Chapter 2436-2440

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The Invisible Rich Man – Chapter
As soon as Gerald entered the backyard, he immediately heard someone yell,
“F*cking hell! How much longer do you need to brew the medicine for Master, Chuck?!”
Raising a slight brow, Gerald was soon greeted by the sight of a butler mercilessly whipping the man who went by Chuck.
“It… It’s almost done, Mr. Shyu…!” whimpered Chuck as he bowed fearfully.
“Make it snappy! Worthless bum…!” growled Mr. Shyu who fiddled around with a hair protruding out of a mole at the corner of his face before leaving with a huff.
Now alone again, Chuck quickly continued brewing the medicine… However, it wasn’t long after when he sensed someone standing behind him! Looking back, he was shocked to see a young man who had his hands against his back standing right behind him!
“W-who are you…? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here…” muttered the surprised Chuck.
“Who am I? Why don’t you take a closer look at my face?” replied Gerald with a smirk. After saying that, Gerald’s face began to shift and within seconds, he looked exactly like Chuck!
“A-are you some kind of g- ghost or something…?! How did you just perfectly mimic my face…?!” whimpered the petrified man.
In response, Gerald gently poked Chuck’s forehead and just like that, the terrified man passed out! Seeing that, Gerald waved his hand, causing the fainted man to disappear without a trace.
Now that only Gerald who looked exactly like Chuck remained in the kitchen, he couldn’t help but grin as he muttered, “Let’s get you someplace to sleep for now… I’ll be taking over for the time being.”
The transformation technique was one of the most basic magic arts that Gerald had learned from the Velement Method. He could even transform himself into a baby, so changing his appearance was nothing to him.
Whatever the case was, now that he had his disguise up, he bent down to sniff the medicine that Chuck had been brewing. Just by doing that, Gerald could tell that the old man truly was heavily injured. After all, the pot was filled with herbs that exuded thick, Yang energy. Even so, Gerald had a feeling that the medicine wasn’t going to help the Zandt patriarch too much. Either way, Gerald still needed to meet up with the old man, so he quickly continued brewing the medicine.
Once the medicine was done, he was just about to bring it out when he saw Mr. Shyu again. This prompted him to call out, “Mr. Shyu! It’s ready!”
“Good. Wouldn’t it be nice if you were always this quick! Follow me!” grumbled Mr. Shyu as he led Gerald through several corridors and eventually, they arrived at the manor’s spacious interior. However, the second he stepped foot inside, Gerald could sense greatly condensed Yin energy lingering around. ‘I didn’t think his injury was this bad…’ Gerald thought to himself.
Regardless, after walking for a while longer, the duo arrived at a door.
Knocking gently, Mr. Shyu then said, “Master…? The medicine’s ready…”
“Bring it in…” replied a hoarse voice that quickly turned into a violent coughing fit!
Upon entering, Gerald saw that Freyr was already coughing out blood that was oddly blue and purplish. As if that wasn’t already weird enough, shortly after the blood exited Freyr’s mouth, it’d quickly turn into ice!
Aside from that, Gerald also noticed that the man’s face was blue, and that there was a scar on his chest that seemed to still be bleeding…
Making sure to carefully examine the man, Gerald quickly found out that Freyr also cultivated inner strength, though he didn’t possess demonic essential qi like his eldest daughter.
Just as Gerald was wondering why that was, his train of thought was cut short when Mr. Shyu scowled, “What are you still standing there for? Master told you to bring it over!”
“Right away!” replied Gerald as he did as he was told.
After taking the medicine, Freyr who looked slightly better now was prompted to ask, “Now then… Has the Eldest Young Mistress returned…?”
“She hasn’t, though I’ve sent some men out to urge her return. She should be back any second now… Speaking of which, the ten family experts have all come back, so you can convene the meeting with no issues…” replied Mr. Shyu.
“Good… good…”
Before Freyr could say anything else, a beautiful woman who looked to be around nineteen came in before asking in a worried tone, “Are you alright, Master…?”
“Fifth Mistress! You’re here!” exclaimed Mr. Shyu as he bowed toward her.
To Gerald’s surprise, when the fifth mistress walked past, he noticed her stealing a glance at him.

The Invisible Rich Man – Chapter


“Your injuries are getting worse, Master… Should I get some holy medicine from the secret chamber for you…?” asked Fifth Mistress.

“Do you think you can just waltz in there?!” retorted Freyr.

“I’m sorry…! I was so worried that I ended up forgetting the rules…!” whimpered the trembling Fifth Mistress.

