Chapter 2501-2508

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The Invisible Rich Man CHAPTER 2501-2505
Chapter 2501
Regardless, as Gerald remained shocked on the spot, Finnley cheerfully added, “WelI, Zearl? Think my disciple can pass your test?”
Upon hearing that, the Zearl nodded with a bitter laugh as he replied, “Even if I didn’t think so, I’d still allow him to take it. After all, I owe you a favor. Had you not helped me back then, I would’ve surely been doomed to become a devil! I’m much more relaxed and comfortable in my current state, and though l can’t cultivate anymore, I can now nurture my heart!”
“Regardless, about the test.. I’ve placed the Dragonprime and my angelic inheritance in two locations, and if Gerald is able to find them, not only will he be able to take out the
great demon, but he’ll also be able to deal with the Soluna Deus Sect!” concluded the old man.
“That… Are you saying you’re willing to pass on the angelic inheritance to me?” replied Gerald who was clearly surprised to hear that.
As it turned out, Finnley had already paved the road ahead for him.
“Indeed, but it isn’t as simple as it sounds. Even after you get the Dragonprime and accept my inheritance, I still need you to do something else for me!” replied the Zearl.
Watching as Finnley then turned to face him before nodding, a clear indication that Gerald should accept the offer, Gerald ultimately nodded as well while replying, “I’ll try my best to fulfill your request, Senior!”
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“Good answer. Well, after you transmigrate and become a celestial being, I need you to head to the Soluna Deus Sect and find a woman by the name of Lady Jade. Tell her that You’re there on my behalf, and she’ll tell you what to do next,” explained the Zearl.
“For context, back when my body was destroyed, I lost the chance to cultivate into a greater realm, and I thought that I’d never be able to avenge myself.. However, since you possess the Herculean Primordial Spirit, if you manage to obtain my inheritance, there’ll be hope for that to happen! That aside, I also heard from Elder Quick that you were looking for someone who had been taken by the Soluna Deus Sect…” added the Zearl.
“That’s right. I’m looking for my fiancée.. That aside, since you’ve entrusted me with this, I’ll do my best to fulfill your wish, even if I can’t locate the Dragonprime or obtain your inheritance in the end!” replied Gerald.
Chuckling in response, the Zearl then gave Gerald a serious look as he said, “I knew someone chosen by Elder Quick couldn’t be bad! Either way, from today onward, you’ll be my disciple, Gerald. Since l’m now your master, I’ll not only be granting you access to the Dragonprime and angelic inheritance, but also to two godly powers..! In fact, I’ll give you an angelic artifact as well!”
“Don’t just stand there, Gerald! Kneel already!” urged Finnley with a smile.
Truth be told, the Zearl had been waiting for this day for ages.
Essentially, it was quite a while back when he learned that Sanchez was searching for him. Though the Zearl hadn’t fully mastered the corpse formation and the Realm in the Sleeve yet at the time, Finnley came to his aid, helping him defeat Sanchez and the others every time they returned.
All Finnley had asked in return was for him to give him his Dragonprime and inheritance and at long last, it was finally happening.
Either way, Gerald quickly knelt before the Zearl, not just because of the Dragonprime and inheritance, but also because the old man deserved Gerald’s respect.. In the end, this old man was someone who had been able to reign over the three realms once, and that was a level that Gerald couldn’t even dream of achieving in his lifetime.
“Now that you’re my disciple, you should inherit part of my title, Gerald…My title is Zearl Apricus Purpurea, if you weren’t already aware. Hmm… Since you possess the Herculean Primordial Spirit and are extremely talented to boot, I’m giving you the title of Zearl Apricus Hercules! Once you transmigrate into celestiality, you’ll be able to adopt that title!” declared the Zearl in a benign tone.
Following that, he pinched his sword fingers together and two beams of golden light suddenly flew into Gerald’s forehead!.
“Hold your breath and concentrate, Gerald..! I’ll now be teaching you two godly powers! The Realm in the Sleeve, and the Beadation Warrior..
