Chapter 2426-2427

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The Invisible Rich Man – Chapter 2426

“Enough! Bring the Second Young Mistress out now!” ordered the woman with a huff.

Once Fae was brought out, the woman helped the siblings up before saying, “I apologize… My younger sister is rather spoiled, which leads to her being unreasonable at times… Here’s a hundred thousand dollar cheque. I hope this’ll be enough as compensation for what my sister has done…”

Shortly after saying that, the woman wrote and presented that cheque for the two, though the siblings were clearly too afraid to take it. Instead, the sister simply bowed toward the woman and Gerald before running off with her brother.

Upon seeing that, the woman helplessly shook her head before turning to face her valet and saying, “Find out where they live and hand them the cheque.”

With all that done, she finally turned to look at Gerald before adding, “I’m sorry you had to see all that… Did my sister hurt you?”

“She didn’t, though she really needs to be disciplined,” replied Gerald, prompting the woman to nod with a smile before leaving with her valet.

And just like that, the incident was over. After they headed back upstairs, the professor couldn’t help but smile as he said, “With how similar they look, those two are definitely sisters. However, to think that one is so unruly while the other so elegant. That aside, it’s a good thing the elder sister could handle that little monster. Otherwise, the siblings would have suffered!”

“Fae’s sister… Isn’t what she appears to be… Haven’t you noticed that Fae feared her?” replied Saint Darkwind.

“Huh? Where’s this coming from, Mr. Darkwind?” asked the confused professor.

Chuckling in response, Saint Darkwind then explained, “Well, you couldn’t sense it since you’re only cultivating your inner strength. However, the three of us could see that that woman was cultivating essential qi. That, in itself, is rather unusual!”

Gerald had to agree. As Walter had previously said, there truly seemed to be many solitary cultivators pretending to be commoners and even having day to day jobs hiding in the secular world…

It reminded the boy of some news he came across years ago, regarding people suddenly disappearing while walking around on the streets. Though he had assumed that those were simply fake news at the time-since he hadn’t entered the cultivation realm yet back then, Gerald now knew that the disappearing individuals were most probably cultivators.

“Indeed… It seems that people are getting more and more talented across the generations. After all, I had assumed that those in the secular world could only cultivate their inner strength. To think that that lass from earlier was already cultivating essential qi! How rare!” muttered Lyndon.

“I have a feeling that her essential qi is different from ours, ” said Gerald.

Seeing how puzzled Lyndon looked, Saint Darkwind gave an apologetic smile before replying, “I know what Mr. Crawford is talking about… Since you were brought up in the cultivation realm-till the day you became
the head of the Thunder Sword Sect-, you have seen little of the secular world, Mr. Moldell. With that in mind, it only makes sense for Mr. Crawford to know more about the secular world…”

“Fair enough. It was the only reason why Ryder was able to trick me. Regardless, how is her essential qi different?” asked the curious Lyndon.

“Well, there are three main variations of essential qi. The first is essential qi from heaven, which is the type of essential qi we’re using. You see, the essential qi in our bodies is from heaven and earth, and we use the holy spirits from heaven and earth as the foundation of our cultivation. With that in mind, heaven is our source of power…”

“Fun fact, all the cultivators in the cultivation realm utilize essential qi from heaven,” added Saint Darkwind.

“Moving on to the second type, we commonly refer to it as demon power. The cultivation techniques used to cultivate this type of essential qi are very different from ours. The beings who use this kind of essential qi are called demons, and they normally rely on absorbing the masculine aura of commoners to balance out their feminine auras. This allows them to take the shape of humans. That aside, some powerful demons are even able to absorb the masculine auras of cultivators when they’re at their peak!” said Gerald.

“The Corpse Demonic Spider is a good example of a Demon that utilizes demonic essential qi. It only takes that form since it hasn’t fully evolved yet,” explained Saint Darkwind.

“Indeed… Now for the third type, it’s called devilish essential qi, and it’s pretty similar to demonic essential qi. Daryl is a prime example of this. After all, he killed so many cryptic family heirs just to obtain their
bloodline spiritual essence in hopes of enhancing his power and becoming a devil!”

After listening to their conversation, Professor Boyle whose interest had been piqued was prompted to ask, “So… Are you saying that the elegant woman earlier was actually a demon or a devil…?”