“Bah! Forget it! You’re just being concerned for me, so I don’t blame you. That aside, the holy medicine made by Master Trilight is really potent… I just took it yesterday, so if I take it again today, I’ll surely explode!” explained Freyr while shaking his head.

“That aside, I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that the secret chamber holds our family’s greatest secret. With that said, if you bring this up again, don’t blame me for punishing you according to our family’s rules! Either way, you can all leave now. I have something to discuss with the young mistresses later,” scoffed Freyr as he waved his hand.

“Very well,” replied all three of them including Gerald as they exited the room.

Since Mr. Shyu immediately went off to look for the Eldest Young Mistress, only Gerald and the Fifth Mistress remained. Just as Gerald was about to leave as well, however, the Fifth Mistress suddenly leaned closer to him before whispering, “Silly boy, there’s no need to pretend anymore…! No one’s here! To my room! Hurry!”

“H-huh…?” replied the startled Gerald. Judging from her expression, it appeared that she had some sort of relationship with the real Chuck…

Regardless, Gerald had initially been planning to look for the secret chamber that Fifth Mistress had earlier mentioned. After all, Freyr had said that there was a family secret in there… Now that things had taken this turn, Gerald figured he may as well just follow her and find a chance to ask her where the room was.

With that in mind, he followed her to her room… And the second she locked the door, she immediately leaped onto him!

‘Good heavens!’ Gerald thought to himself as he instinctively dodged.

“What do you think you’re doing, you brat?” grumbled the annoyed Fifth


“H-hold it, Fifth Mistress…! I, uh… have something to tell you!” replied Gerald.

“Well, go on!” grumbled the increasingly impatient Fifth Mistress.

“W-well… There’s… Uh… Some sort of holy medicine in the secret chamber!”

“Of course. There are many other Zandt family secrets in there as well. What’s up with that?” asked the puzzled Fifth Mistress.

“I… Well, I overheard a conversation between Master and Mr. Shyu earlier… As it turns out, Master Trilight had actually given Master two kinds of holy medicine! While one of them is to help treat him, the other is used to preserve the youth of a woman for up to thirty years!” replied Gerald.

“What? Is… That really true…? But I was with Master almost every day before this… How come I never heard him mention it before? Could it be that there’s going to be a Sixth Mistress and he’s preparing that for her…?” grumbled Fifth Mistress who was now simultaneously interested and jealous.

The Invisible Rich Man – Chapter


“I speak only the truth! Master really did tell Mr. Shyu not to tell anyone regarding the youth preserving medicine! That aside, I also found out that he had another objective at the ancient general’s tomb. Essentially, he was looking for an ingredient to boost the medicine’s effectiveness. If he finds it, the person who drinks the medicine will be able to retain their youth for sixty years instead! You’d be able to look this young for ages…” replied Gerald.

“My word! I knew Master Trilight’s holy medicine was good for curing wounds, but I never expected him to give away such a medicine!” exclaimed Fifth Mistress as she gently tapped on her cheeks, her eyes glinting with hope. If she could obtain that medicine, she’d surely be the happiest woman alive!

Upon hearing that, Gerald pretended to sigh before saying, “You know, even at the time, I found it rather strange that Master didn’t plan to give the medicine to his daughter… However, I later heard Mr. Shyu mumbling about giving the medicine to a woman whom he plans to bring over!”

“How dare Mr. Shyu not tell me about this! Master’s definitely fallen for someone else! But the most outrageous thing is that he risked his life to enter the ancient general’s tomb just for her sake!” exclaimed Fifth Mistress, now looking incredibly anxious.

“That aside, I didn’t expect you to be this sincere with me, Chuck! My love for you truly isn’tin vain! Still, had you not told me this crucial news, not only was there a high chance that I wouldn’t get anything, but I’d possibly eventually get thrown out of the Zandt family as well!” added the increasingly worried Fifth Mistress.

Seeing how anxious she now was, Gerald took the chance to say, “Honestly, I was planning to sneak into the secret chamber to steal the holy medicine for you! In the process, I hope to find out what exactly is in the ancient general’s tomb that allows for youth to be preserved for so long!”

“Do you really mean that, Chuck? You’d do that for me? But… it’s not like you can enter all willy-nilly. After all, the keys are with Master and the two young mistresses! That aside, they’ll surely be able to sense you entering! Hell, they’d be notified if you even went close to the room!” replied the surprised Fifth Mistress.

