Chapter 2453-2454

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The invisible rich man

Chapter 2453

<p>“What do you two want from me?” asked Darkwind as he slowly got to his feet.
<p>“Well, after learning that Young Master Crawford’s come to town, I suggested to the Zandt’s Eldest Young Mistress to have a feast prepared for him at the Zandt manor. She ultimately agreed, which is why I’m hoping that you’ll accept our invitation to join us for a meal!” replied the evil looking man who was none other than Filipe! <p>“With all these men surrounding me, it’s clear that you wouldn’t have taken no as an answer anyway,” scoffed Darkwind in a slightly excited tone. He, for one, was usually the one issuing challenges. With that in mind, to think that this nobody from the secular world would dare threaten him.
<p>Chuckling in response, Filipe then replied, “You’re quite sharp, old man! With that in mind, let’s just cut straight to the chase!” <p>Stepping up, Elain then added in a slightly impatient tone, “Look, if you cooperate and we ultimately learn that you mean us no harm, I promise that nobody in Peaceton will make things difficult for you!”
<p>Laughing aloud, Darkwind then sharpened his gaze before growling, “How interesting! Let’s see what you two are made of for you to be doing things so recklessly!”
<p>Following that, Darkwind waved his arm, prompting a gust of black wind to fly toward the duo! Though he had only used minimal essential qi in that attack, it was more than sufficient to seriously injure a demonic cultivator like Elaine… Or at least, that was what he had assumed! To the old man’s surprise, the two were completely unscathed by his attack!
<p>“H-how could this be…?!” muttered the shocked Darkwind as he stared at the two. Both of them were clearly demonic cultivators who didn’t possess as much essential qi as he did! With that in mind, it didn’t make sense that they were able to completely ignore the effects of his Fierce Wind Palm attack!
<p>Darkwind’s train of thought was cut short when he heard
Filipe-who was now smiling faintly-say, “To think that even Gerald’s men would have such high cultivation…! Impressive! That boy must really be something else!”
<p>Watching as Filipe then placed his arms against his back, Elain was prompted to mutter, “It seems that they don’t come in peace,
Young Master Simmons…!”
<p>“Just as I predicted… Regardless, now that we know this, we need to thoroughly investigate their backgrounds for the sake of the Zandt family! Stand aside as I take on this old man, Sister Elain…!” <p>Though Filipe knew that Darkwind was terrifyingly strong, there wasn’t even a hint of fear on his sinister face…
<p>As for Darkwind, who was still in slight disbelief, he simply clenched his fists as he growled, “Am I really that old…? Either way, regardless of whether you’re a human or demon, have another attack from me!”
<p>“Tornado Tower!” roared the old man as he attacked Filipe with all his might! The force of the attack was so great that even the nearby river’s water began splashing all over the place.
<p>Unable to stand Darkwind’s immense aura, Elain’s men quietly distanced themselves from the scene! Even Elain was aware of just how strong the attack was…!
<p>Just as Elain was taking a step back, however, she heard the smirking Filipe retort, “To think that you’ve reached the Domiensch Realm…! And here I thought that it was impossible! I’m learning quite a bit today…!”
<p>Before Darkwind could reply, he watched as Filipe waved his hand… And all of a sudden, a black light appeared before the boy!
Acting as a shield, the black light easily blocked Darkwind’s attack!
However, that wasn’t all!
<p>A split second later, the excess essential qi from the attack bounded back toward the old man, instantly causing Darkwind to get injured!
<p>Before Darkwind could react, he heard Filipe roar, “Whirlwind
Fleaying Feet…!”

Chapter 2454

<p>It was clear that Filipe was taking full advantage of the fact that Darkwind was now injured! Regardless, after announcing his attack, he began kicking at the old man’s chest so rapidly that several afterimages could be seen…! Unable to block any of them, Darkwind soon spurted out blood as he fell to the ground!
<p>Holding onto his chest, Darkwind was prompted to exclaim,
“How… How is this possible?!”
<p>From what Darkwind could tell, Filipe’s leg shouldn’t have been able to contain that much power! With that in mind, the fact that the boy’s attack was so aggressive was nothing short of bizarre! What’s more, to think that Filipe had managed to rebound the damage of his Fierce Wind Palm attack with some near impenetrable shield…! <p>Looking at how shocked the old man was, Filipe then placed his arms against his back as he laughed sinisterly before declaring, “How did you find my attack?”
<p>Snapping out of it, Darkwind then gritted his teeth as he endured all the pain before retorting, “What kind of black magic was that, brat?!”
<p>“Oh, you’ll find out soon enough!” scoffed Filipe. <p>Not wanting to stay here any longer, Darkwind immediately attempted to escape! When he saw that, Filipe simply smirked before shooting out some sort of vine out of his sleeve! It didn’t take long for Darkwind to get completely entangled!
<p>Naturally, Darkwind instinctively attempted to break free with his essential qi… However, he quickly realized that his essential qi had been sealed! Knowing what Darkwind was attempting to do, the grinning Filipe was prompted to explain, “Don’t bother struggling… That’s the Avatar Rope, and it’s an angelic artifact!” <p>“That’s… What?! But the Avatar Rope is a supreme angelic artifact…! How could a child like you possess it?! Who the hell are you?!” exclaimed the shocked Darkwind.
<p>From what Darkwind’s master had told him, the Avatar Rope had supposedly appeared about a thousand years ago. At the time, multitudes of experts within the cultivation realm including Domiensch masters fought to the death just to obtain it! Eventually, the artifact went off radar, but to think that it somehow got into the hands of this young demonic cultivator…!
<p>Either way, Filipe simply snickered before replying, “This lame thing? I have plenty of better angelic artifacts! If you want to see them, then you’d best be obedient! Then again, if you’re disobedient, I guess you’ll get to see them too. The only difference is that I’ll be using the artifacts to suck out your soul!”
<p>Following that, the sinister boy waved his hand before ordering, “Take him away. Since he’s one of Gerald’s men, Gerald will surely come save him in time!”
<p>“But… Isn’t that against the church’s ways, Senior Simmons…? Shouldn’t we properly challenge Gerald to a battle…?” asked Elain with a subtle smile.
<p>“Oh, how naive you are, Sister Elain… Don’t you already know how evil people can get? That aside, this old man is only one of the experts Gerald brought over, yet he’s already entered the legendary Domiensch Realm! If his subordinates are already this strong, it’ll be impossible for us to win in a ‘fair fight’ with Gerald!” explained
<p>“I see… Very well, then…” replied Elain with a nod.
<p>Now that she knew how strong Darkwind really was, she couldn’t help but tremble slightly…
<p>Back at the museum, Gerald was still going through documents when all of a sudden he placed the document down before anxiously exclaiming, “This is bad.”
<p>“Hmm? What’s the matter, Mr. Crawford?” asked the confused Lyndon. Naturally, the professor was confused as well. <p>“Darkwind may be in trouble!” explained Gerald who had just sensed a powerful fluctuation of angelic power not too far away. After using his divine sense that allowed him to see things that were over several kilometers away Gerald managed to catch sight of how dire Darkwind’s situation was.

The Invisible Rich Man by: Two Ears is BodhiWhere stories live. Discover now