The Invisible Rich Man – Chapter 2427

“Not exactly… From what Mr. Crawford and I could see, she’s still human, though she cultivates demonic essential qi! With that in mind, her strength should be somewhere between the Morningstars and the Weirs,” explained Saint Darkwind.

“I agree. Aside from that, she seems to have just recently started cultivating as well. I have to say that her elegant temperament really hides her evilness well!” added Lyndon.

“Indeed… Now I’m starting to get worried about those siblings. After all, if that woman is truly evil, then the siblings are in for more trouble!” muttered Gerald as he shook his head.

“Shall I tail them?” asked Lyndon, as he hopped to his feet.

“That isn’t necessary. I’ve already locked onto them with my holy sense. Also, speak of the devil, I can sense that woman going after them now… Alright, that settles it. I want you and the professor to remain here while I head over with Darkwind to see what that woman’s up to,” ordered Gerald.

Before Lyndon could reply, Gerald and Darkwind had already vanished into thin air…

It was sometime later in front of a shabby house, far in the suburbs, when the young boy from earlier asked, “Are you alright, sister…?”

This place was clearly the siblings’ home. Either way, his sister quickly replied, “I’m fine. Thankfully someone stepped in to help us… After all, we could’ve easily been doomed for offending Second Young Mistress Zandt!”

“But I really didn’t steal anything…! At the start, she told me to show her my identity card, and almost immediately after, she accused me of stealing something from her!” explained the boy.

“I see… Why she did that was anyone’s guess… Regardless, we can’t afford to offend such people anymore… Now let’s head in and see if mother’s doing better…” muttered the girl, prompting both of them to enter the house.

Upon entering, however, the two were shocked to see so many people inside! Though most of them were unfamiliar faces, the duo immediately recognized the woman-who had saved them earlier-sitting there. Aside from her, there also seemed to be what appeared to be a doctor treating their mother.

Whatever the case was, the now anxious elder sister was prompted to ask, “W-what are you doing here, Eldest
Young Mistress…?”

“Oh, I simply figured that your mother’s illness would never be cured if she only has you two to rely on. With that in mind, I brought over Peaceton’s famous Dr. Xenos to treat her. You don’t need to worry about her anymore. Also, take these million dollars. You can use the cash to get a more decent house, job, and life!” replied the Eldest Young Mistress with a smile.

“T- this is too much, Eldest Young Mistress…! We simply can’t accept all this…!” exclaimed the stupefied sister.

“Worry not, I’m not doing all this for free. I need something from your brother, you see… Not to worry, though. It’s nothing big and no harm will come to him. In fact, he should be completely fine after recuperating for two to three years!” declared the Eldest Young Mistress.

“H-huh…? What do you intend to do…?” asked the confused girl.

The second her sentence ended, a breeze began blowing out of the blue… and shortly after, both siblings as well as Dr. Xenos started feeling extremely dizzy… Within seconds, all three of them were unconscious.
Seeing that, the Eldest Young Mistress then placed the eight-year-old boy on the table.

Getting close to his face, she then gave a tiny sniff and not long after, a long wisp of white smoke began exiting his forehead and entering the Eldest Young Mistress’s body! As more and more smoke continued flowing out, the boy’s face turned paler and paler…!

Once she was done, she gently patted the boy on the forehead before saying, “Make sure all the money is transferred into their account. If I find out that any of you took even a single cent, I’ll make sure you vanish from the world! Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-yes, Eldest Young Mistress…!” declared the bodyguards extremely respectfully as they gulped. They were all well aware that making Elaine Zandt, the Eldest Young Mistress angry would definitely result in their deaths…!

After a brief pause, one of the guards asked, “Um… Eldest Young Mistress…? Is there really a need to go through all this trouble…? After all, if you really wish to acquire children born at noon, then you can just use your family’s power to obtain them… In fact, you could probably get as many as you like without even needing to pay them this much!”

“Silence… I’ll have you know that I’m a cultivator, not a devil! That aside, please remind my sister not to interfere with my business from now on. She doesn’t need to get children for me!” ordered Elaine.

The Invisible Rich Man by: Two Ears is BodhiWhere stories live. Discover now