Chapter 2502
As the Zearl continued pointing toward Gerald’s forehead, the boy soon realized that he now knew two new magical chants.
Just as the Zearl had promised, Gerald could now use the godly powers of the Realm in the Sleeve and the Beadation Warrior!
“After obtaining my inheritance, be sure to thoroughly cultivate your new found godly powers, as well as your existing transformation technique. Do that for long enough and you’ll surely be able to face any number of enemies, as well as any heavenly tribulations! Speaking of cultivating, your current body is only meant for normal cultivation. In other words, until you enter the Deitus Realm, you won’t be able to properly cultivate your godly powers.”
“Since I’m now your master and l’ve already given you so much help anyway, allow me to hand you a magic artifact to ensure your survival before you locate the Dragonprime and my inheritance!” concluded the Zearl as he made a gesture before pointing at Gerald’s hands.
Following a brief flash, Gerald looked down and saw that he was now holding nine golden bands!
Just as Gerald was wondering what the bands did, Finnley, whose eyes were now wide open in slight envy, couldn’t help but laugh before declaring, “My word, Zearl Apricus! And here I thought nobody loved my disciple more than I did! To think that you’d actually give him the Nineraid Bands! You’ve relied on this artifact the most throughout your life, correct?”
“Pretty much. Regardless, it’s not like I can use it in my current state, so I may as well hand it to my new heir!” replied the Zearl with a helpless sigh.
“I see.. You’re one lucky fellow, you know that, Gerald? Do you even know what the bands do?” asked Finnley in a cheery tone.
“Not exactly..” muttered Gerald who could already sense that the Nineraid Bands were far from ordinary.
“Well, first off, the bands can subdue just about everyone, regardless of how powerful they are! Once bound, chanting the right spell will cause the person to feel agonizing pain, all
through their three pranas and five souls! With that in mind, you can pretty much force that person to obey you!” explained Finnley.
Wasn’t this similar to that magic gold ring in “Journey to the West’? Actually, this sounded even more powerful than that.
“That’s not all. It can also be used as a weapon! A single strike with it is enough to penetrate the soul of a deity or devil, and that’ll heavily injure their primordial spirits as well! Aside from that, you can even trigger a God-slaying field if you wear the bands around your arms and put them together! Anyone trapped within the field will find themselves extremely weakened, so I simply cannot stress just how great this treasure is…!” concluded Finnley.
“My word…! This truly is an amazing gift..! Thank you, Master..!” exclaimed Gerald.
“Alright, settle down… I’Il now be sharing the Nineraid Bands’ chant with you, and following that, I’ll also tell you where the Dragonprime and my inheritance are located. Be sure to remember all this, and don’t disappoint me!” said the Zearl before using his voice transformation technique to transmit the message to Gerald.
Meanwhile, within the Realm in the Sleeve, the enraged Blancetnoir Double Lords could be heard yelling, “This is all your fault, Sanchez…! Had you not tricked us, we wouldn’t have fallen into this deep pit!”
Long story short, after entering the pit, they Suddenly felt a massive force sucking them inward! Since Sanchez had a feeling that something was off, he quickly flew back up.
However, thinking that this was all part of Sanchez’s ploy, the Blancetnoir Double Lords used their Avatar rope to yank the old man down with them.
Once they got to the bottom, the trio with Sanchez still bound to the rope instantly began flying about to search for the exit… As expected, they never found the way out, and it didn’t help that they just couldn’t seem to find the hole where they had fallen in from.
Their frustration eventually led to the current scene.
“Are you seriously blaming me? Had it not been for your Avatar Rope, I would’ve left this place ages ago!” scoffed the angered Sanchez.
“What?! Second Brother, how could you?!” roared Lord Blanc.
“You clearly disrespected him earlier! With that said, I should be the one to leave this place!” retorted Lord Noir.