Knowing that she was unable to resist the holy medicine’s temptation, Gerald then said, “But I really want to do something for you… How about the tomb? Do you know where it is?”

“I now see how true your feelings are for me, Chuck… That aside, I don’t know where the tomb is either… After all, I’m sure you’re aware that only those three can access the Zandt family’s top secrets in the secret chamber… Regardless, thank you for telling me all this! We’ll definitely start making thorough plans to obtain the medicine! But putting all that aside, for now, come with me!” replied Fifth Mistress as she pulled Gerald further into her room.

However, it barely even took a few seconds for Gerald to walk out of her room. Staring at the unconscious Fifth Mistress before closing the door, Gerald couldn’t help but think, ‘Like I’d ever let you touch me… I wouldn’t even allow the prettiest of girls to do that! Preposterous!’

Whatever the case was, Gerald had to admit that his infiltration mission was rather successful. For one, he now knew that the Zandts truly weren’t as simple as they appeared. After all, after looking around, Gerald found that almost everything within the manor was arranged to create formations.

That aside, he now knew that this Master Trilight of the Trilight Church was a supporter of the family. While Gerald had never met him before, he had a

Hunch that Master Trilight was a strong demonic cultivator. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have persuaded his disciples to absorb the masculine aura of others.

As previously mentioned, humans had three streams of masculine aura. If a person lost even a single stream, their body would be damaged, and they would also be susceptible to a plethora of diseases… Sadly, Elain was still in the dark about all this.

That aside, the other thing he had learned from this mission, was about the location of the general’s tomb. If what Fifth Mistress had said was correct, then all he’d need to do was head into the secret chamber to locate the tomb. The problem was, he didn’t quite know where the secret chamber was yet. What more, Gerald was worried that making a mistake would alert the Zandts of his presence. To avoid that, he’d continue doing things secretly.

Despite how strong he now was, Gerald knew that there was always someone on top. With that in mind, if Master Trilight was somehow stronger than he was, then everything could be ruined because of his recklessness!

Another reason why Gerald was being so cautious was because he knew that demonic cultivators could still enter realms comparable to the Deitus Realm even though they didn’t use the qi of heaven and earth to cultivate. With that in mind, he felt that it was better to be safe than sorry.

The Invisible Rich Man – Chapter


Whatever the case was, Gerald quickly began devising a plan. From what he could tell, neither Freyr nor Elain were going to be easy to deal with. That left only Fae.

Smirking as he came up with a plan, Gerald then muttered, “With how much of a brat you’ve been, I was already planning to teach you a lesson… Unfortunately for you, I’m going to have to go all…!”

Fast forward to later that night, Gerald headed to Freyr’s room to eavesdrop on the old man’s conversation with his daughters and senior family members.

Freyr himself coughed loudly before asking, “Why isn’t your sister here yet…?”

“She’s in her room throwing a tantrum for no reason…” replied Elain.

“Well, I suppose it’s better for her not to know about such things… Either way, what did you master say, Elain? Was he mad because of my recklessness?” asked Freyr.

“Very. After all, not only did you nearly die in the general’s tomb, but you almost ruined his plans as well!” replied Elain as she shook her head.

Sighing in response, Freyr shook his head as well as he said, “I only have myself to blame… Thinking back, had I simply done as Master Trilight ordered, I wouldn’t have ended up getting injured so badly! I’m such a fool!”

Upon hearing that, Gerald couldn’t help but frown as he thought, ‘Things are only becoming more complicated Though I now know that the Zandts are working for Master Trilight, who exactly is that person…?’

Seeing that they weren’t talking about anything useful, Gerald decided to head to Fae’s room instead.

Fae herself was currently whipping seven men who were all knelt on the floor while yelling, “Rubbish! All seven of you! I can’t believe you even dare to call yourselves the most famous vets in Peaceton when you can’t even cure Ginger! Beat it!”

“W-we’re sorry, Second Young Mistress, but there’s really nothing we can do…!” whimpered one of the men as all seven of them quickly got up to leave.

However, before they could even get to the door, Fae snapped her fingers while yelling, “Hold it! I’m not letting you off that easily this time! Servants! Break a leg and an arm of each of those men!” “Right away!” declared the guards.

“P-please spare us, Second Young Mistress…! Young Master Ginger is suffering from an incurable disease, so not even god can save him now…!” wailed another vet as all seven of the terrified men quickly began kowtowing toward her.

Since Ginger had grown up with Fae, it somehow became normalized for the dog to be addressed as a young master.

