Chapter 2421-2425

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Chapter 2421

“It appears that you do as well!” replied the slightly surprised Gerald. “Indeed… I accidentally learned of them while investigating the deaths of my heirs. Though I’ve been a Domiensch Master for the longest time and can even be considered to be a top master within the cultivation realm, to this very day, the Sun League has given me much more pressure than I’d like to admit. Regardless, from what I can guess, the Sun League appears to be an ancient sect that houses a plethora of experts!” replied Saint Darkwind. “Well, they’re an extremely powerful organization, so you pretty much guessed correctly. Either way, the truth is, my lover was kidnapped by the Sun League. With that in mind, her kidnapping was the main reason I entered the cultivation realm. I still haven’t given up on unraveling that organization’s mysteries and saving her! That aside, I now get why you want my help so much. It seems we both have a bone to pick with the Sun League!” “Truly so… While I don’t know much about them, I do know how strong they are…For one, just have a look at this part of my face. It looks kind of bruised, no? It’s an injury they inflicted on me when I first encountered them! At the time, the night was dark and I was distressed since I had yet to find a clue about my heirs’ deaths. While I was drinking by the sea, I suddenly heard a commotion out in the deep blue. Sensing a great power as well, I decided to fly over to have a closer look…” explained Saint Darkwind. “It wasn’t long after when I saw a giant magic artifact covered in bronze sinking into the sea! Unfortunately, I was a bit too depressed at the time, so I didn’t think much of it. Instead, I simply hit it with my palm to see what the artifact would do when all of a sudden, it began glowing! Though I quickly had to shield my eyes from the light, I did manage to see two vague figures who had white clothes on-pointing at me and the next thing I knew, I was vomiting blood! While I passed out almost immediately after, I’ll never forget that terrifying level of essential qi.” “It gave me the impression that they were deities who could give and take life away with the simplest gestures.
They were simply unwinnable against! Regardless, that was the incident that caused this long lasting bruise on my face. Because of those two, I had to recuperate for the longest time! Speaking of which, I did notice something strange after I was injured by them, Mr. Crawford… Essentially, after I got hurt, I soon discovered that I had attained another level of cultivation! It has mystified me to this day.
“Oh? Are there any other strange things that happened?” asked Gerald, his interest now piqued. “Well… When Ryder battled me by the Red River in Fyre Cave, he tricked me and managed to get some river water on me! At the time, I was horrified and thought I’d surely die there. To my shock, when I forcefully used the diffusion method, I came to realize that I was capable of diffusing the river water! It was something I hadn’t even dared to think about doing before!” replied Saint Darkwind. “I see… The Sun League sounds more and more legendary every time I hear about it…Speaking of which, the name, ‘Sun League’ is only a popularized name within the secular world. That isn’t really the organization’s name! That aside, I’m certain that we can’t tackle the organization with just the two of us. After all, I’mguessing that its members have already entered another cultivation realm, which means that they’re currently at a level we could never dream of attaining!” said Gerald with a slight frown. While it was true that Gerald had the Herculean Primordial spirit, now that he knew a bit more about the cultivation realm, he had come to realize that attaining further levels of cultivation had nothing to do with one’s talent or primordial spirit. With that in mind, until his cultivation level was raised, Gerald wasn’t even going to dream about being able to take on the members of the Sun League. Whatever the case was, after hearing what Gerald had to say, the dumbfounded Saint Darkwind was prompted to mutter, “Are… You suggesting that they’ve entered the Deitus Realm…?!

Chapter 2422
“Pretty much,” replied Gerald with a helpless nod. “My lord! I thought the Deitus Realm was just a myth! You know, when I first started cultivating, my master told me that his ultimate goal was to acquire a holy body and become a Domiensch Master! He had spent centuries trying to achieve that, so I naturally grew up being influenced by his guidance. Aside from laying a strong foundation for me in every step I took, he even bathed me in all sorts of special elixir baths to ease my journey in becoming a Domiensch Master!” “Even so, it was only a few decades ago when I was finally enlightened enough to become one! Ryder has only managed to enter the Domiensch Realm quite recently as well! With that in mind, for the longest time, I truly thought that the Domiensch Realm was the highest I could go! To think that there exists Angelords who have managed to enter the Deitus Realm..!” exclaimed Saint Darkwind who felt his world collapsing. Gerald understood what Saint Darkwind was feeling. After all, though he knew that deities did exist on earth some thousands of years ago, at the time, there were still a lot of holy spirits roaming the planet. Now, however, holy spirits were scarce. With that in mind, had it not been for his Herculean Primordial Spirit, Gerald would’ve never be enable to acquire a holy body and become a Domiensch Master. With that said, hoping to become an Angelord was pretty much an outrageous idea to even consider! Now feeling increasingly depressed, Gerald was prompted to mutter, “I wonder if I’ll ever be able to save Mila. Whatever the case is, I agree with us joining forces. Truth be told, I still haven’t given up on finding the true culprit of that incident during the pledge of the holy water. I should mention that I already have a prime suspect! That aside, have you discovered anything?” After slowly getting to his feet, Saint Darkwind replied, “Well, I did manage to find one important clue…While I don’t know who the culprit could be, I’m pretty certain of what their goal had been for slaughtering so many people with bloodline spiritual essence!”
“Oh? Go on…” “Basically, that person is most probably trying to go against the law of heaven! They’re trying to absorb the peoples’ bloodline spiritual essence so that they can forge a devish body and become a devil! As for why, it’s said that during the legendary times, devils were the only beings capable of fighting against deities. After all, deities and devils are pretty similar. Both are immortals whose souls would never reincarnate, only their bodies!” explained Saint Darkwind. True enough, when one entered the Deitus Realm, they’d be able to escape the cycle of reincarnation. A person in the Deitus Realm wouldn’t get exhausted either. However, if one wanted to escape reincarnation of both the body and the soul, one needed to acquire the Immortal Body. Only then one they become truly in destructible. “What great ambition he has… To think that after holding back for so long, his ultimate goal was to become a devil and obtain eternal life…” growled Gerald as he furrowed his eyebrows. He finally knew Daryl’s goal! “If I may, who exactly are you talking about…? You sound quite familiar with him…”