“Forget disrespecting him, aren’t you ashamed of disrespecting your elder?!” growled Lord Blanc.
“Am I expected to feel intimidated? Allow me to remind you that your meager rope has no real power over me! I’m only still here since I don’t want to let you two out of my sight!” retorted Sanchez as he raised his hand.
Before the old man could break himself free, however, a voice suddenly called out, “Keep the Avatar Rope on. Otherwise, you may just find yourself having to deal with an unexpected opponent!”
While the Blancetnoir Double Lords were slightly taken aback by that foreign voice, Sanchez could easily tell who it belonged to.
“Gerald.. ?! Is that really you?! You’re alive…?!”
Chapter 2503
Since Sanchez had assumed that Gerald had died, he was understandably shaken to hear
the boy’s voice!
“Of course, I am, and you’d best be grateful about it. Otherwise, you’d be trapped in this place till the day you died!” scoffed Gerald.
While it was true that Gerald still wasn’t powerful enough to deal with Sanchez yet, they were still in the Realm of the Sleeve, and Gerald was way more familiar with how this place worked now compared to that old man.
In other words, Gerald knew that Sanchez wouldn’t be able to harm him here.
Either way, Sanchez couldn’t help but ask,.”What is this place anyway? And isn’t your
cultivation level lower than mine? How can you remain this casual in this situation?”
“Whatever the case is, it seems that you know how to get out of this place, boy. With that in mind, you’d best get us out of here if you don’t wish for us to tear you to shreds!” scoffed the Blancetnoir Double Lords, both with raised brows.
“Oh? You two aren’t the buffest men I’ve come across, though you’re definitely among the cockiest! So you plan to tear me to pieces, hmm? And here I was thinking of bringing all
three of you out together.. I guess l’Il just be bringing two of you out, then. While Sanchez is included.. Why don’t the two of you decide who I leave behind?” retorted Gerald.
“You..!” growled the two lords as they trembled in fury.
However, Lord Noir was quick to add, “Brother, it truly seems that this kid will be able to get us out of here!”
Before Lord Blanc could reply, Gerald was prompted to say, “There’s no reason for me to lie, now hurry up and choose or I’ll just pick one of you at random. You have ten seconds Ten, nine…”
“W-wait..! Get me out of here…!” pleaded Lord Noir.
“What?! Second Brother, how could you?!” roared Lord Blanc.
“You clearly disrespected him earlier! With that said, I should be the one to leave this place!” retorted Lord Noir.
“Forget disrespecting him, aren’t you ashamed of disrespecting your elder?!” growled Lord Blane.
Disregarding their squabbling, Gerald simply continued, “Three, two…”
“W-wait.! I was wrong, Brother Gerald…!.Please take me out instead…! ‘m stronger than my younger brother, and if you choose me, I’ll repay your kindness with my life…!” exclaimed Lord Blane, unwilling to be trapped in here forever.
“Oh…? Music to my ears! Truth be told, I’m only considering saving one of you since I want more henchmen!” replied Gerald.
“D-don’t listen to him, Brother Gerald…! We’re only strong when we work together! With that said, why don’t you bring both of us out instead?!” begged Lord Noir.
“Since that’s the case, I may have to reconsider..”
“You two are pathetic compared to me! Regardless, since we’ve met before, I think you know just how strong I am, Gerald! Adding that to the fact that I spared your life before,
I’ll consider doing one thing for you if you get me out!” declared Sanchez.
Chuckling in response, Gerald then said, “So you do know when to yield, Sanchez! Interesting… Speaking of which, what kind of demon are you?”
Though he looked rather hesitant to answer, Sanchez eventually replied, “I’m… A thousand year pig demon!”
“A pig demon? No wonder you’re so thick-skinned!” exclaimed Gerald as he burst out in laughter.
“Clam it..!” growled Sanchez who was fuming by this point. He’d surely tear that boy to pieces the second he could.
