Chapter 2428-2435

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The Invisible Rich Man – Chapter 2428
“Understood, Eldest Young Mistress!” declared the bodyguards with a nod. Following that, they swiftly left the house together with Dr. Xenos.
Unbeknownst to them, Gerald and Darkwind had been spying on them this entire time.
“Seems that she really is a demonic cultivator, Darkwind,” muttered Gerald as the duo entered the house.
“Indeed. All humans have three strands of masculine aura, and the masculine aura of children are always the purest… That aside, that Eldest Young Mistress is surprisingly a person of principle. She only took a single strand without even considering harming his life!” replied Saint Darkwind who had just checked on the boy.
“I agree. I’m tempted to investigate who’s teaching her these evil methods, but we simply have too much on our plates at the moment… I, for one, believe that she doesn’t know what she’s really getting into!” said Gerald who was relieved that the siblings were still doing fine.
“I’m curious to learn who’s teaching her all this as well. To think that there are cultivators who are reluctant to leave the secular world just because it’s more convenient for them to cultivate demonic essential qi here… We truly live in a big world where anything could happen…! That aside, I agree that we should prioritize finding Marcel, Mr. Crawford.”
“Agreed,” replied Gerald, prompting the two to begin returning to the cafe.
While they were gone, Professor Boyle had been busy, back at the cafe calling every student of his that he could think of. Thankfully, after making several calls, he finally got Marcel’s current address.
With that in mind, once Gerald and Darkwind returned, he immediately told them his discovery, and the four then made their way to Peaceton’s Sleeping Dragon Villa, the place where Marcel and his many girlfriends lived.
Meanwhile in the manor itself, a dozen katana wielding samurai could be seen standing around Marcel’s subdued family members, which included his seven girlfriends, four old maids, and a gardener in his sixties…!
“Hand Marcel over! Don’t make me repeat myself…!” growled one of the samurai.
“W-we really have no idea where he is, Mr. Chiba…! He hasn’t returned in two months, and we haven’t been able to reach him at all…! We aren’t even sure if he’s still alive… !” wailed one of the terrified women.
“It seems that I won’t get the truth till blood is involved!” roared Mr. Chiba as he slashed his katana toward the woman’s neck…!
However, before the blade could slice through, a flash bolted past Mr. Chiba’s eyes and the next thing he knew, his perlicue was bleeding and his katana had been flung out of his grasp!
Watching as the katana that was now embedded in the wall quivered in place, Mr. Chiba growled in a poor Weston accent, “Who the hell did that?!”
“Your worst nightmare!” yelled an unfamiliar voice, and shortly after, an old man appeared out of thin air!
Before Mr. Chiba could even react, the new person had already slapped him at least a dozen times!
As Mr. Chiba-whose cheeks were now bleeding badly fell to the floor, his men quickly realized that three other people were slowly approaching them…!
Now terrified out of his mind, Mr. Chiba quickly stumbled to his feet making sure to grab his katana as well before yelling, “R-run…!”
Once Mr. Chiba and his men were gone, Lyndon quickly untied the frightened victims. The women themselves who had been particularly terrified couldn’t help but wail, “T-thank you, old man…! Thank you very much…!”
Gerald, on the other hand, walked up to the victims before saying, “Alright, settle down… There’s something I’d like to ask. Earlier, I heard you mention that Marcel had disappeared for two months now… Is that true?”

The Invisible Rich Man – Chapter 2429

Upon hearing that, the seven women exchanged glances before nodding as they said, “Yes, we haven’t been able to contact him all this time… As you saw earlier, many people are looking for him… We don’t even know whether he’s still alive…”
“Could he really have died…? Are we too late?” muttered Lyndon.
“I don’t think so… Where was he last seen?” asked Gerald.
“The base! At the time, Chairman Lurvink had called and told me to transfer some of the assets to my name. Following that, he told me to send him some documents to the base, and that was the last I heard of him…” explained the old gardener out of the blue.
Turning to face the old man, Gerald then asked, “And he disappeared right after that…? Didn’t any of you head to the base to check on him?”
“Of course, we did! We even called the police. Unfortunately, no matter how many times we went there, the base remained completely empty…” replied one of the women.
“I see. Where is this base? And what’s it used for?” asked Gerald.
“Well… Chairman Lurvink uses the base for research. Our company runs a biological sciences business, you see. With that in mind, Chairman Lurvink usually has to travel from home, to the company, and finally to the base every day!” explained the old gardener.
“As for where it is… It’s in a deserted suburb south of the city. However, it’ll be useless even if you head there. After all, the samurais from earlier have already thoroughly searched the place!” added another one of the women.
“I see… Do any of you know anything about Marcel’s wife and son, then?” asked Darkwind.
“I don’t think Chairman Lurvink has ever met them again ever since they separated around ten years ago… However, the chairman did order me to transfer money to them a few times to help with their living expenses. Each transfer was about a million dollars. That aside, the last transfer happened around five years ago. As the one who manages Chairman Lurvink’s assets, I was curious why he suddenly stopped sending her money at the time. With that, I did some investigating and soon found out that his ex-wife’s account had long been closed!”
The old man’s reply made it clear that rather than a gardener, he was actually Marcel’s butler! Regardless, after hearing all that, Professor Boyle was prompted to ask, “One last question…You said that several people were looking for him. Who exactly are they? And why are they so keen on locating him?”
“It’s either due to debts or because they want research results… If there are any other reasons, I’m not too sure of them. After all, Chairman Lurvink never allowed us to enter his base!” replied the butler.
“I see… Well, I don’ t think staying here any longer will help. With that said, we’ll be taking our leave now,” said Gerald as he nodded at the group before leaving with his party.
On their way to Marcel’s base, that the butler had given them directions to, Professor Boyle couldn’t help but shake his head with a sigh before muttering, “It’s such a pity that Marcel’s dead… Our only lead is now exhausted!”
“We don’t know that for sure. Either way, let’s have a look around his base first!” replied Gerald. This was his best lead to date, and he wasn’t about to give in that easily! With that said, all four of them then rushed to Marcel’s base.
Though the base itself was supposed to host a secret chamber within a subterranean steel structure, the base’s entrance was left wide open. That aside, upon entering, they quickly realized that the entire place was completely empty…
“Completely abandoned… Looks like Marcel’s truly either missing or dead by this point…” muttered the professor as he sighed again.
“Dead or alive, we have to find him!” replied Gerald with a slight frown.
“Hmm? Are we not leaving yet, Mr. Crawford?” asked the confused Lyndon.
“Why the rush? Speaking of which, start using your divine sense to look for any potential secret entrances, Lyndon,” ordered Gerald as he placed his hands against his back.
“Right away!” replied Lyndon as he obeyed the boy’s orders.
It didn’t take long for Lyndon to raise a slight brow before saying, “Thank god you suggested that, Mr.
Crawford. I can sense another floor right beneath us!” “Excellent. Move aside, everyone!” ordered Gerald.

The Invisible Rich Man by: Two Ears is BodhiWhere stories live. Discover now