Chapter 2423

“His name is Daryl, and he’s my grandfather! Well, on paper, at least…I really doubt he’s my grandfather nowadays… After all, after everything he’s done, I now see him as nothing more than a devil!” replied Gerald as he shook his head, prompting Saint Darkwind to widen his eyes in shock. After a brief pause, Saint Darkwind sighed before saying, “You know, the pledge of the holy water has been carried out for decades… Who knows how many people with bloodline spiritual essence he’s killed…? Are we even sure that he hasn’t already turned into a full devil? If he has, then you’ll never be his match!” The cultivation realm and Deitus Realm were simply too far apart! Though Gerald understood that, he simply replied, “I’m aware of that possibility, though that doesn’t mean I’ll just wait for him to claim my life! Regardless, aside from all the things we’ve mentioned, you should know that I’m currently hot on Daryl’s trail. Once we find him, I believe that many of our questions will finally be answered.” “That’s great to hear! Please, allow me to assist you!” said Saint Darkwind. “Welcome aboard!” replied Gerald who knew for a fact that Saint Darkwind had much more experience than he ever had. What more, Saint Darkwind had come across those from the Sun League before as well. With that in mind, Gerald intended to keep him close by his side so that they could both look out for each other in the future. Gerald’s train of thought was cut short when he heard Saint Darkwind ask, “Speaking of which, what should we do about the three brothers?” “Just scrape their cultivation off. After all, I’m sure they’ve been doing bad things all this while. Since they don’t value the lives of commoners and keep bullying them, we’ll just tum them into commoners today!” declared Gerald in a frigid tone. “Well said! Just leave it to me!” replied Saint Darkwind as he bolted off.
Gerald, on the other hand, returned to the Morningstar manor to break the formation binding Lyndon. Now that he had an alliance with these top cultivators, Gerald couldn’t help but feel more confident. Regardless, by the time all three of them got to spring manor, they found that Professor Boyle was already waiting for them there. Speaking of the professor, his face was now brimming with vitality compared to when Gerald had first met him. It was clear that he was almost fully healed thanks to recuperating in the nurturing formation with the aid of the holy stones. Either way, upon seeing Lyndon and Saint Darkwind, the professor couldn’t help but ask, “Hmm? Who are those two?” “This is Mr. Moldell, and that’s Mr. Darkwind. They’re both friends of mine. Also, to the two of you, this is Professor Boyle. He’s the one who’s been providing me with clues to find Yearning Island!” introduced Gerald. Once the formalities were over, Professor Boyle went straight to the point by saying, “It took quite a while, but we finally found some clues to Ms. Willow’s whereabouts! As I’ve previously said, though we haven’t met in ages, I did know that she was from the Shu Province. With that in mind, I began my investigations there. Unfortunately, even after asking all my students there, none of them seemed to have kept in touch with her. That is, until one of my students contacted me this morning.” “She told me that she had heard that I was looking for her, but that aside, she said that though she hadn’t met Phoebe in a while, she did meet with Phoebe’s boyfriend a while back. They’re now apparently married, and Phoebe’s husband appears to be running a rather successful company in Peace ton! Aside from that, I was also told that he had apparently changed his name to Marcel Lurvink about ten years ago.” Clearing his throat, the professor then added, “He’s always kept a low profile, and my student only me thim by chance in a shopping complex. Naturally, when she called him Ferb, his old name, he pretended not to know her! It was only after digging around a little when she found out about his name change!
Chapter 2424

