Chapter 2412-2420

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Chapter 2412

Though Lyndon’s aura grew stronger by the second, Gerald simply stood there with his arms crossed, shakinghis head the entire time. “You brat…! How dare you look down on my Thunderous Immobilite?!” growled Lyndon whohadfullyformed an aurablade by now. “While it’s true that the Thunder Sword Technique is rather exquisite, in all honesty, only the final threestylescan be considered to be powerful. Despite being a disciple of that sect, you don’t seemto be abletouseanyof those three styles, or can you? If it’s the latter, then I suggest using the Thunderous Bone-crushingPalm.That, at the very least, is stronger than the attack you’re using!” mocked Gerald as he continuedshakinghishead. “You d*mned child…! For humiliating me so much, here’s your one-way ticket to hell…!” roaredLyndonashe gathered all the power he had and launched his attack! At that moment, the entire area began quivering and even the slow flowing rivers on the mountaingrewrestless! As for the aurablade itself, its explosive energy caused a trail of dust to cloud the air as it flewtowardGerald! In response, however, Gerald simply outstretched his hand and upon flicking his finger on the tipof theblade,the aurablade completely vaporized! As for the force that the aurablade had been carrying, it was sent flyingback toward Lyndon, causing the old man to stumble backward in response! By the time things had settled down a bit, Lyndon’s eyes were widened in shock as he said, “You…Youcan’tbe a Domiensch Master, can you?! But there’s never been such a young Domiensch Master before!Thisdoesn’t make any sense!” “Why wouldn’t it? Speaking of which, are you related to Ryder?” replied Gerald as he casuallysat down.
“You…!” growled Lyndon who was irritated by how casual Gerald was taking all this. Even so, herefrainedfrom saying anything else. After all, he understood that Gerald could easily finish himoff if he reallywantedto…! With that in mind, Lyndon clenched his fists before replying, “Ryder is a sinful man frommysect! Atraitor!Had it not been for him, my holy body wouldn’t have ended up getting ruined like this! Longstoryshort,hepierced my clavicles to cripple me, which is why I’m only able to be here through another person’s body!Thatshould explain why I haven’t been able to hurt you!” “Truth be told, even if you were in your original body, you’d still fail to hurt me due to your current cultivation level,” corrected Gerald. “Why you…!” growled the enraged Lyndon whose lips were already quivering. “I speak only the truth. Regardless, from what I’ve been told, all seventy two successors of the ThunderSwordSect were killed. So why are you alive?” asked Gerald.
“That’s… Mostly true… I’m the eldest disciple and also the head of the Thunder Sword Sect…I havenoideawhere Ryder learned his cultivation, but in the end, he got so strong that none of the brothers wereabletoliveto tell the tale! That aside, though Ryder is ruthless, he didn’t dare to bear the sin of killing the headofthesect.With that in mind, he simply sealed my essential qi and kept me locked up in the secular worldtill thisveryday! For years, I’ve been thinking about avenging my senior disciples and ridding our sect’s harmbykillingRyder!” explained Lyndon in a sorrowful tone. “Well… I have some bad news for you…” replied Gerald with a sigh. “Come again?” “Even if you do manage to track him down, you won’t be his match. After all, similar to me, he’salreadyentered the Domiensch Realm! What more, he’s mastered the final three styles of the Thunder SwordTechnique as well! All he’ll need is a single Thunder Strike to kill you, and that’s simply the cold, hard,truth,” said Gerald.
“He… He’s what? He’s already a Domiensch Master?!” exclaimed Lyndon as he felt his mindgoblank.Afterstumbling a few steps back, he couldn’t help but feel that his entire world had just collapsed.