“Alright, alright, I won’t tease you anymore.. Regardless, I’ll be getting all three of you out on the condition that you serve me once you’ve been freed. Deal?” replied Gerald.
Though all three of them had displeased expressions, they eventually nodded and the second they did, three golden bands landed on their heads.
Understandably surprised, they were prompted to ask, “What are these? Angelic artifacts that’ll help free us?”
“Just stand still and remain silent,” replied Gerald and shortly after they complied, they were suddenly yanked into the air!
Everything that happened after was a blur, but when they finally managed to gather their bearings again, they found that they were back in the cave! To their surprise, whatever
Gerald had just done, he had brought back Yusra and the others who had previously leaped in as well!
Their trains of thoughts were cut short when they heard Hauk sigh before exclaiming, “What a terrifying experience..! Thank god I’m back up here..!”
Either way, now that they were back in the cave, Sanchez turned to face Gerald before saying, “It seems I’ve truly underestimated you, Gerald…! To think you actually managed to break the formation we were earlier in!”
“Truly intelligent… However, you should understand that intelligence and wisdom are two separate things! Have you not considered that freeing me would get you killed?” replied
Sanchez as he grinned sinisterly.
Chapter 2504
“Oh? Are you saying that you’ll repay my kindness with murder?” said Gerald in playful tone.
Laughing in response, Sanchez then retorted, “Killing you would be letting you off easy! I want you to suffer! To think that a brat like you would even dare to make me submit to you…! I’ll show you my true power today if it’s the last thing l do!”
Following that, Sanchez took a deep breath and shortly after, his palm was enveloped in a black light!
Sensing how powerful the light was becoming, the anxious Yusra, who had been watching from the side, couldn’t help but exclaim, “Stop Sanchez immediately, Blancetnoir Double Lords…”
To her dismay, the duo didn’t seem keen on moving an inch. In fact, they almost seemed eager to see Gerald suffer! While it was true that Gerald had saved them, the boy had also threatened them back then. Hell, he had almost gotten them to kill each other…! It was a dark moment for them, which was why they felt no remorse for not helping the boy now.
Aside from that, they also knew that Sanchez wouldn’t actually kill him.
After all, he still needed Gerald to reveal the tomb’s secrets.
As for why he had so willingly submitted to the boy earlier it was clearly just so he could ensure his escape.
Shaking the thought off, Lord Noir then smiled as he replied, “Worry not, Miss Quarrington. He’ll be fine!”
“You…!” exclaimed the worried Yusra but it was already too late. Sanchez had already initiated his brutal attack.
To everyone’s shock, however, before the attack could even get close to Gerald, it suddenly dissipated. Understandably shocked, Sanchez immediately stuttered, “W-what?! How..” Before he could even complete his sentence,
Sanchez suddenly felt something squeezing his forehead…! In a way, it almost felt like millions of bugs were gnawing on his skull, and to make matters worse, he couldn’t access his powers anymore. After vomiting out a mouthful of blood, Sanchez was prompted to yell, “M-my head..! It…! It feels like it’s about to explode!”
As Sanchez began frantically rolling around on the ground and even slamming his head against a boulder instantly turning the boulder to dust, did Blancetnoir Double Lords finally realize that there was some sort of golden band on Sanchez’s head.
“What is that? Gerald, is that golden band an angelic artifact?” asked Lord Noir as he glared at the boy.
“As it turned out, you’ve already ransacked all the angelic artifacts in the general’s tomb!” growled Lord Blanc, his eyes burning with murderous intent.
Upon hearing that, all the other experts whom Gerald had saved couldn’t help but exchange excited glances.
Regardless, Gerald simply leaned against a large tree before lazily replying, “Say what you want.”
“Bah! Just show us the angelic artifacts already!” retorted Lord Noir who could no longer wait.
Watching as the brothers began mobilizing their inner strength to kill him in one go,
Gerald cheekily replied, “Before you two make your moves, heed my advice and look at the top of your heads first!”
