim chance of survival, and even Gerald had nearly been trapped in the Realm of the Sleeve before this… With that in mind, Gerald couldn’t help but wonder how high Finnley’s cultivation actually was to not only be able to go through all that, but also wait for him within the painting.
The white-haired old man was another mystery.
For one, Finnley had called that man a Zearl, and Gerald had to admit that the elderly man certainly looked godly.
Regardless, Finnley simply shook his head before replying, “Seriously? Didn’t you come over to look for Mr. Zedd Burns, Gerald?”
“W-what?! You’re telling me that he’s the headless general?!” exclaimed Gerald, understandably flabbergasted by this turn of events.
The headless general looked completely different from what he had imagined.
“That was my title a long time ago.. Back then, I was truly obsessed with my cultivation, to the point where I chose to be reborn just to have it enhanced! Alas, that greed landed me in my current state! Regardless, if you’re confused by this form, know that I’m the last thought of my soul… I no longer have a body, you see, and I can only make this angelic artifact of a painting my home!” explained the smiling old man.
Naturally, Gerald was shocked to hear that. So he really was the legendary Zearl…!
Seeing how flabbergasted Gerald still seemed, the old man then added, “The only way my thought of soul has survived this long is due to the help of this angelic artifact… If I were to leave, then my cultivation would truly be lost forever! Either way, since I had decided to live
in this place, I naturally had to ensure that those with bad intentions would never be able to locate me! It’s the reason why there are corpse formations above ground, and the
Realm in the Sleeve underground”
“Even if someone bad managed to find their way into this room, they’d still have to defeat my Beadation Warriors first, and that’s impossible no matter how high one’s cultivation level is!” explained the old man, prompting Gerald to nod firmly.
True enough, had Finnley not told him to leap in, Gerald was pretty sure that the warriors would’ve ended him by now.

The Invisible Rich Man by: Two Ears is BodhiWhere stories live. Discover now