“Regardless, someone asked her about Phoebe during her recent class reunion, which led her to tell me about the news earlier today,” explained Professor Boyle. “Peace ton you say… That aside, how sure are we that Phoebe hasn’t had a divorce with him?” asked Gerald with a slight frown. “While that’s possible, keep in mind that when Phoebe was still studying, she was already pregnant with his child. In fact, they got married right after the child was born. With that in mind, even if they got divorced, Ferb wouldn’t have been irresponsible enough not to know where his child was, is what I’m saying, ”replied Professor Boyle. “A fair assumption. Well, regardless of whether it’s right or wrong, this is still an important clue. Let’s head to Peace ton and find Marcel first! ”declared Aiden. “Indeed, though before we leave, allow me to make some new formations for spring manor first. They’ll prevent people from causing trouble!” replied Gerald who wanted to ensure that his allies and assets would be safe in his absence. That way, he could leave without worry. It took him a few days, but with the help of Lyndon and Saint Dark wind, Gerald was able to complete the formations, two guarding formations and one cultivating formation, rather quickly. With that done, everything was all set. Rather than having Aiden and Leo tag along, Gerald ultimately decided to have only Saint Dark wind, Lyndon, and the professor accompany him to Peace ton. It took another three days before the four finally arrived at Peace ton. Upon arrival, their first action was to head to a café to have some tea while resting. After a while, Professor Boyle shook his head before saying in a helpless tone, “My student sent more information about Ferb, so I may as well lay it all out now. Aside from the fact that he’s changed his name to Marcel, he’s currently the forty two year old chairman of the Rising Sun Group. He only has ones on, though the boy is with Phoebe. Sadly enough, our speculations were correct. He divorced ten years ago, and that was when he changed his name. Regardless, his life is now rather messy. After all, aside from becoming rather temperamental after the divorce, Marcel currently has at least seven girlfriends whom he keeps in a large mansion! He’s practically living the life of an ancient emperor!” The professor, for one, remembered Ferb well. Though the boy was poor, he was always diligent and modest. He was also extremely loyal to Phoebe at the time. The fact that the boy had turned out this way after twenty years made Professor Boyle feel rather sad. Either way, upon hearing that, Lyndon was prompted to ask, “So we came here for nothing?” “I wouldn’t say that. After all, if anyone knows where Phoebe and his son are, it’s him!” replied the professor. “That’s right. Since there was pretty much no one left in Phoebe’s hometown while she was studying, finding Marcel is our best bet. To clarify, she had come alone to pursue her studies.” All of a sudden, someone could be heard yelling, “S-stop…! Stop! Please!” It was evident that someone was causing a ruckus downstairs, and since Gerald was sitting by the stair case, he could see everything clearly. Essentially, it appeared that two people who appeared to be siblings were getting beaten by a young mistress’s valet. The one shouting was the boy’s sister, who was desperately trying to protect her brother. “Beat him to a pulp! That’s for trying to steal my things!” roared the young mistress. From how much the sister was trying to protect her brother, Gerald could tell how close the siblings were. She honestly reminded him of his sister. Now feeling slightly bummed, he got to his feet before heading down stairs.

Chapter 2425

Even after all that ruckus, the young mistress didn’t appear to be pacified. Instead, she grabbed a stool before tossing it toward the two! To her surprise, though she had properly taken aim at the siblings, the bench ended up hitting her valet on the head! His head now bleeding, the valet covered his wound while whining, “S-second Young Mistress! What are you doing…?!” “I… I must’ve been so angry that I misaimed! No matter, I’m beating those two to death myself!” retorted the woman as she grabbed another stool and tossed it at them! To her shock, this time, she hit the guard standing beside her instead! Due to how close he was, the guard who now had a bleeding head as well instantly passed out and flopped to the ground! “W-what on earth is going on…?! I can’t believe this!” exclaimed the dumbfounded young mistress as she picked a teapot up to toss! Just as she was about to fling it, however, a domineering voice yelled, “Toss it if you’re keen on losing your life!” Stunned to hear that, the woman then turned to face the source of the voice and standing there, was a young man looking cheekily at her with his hands in his pockets… Feeling irritated by his smug expression, Second Young Mistress then scowled, “Are you the one responsible for all this? What have you done to me?!” “Us? Maybe god was the one intervening to teach your valet a lesson! Who knows, it could be your turn soon,” replied Lyndon as he slowly descended the stairs.
“True enough, I’ve lived for so long yet I’ve never met such a brutal and unreasonable woman. She really deserves a spanking!” declared Saint Dark wind as he walked down as well. “You… The three of you want to teach me a lesson…?! I’m Fae Zandt, you know?! You must really be keen on dying!” roared Fae as she clenched her fists. Though she wanted to make a move, when she thought about how Gerald had controlled her actions earlier, she refrained from acting too rashly. It was a few seconds later when a cold voice could be heard, asking, “Are you fooling around again, Fae..?”Shortly after, a tall and elegant-looking woman who looked to be twenty seven stepped into the café. From how similar she looked to Fae, it was clear that she was her elder sister. Regardless, upon seeing her, Gerald, Lyndon, and Saint Dark wind all shared the same serious expression. As for Fae, she quickly walked up to her before saying, “It’s great that you’re here, sister! Those three have been bullying me! Since you’re so strong, go destroy them for me!” “Aren’t you being too rude? Our family’s currently in hot water, you know? To think you’d still be throwing tantrums outside! Regardless, if you want me to take care of this matter, then I’ll have to take care of you first! Go home. Now,” retorted the woman. “But… But that boy stole my things first! Those three stepped in after that…!” wailed Fae who was unwilling to budge.

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