Stunned to hear that, the two quickly did as he said and to their shock, they saw similar looking golden bands around their foreheads as well!
Now panicking, they were prompted to growl, “You..!. You used the angelic artifact on us as well?!”
“But of course. Did you really think I was going to be naive enough to trust you people?” replied Gerald with a sneer.
“God d*mn it…!” growled the infuriated Lord Blanc who was too afraid to even move a muscle by this point.
Chapter 2505
Now that all three of them had been subdued with the Nineraid Band, the other big shot cultivators couldn’t help but stare enviously at Gerald, knowing full well that they’d never be able to obtain his angelic artifacts.
After all, if he could take down the Blancetnoir Double Lords and Sanchez, then what chance did they have? By this point, Sanchez had managed to get to his feet, albeit with quite a bit of difficulty.
Naturally, he no longer dared to make any rash moves on Gerald.
Instead, he was prompted to resentfully say, “You’re really something else, Gerald. It makes me wonder why you still need our help. After all, not only are you the sole person who knows the secrets of the general’s tomb, but you also possess those angelic artifacts!”
“Oh, don’t you worry about that. With how powerful you three are, I’m sure you’lIl become indispensable assistants as we head to the North Desert in search of a certain someone! Speaking of which, if you’re already thinking about killing me to break free from my control, I’d refrain if I were you”
“For one, the second I die, the angelic artifact will instantly shatter your primordial spirits! What’s more, even if you do manage to grab the Nineraid Band from my corpse, you won’t know how to activate it! Either way, you’d best ensure my safety if you three wish to retain your primordial spirits!'” explained Gerald with a smile.
“You…!” growled all three men as they glared at the booy.
As Sanchez let out a frustrated roar while clenching his fists, Lord Noir was prompted to ask, “Who are you even looking for in the North Desert?”
“Just a mother and daughter!” replied Gerald. Since he now possessed the
Yinblood pellet, Gerald no longer needed to worry about not being able to find Phoebe. Once he found her,
then he’d surely be able to locate the formation of the ancient witches and if everything went well, then he’d finally be able to get to Daryl’s hideout.
Though Gerald was unsure of how high Daryl’s cultivation now was, he did know courtesy of Finnley, that that old man had already started his devilish cultivation.
With that in mind, Gerald had a feeling that he wouldn’t be able to take on him, which was essentially why he had done all that to Sanchez and the Blancetnoir Double Lords.
At the very least, he’d be able to get some offensive presence with their help.
Regardless, now that things had gotten to this point, Gerald was prompted to bid farewell to Yusra and the others.
After going through so much together, Yusra couldn’t help but admire Gerald. After all, he was a rare talented young man.
In the end, she couldn’t help but ask, “Will we ever meet again, Gerald?”
“If Giya really is at your place, then I’ll be sure to eventually pay you a visit! That aside, I’ll be borrowing your bodyguards for a bit, though rest assured, I’ll definitely return them once my quest is complete!” replied Gerald with a smile.
“I’m glad to hear! Though I don’t know what your quest is, I won’t pry. However, I wish you luck all the same!” declared Yusra with a firm nod.
“Thank you. Well, goodbye, then!” replied Gerald as he returned to the villa with the three men.
The first thing he did upon returning, was help Darkwind and Lyndon treat their wounds.
Following that, he explained why the three were now following him.
With that done, Gerald made sure to update Marcel on the situation as well.
To Gerald’s surprise, the second Marcel realized that the Yinblood pellet had been found, he immediately insisted that he come along with them.
Gerald, for one, hadn’t planned to bring Marcel along since he knew that the journey would be a perilous one.
However, after seeing how sincere Marcel was, Gerald knew that he couldn’t refuse in the end.
Following that decision, they all spent a few days recuperating and by the end of it, Darkwind and Lydon found themselves almost fully healed.
With that, they all packed up and began making their way to the North Desert.

The Invisible Rich Man by: Two Ears is BodhiWhere stories live. Discover now