Chapter 2413

“There’s no need to be disheartened… Though Ryder has exceptional talent, I still managed toinjurehimquite badly,” replied Gerald. “That…” muttered Lyndon who was finally able to see the bigger picture. Generally, when two battling cultivators had similar levels of essential qi, the winner would usuallybetheperson who had better martial arts skills. Though that was the case, it was quite hard for cultivatorswhoshared the same cultivation level to kill each other. However, bringing a Domiensch Master intotheequationwas a whole other story. There was simply too big a gap between the two titles. Agood examplewouldbehow Lyndon was pretty much nothing but a helpless rag doll in Gerald’s presence. Whatever the case was, after a short while, Gerald was prompted to ask, “Come to think of it, arethosepettyMorningstars even capable of standing guard over you?” “Well… Those seven mortals are merely watchdogs for the Thunder Sword Sect…Let’s just saythat thethreerascals from the new sect are afraid that they won’t be able to keep me down should I break freefromtheirformation. By having the Morningstars stand guard over me, the three will be able to prepare themselvesalittle better after being alerted by one of those seven mortals! That aside, it’s also the reason I hadtousethesoul-shifting method just to be here!” explained Lyndon. “The new sect, you say…?” replied Gerald in an inquisitive tone. “They’re essentially just Ryder’s descendants. The Thunder Sword Sect has a principle statingthat anyonewho commits rebellion is bound to be subjected to heaven’s wrath. It’s why Ryder didn’t dare tokill me.Thataside, those who manage to enter the Domiensch Realm usually wish to leave a legacy behind. Withthatinmind, Ryder’s second objective of creating this new sect is just so his legacy will continue to be passedonbyhis descendants!” explained Lyndon. “I see… It’s funny how enemies are always bound to cross paths. Uncle Zeman mentioned this beforeaswell.Regardless, all this talk about sects reminds me that I have my own sect in the Jenna Province. Unfortunately,I got too busy to run it, so I ended up having to let Aiden take over… Either way, after our little conversation,
I believe it’s high time I properly begin planning my legacy… That way, the Crawfords won’t beinsuchapoor state when I eventually go up against Daryl!” declared Gerald with a nod. Following that, Gerald smiled at Lyndon before adding, “And what legacy would it be if I didn’t havesomeguardians? With that said, I’m proposing for you to be my first guardian. How’s that sound?” Upon hearing that, Lyndon honestly wanted to ask why Gerald wasn’t worried about himseekingrevenge.However, he refrained from doing so for fear that Gerald would end his life there and then! After thinkingfora bit, Lyndon eventually replied, “Do you truly mean it..? Can you really get me out…?” “But of course, I can! All you need to do is kowtow before me and I’ll immediately appoint youtobemyfirstguardian!” declared Gerald with a chuckle. This prompted Lyndon to gulp before quickly falling to his knees. The old man, for one, understoodthatsubmitting to Gerald wouldn’t just free him, but it would also give him an actual future! Regardless, upon seeing that Lyndon had complied, Gerald was prompted to say, “It’s settled, then. Now…Tell me, Guardian Moldell. How strong are Ryder’s three descendants compared to you?” “From what I remember, Ryder’s three great grandsons are from the fourth generation…Either way, theywere only slightly weaker than me when they first joined. Note, however, that that was a fewdecadesagoUnder Ryder’s guidance, I’m sure their cultivation has increased by a lot since then!” “Got it. For now, I have no further business with you, so you should return to your original body. Afterall,wedon’t want the Morningstars to have a reason to go all out to destroy you. Rest assured, I’ll surelybreaktheformation for you in due time!” said Gerald. “Thank you, senior! No my lord!” declared Lyndon as he respectfully kowtowed a fewtimes beforevanishinginto thin ai… Fast forward to sometime later in the Morningstar’s dungeon, the seven men couldn’t help but exclaim,“What?! You weren’t a match for the boy?! He seriously injured you as well?!” After hearing what Lyndon had to say about his encounter with Gerald, all seven of themwere left utterlydumbfounded. Gerald was simply too terrifying! All of them eventually snapped out of it when a butler came running over to inform, “Master, thosefromtheCrawford family have returned to demand for holy stones! They also stated that if we don’t handthestonesover by nightfall, they’ll wipe our entire family out…!” “I get it! Get out! ” yelled the quivering Jaxen.

Chapter 2414

“Let’s… Just give Gerald those holy stones for now! We need to prioritize our lives!” mutteredGrandElderas he shook his head. “Unfortunately, that’s all we can do!” said the others in helpless tones…After handing exactly one hundred holy stones to Gerald’s men, they made it a point to refuse anyfurtherguests for the time being. It was two days later when a huge ship docked at Mayberry City’s port. Three old men who hadplainclotheson could be seen standing at the bow of the ship, their hands behind their backs. “So this is Mayberry City! What a fine looking place!” said one of the elders cheerily. “Indeed. You know, I remember Great grandfather saying that before one was able to enter the cultivationrealm, the best place to start cultivating was in certain locations within the secular world! Twosuchlocationsare Zephyr Island which is up north in Jay City and Mayberry City!” replied another old man. It was evident by this point that the three were none other than the heads of the newThunder SwordSect!After laughing among themselves, the third elder was prompted to say, “Whatever the case is, nowthat we’vemastered the divine technique, acquired holy bodies, and entered the cultivation realm, we won’t havetorelyon the geographical advantages in the secular world to cultivate anymore!” “Speaking of which, where are the Morningstars? They know for a fact that we’d arrive today. Whyaren’tany of them here to greet us? How rude!” scoffed one of the elders, prompting all three of themtosuddenlyfeel pissed. “Do you think it’s because they’re that scared of that ‘strong enemy’..?”
“If that’s truly the case, I guess all we can do is head to their manor to witness that ‘strong enemy’ forourselves!” Following that, the trio headed to the Morningstar manor and upon arriving, they found the maingatestightlylocked. There wasn’t even a doorkeeper on duty! Once they notified the Morningstars of their arrival, thethreewere surprised to see all of them kneeling the second the door was unlocked. “What is the meaning of this?” asked one of the startled elders. “Before anything else, allow us to beg for forgiveness, elders… Firstly, because we didn’t dare leavethemanor for fear that Gerald would come after us… Secondly, because the boy has snatched most of theholystones we’ve been collecting… We know this is a great offense, so all we can do is apologize!”exclaimedJaxen who was kowtowing before them. “What?! That Gerald is really asking for it! Wait till we tear him to shreds!” roared the elders. “Oh please, even if all three of you work together, you’ll still be no match against him. With that said, Iadviseyou to just surrender and accept your death!” retorted a loud, croaky voice out of the blue that thenbeganlaughing. Naturally shocked to hear that, one of the elders was prompted to yell, “Who’s there?!” As the laughter went on, all seven of the Morningstars quickly covered their ears and they eventuallybeganvomiting blood! Before the three elders could even make sense of what was happening, a beam of light suddenlyappearedinthe yard and once the light was gone, a black haired old man who had a black robe on could be seenstandingthere! It was clear that this person was no average Joe, so one of the elders eventually asked, “Who exactlyareyou,senior…?”
In response, the old man simply glared at them ferociously as he waved his hand prompting a surgeofessential qi to fly out! The essential qi rapidly turned into a black hurricane that swept all three of theeldersoff their feet! Now on the ground, all three of them had their eyes widened in horror as they asked, “You…C-couldyoubethe legendary Saint Darkwind…?

The Invisible Rich Man by: Two Ears is BodhiWhere stories live. Discover now