Either way, upon hearing that, Fae immediately retorted, “Oh please, you’re all just useless! My poor, poor Ginger…! Not to worry, I’ve already made it public that I’d give a million dollars to the person who cures your disease… !”

Gerald had been watching all this play out for quite a while now, and he couldn’t help but frown at the ruthless girl.

As for the seven men, the guards quickly dragged them out of the manor. From how easy they made it look, it was almost as though the guards were used to doing things like this… Regardless, with batons in hand, the guards were ready to beat the crap out of the men!

However, when the baton struck one of the vets’ legs, instead of the vet yelling in pain, it was the guard who was holding onto the man who wailed in agony! In fact, several other guards began yelling in pain as well! They had all felt the sensation of being struck by something hard on their bellies!

“W-what the f*ck…?!” exclaimed several of the aching guards.

“It couldn’t be… Is it happening again…?! Should we continue doing this…?” whimpered a few of the guards as they gulped.

The Invisible Rich Man – Chapter


With several of them now drenched in cold sweat, one of the guards eventually declared, “I… I don’t want to get hurt for smashing their limbs! Let’s just leave them be!”

Naturally, everyone agreed, and Gerald couldn’t help but smile from afar.

Regardless, after transforming back into Chuck, Gerald quickly headed to Second Young Mistress’s room. Taking in a deep breath, he then smiled as he pushed the door open while saying, “Second Young Mistress? I brought some ginseng soup for you!”

“Soup? Who even are you? A servant of ours? That aside, I never requested for any soup,” replied the Second Young Mistress with a frown.

Thankfully, there was also a guard in the room who recognized Chuck. This prompted him to say, “He’s Chuck, the Master’s servant!”

“Hah! He usually only cares about Sister… I’m surprised he still remembers that I’m his daughter! Regardless, put the soup down! I’m not in the mood!” grumbled the Second Young Mistress as she continued petting her dog.

Upon hearing that, Gerald went silent for a moment before saying, “That dog isn’t sick, Second Young Mistress. It just seems to be choking on something! If you allow me to, I’ll definitely treat it!”

The truth was, It really was just a dying dog. Even so, Gerald still needed a way to get close to Fae. While this could be seen as being overly cautious, he had learned his lesson after that incident back at Fyre Cave. Due to his and Walter’s mistake, they ended up bumping into Ryder. Had he not possessed the Herculean Primordial Spirit, Gerald would’ve surely died there and then…

With that in mind, since Gerald still didn’t know how powerful the Zandts were yet, he didn’t want to act hastily. Either way, he was hoping that Second Young Mistress would take the bait.

Whatever the case was, after hearing Gerald’s statement, she immediately scowled, “Do you speak the truth?”

“I wouldn’t dare lie to you, Second Young Mistress! You see, my family used to have a dog, and I’ve seen these symptoms before. I should note that l was the one who ended up saving my dog!” replied Gerald with a smile.

“Fine. If you do manage to save Ginger, then I’ll promote you to be one of my valets. Like the other valets, you’ll be given better clothes, and a better room. What more, by staying by my side every day, not only will you never get bullied again, but you’ll be doing the bullying instead!” said Fae.

“I appreciate it, Second Young Mistress..!” exclaimed Gerald before walking over to the dog.

Following that, he began pretending to skillfully poke the dog in several areas while thinking, ‘You really are lucky to have such a good owner… If you didn’t belong to her, I wouldn’t be using my essential qi to save you otherwise!

Enjoy your extra year of life!’

After injecting enough essential qi into the ailing dog, it rolled to its feet before happily barking!

“Do my eyes deceive me? Have you truly recovered, Ginger?! It’s settled! You’ll be getting lots of treats and new clothes tomorrow when we go shopping together!” exclaimed the thrilled Fae.

Once she calmed down a bit, she turned to look at Gerald while saying, “You’re not too bad, Chuck! You’ve done an astounding job! As promised, you’re now promoted to my valet, and you’ll be following me around starting tomorrow. Make sure to tell him what my rules are, Bobby, and get him a better set of clothes. I don’t want him dressing all shabby and embarrassing me!”

“Understood, Second Young Mistress!” declared Bobby as he led Gerald out of the room.

It was only after midnight when Gerald contacted Professor Boyle to give him an update. While he was at it, he made sure to give Darkwind and Lyndon some instructions now that Fae had taken his bait.

The Invisible Rich Man by: Two Ears is BodhiWhere stories live. Discover now