Chapter 2409 - 2410

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Chapter 2409

“It’s been ages since I, Lyndon Moldell, have felt this great! Come over here!” scoffed Lyndon as he turned to look at the seven men.
“Y-yes, senior…?” asked the men as they cautiously approached him.
“Give me his address so I can deal with him. Also, I’ll need you to do something for me in return. Otherwise, I won’t help with your problem!” said Lyndon with a sneer.
Though they were startled, after thinking about it for a while, Jaxon nodded before replying, “Alright, senior!
Please state your request! ”
“I know you’ve been ordered to guard me, so I won’t request to be set free. On the contrary, I believe my request should be simple enough to fulfill. See, while I was out training during my youth, I had a child in the secular world, and they eventually started the Moldell family who practiced secret techniques. I, for one, believe that the knowledge should’ve been passed down the generations, but that aside… I want all of you to search for my descendants. If you come across any, just show them this stone tablet and tell them to meet me.
I have a set of sword techniques to pass on to them!” explained Lyndon.
Following that, he pinched his fingers together before carving some symbols on a flat stone. If the descendants the seven men came across were true Moldells, then they’d surely be able to decipher the symbols.
“Very well, senior! We promise to do the best we can!”
“Good. Once everything’s settled, I’ll teach all of you a set of cultivation techniques that’ll increase your odds of accessing the cultivation realm!” replied Lyndon, causing all seven of them to immediately freeze again.
After exchanging glances, they all knelt in gratitude before sharing Gerald’s location with Lyndon.
Lyndon himself then muttered, “What an interesting boy that Gerald must be… Let’s see how strong you are.” Following that, Lyndon turned into a cloud of smoke, completely vanishing from sight… ***
Back at the manor on Wayfair Mountain, Aiden and Leo who had been practicing the cultivation techniques that Gerald had taught them for about four hours now couldn’t help but smile.
Clearly looking better than ever, Aiden was prompted to exclaim, “These techniques are awesome!” “Indeed! Master truly is kind to us!” replied the grinning Leo as he scratched the back of his head.
“Hmm? That breathing technique…” muttered a third voice from out of the blue.
Naturally, this made Aiden and Leo turn to face the voice and standing there, was an old man with his hands against his back! Sensing something off with the old man, Aiden was prompted to ask in a frigid tone, “Who are you?”
“That breathing technique is very similar to the Ultimate Immobilizing Internal Skills that the Zemans use… What’s your relationship with Walter? Are you members of that family?” asked the surprised old man to the equally surprised Aiden.
True enough, they were practicing the Zeman family’s secret technique that Walter had given to Gerald. Since it was an authentic method that would allow them to enter the cultivation realm, Aiden and Leo clearly hadn’t expected the old man to recognize it through a simple glance.
Whatever the case was, Aiden eventually asked, in a careful tone, “We aren’t Zemans, but my brother is a friend of Mr. Zeman. Regardless, why are you here, old man?”
“Hah! I see… As I suspected, Gerald is practicing authentic cultivation realm cultivation methods as well! No wonder those seven men were that terrified! They were never his match!” declared Lyndon with a laugh, completely disregarding Aiden’s question.
“Hey now, don’t you think it’s a bit rude to ignore me when you’ve clearly trespassed into our turf?” retorted Aiden.
“Hmm? You’re not worthy of my time. Now go get Gerald for me!” ordered Lyndon.
“How arrogant! What kind of place do you think this is?! If you don’t leave immediately, you only have yourself to blame for what I’m about to do to you!” scoffed Aiden who was now brimming with energy in a confident tone.

Chapter 2410

“Hah! What you’re about to do to me? To think that you’re already this arrogant when you’ve just started cultivating your inner strength! Look, while you may think that your cultivating technique is superior, in my eyes, that Zeman technique is just something off the rack! ” scoffed Lyndon as he laughed bitterly while shaking his head.
“You’re courting death!” roared Aiden and Leo simultaneously as they pounced toward him!
To their shock, Lyndon simply waved his hand which sent a strong wave of essential qi flying out! The two weren’t his match at all!
Watching as they got tossed into the air before crashing on the ground and spurting out blood, Lyndon then replied, “Save it. You’re lucky that I don’t kill innocents. Otherwise, you’d be dead by now!”
Before the duo could reply, all three of them suddenly heard a voice saying, “Oh, you two are here? If you’re free, do get some water for me! I’d like to water the plants!”
Though the voice wasn’t all that loud, everyone seemed to magically be able to hear it clearly. As if that wasn’t surprising enough, the second the voice ended, Aiden and Leo felt a stream of energy flowing into their elixir-of-life fields and just like that, their injuries from the old man’s attack were completely healed! In fact, their bodies arguably felt better than before!
“Hell yeah!” declared Aiden as he and Leo got to their feet.
“What?” muttered the shocked old man as he felt his jaw drop. He, for one, knew that though his attack hadn’t been deadly, it should’ve shattered the duo’s meridians. With that in mind, to think that the owner of the voice was able to cure them in seconds! Lyndon had never seen or even heard of such a technique!
However, what caught Lyndon’s attention most was the fact that he hadn’t been able to sense the speaker’s presence this entire time. How immensely interesting…!
Turning to face the owner of the voice, the old man was soon greeted by the sight of Gerald who had a hoe in hand planting flowers in the backyard. As it turned out, Gerald was building a condensation formation for Leo and Aiden to cultivate in. Naturally, before he could do any of that, he had to lay the foundation, which was what he was currently doing.
Regardless, after a brief pause, Lyndon asked in a loud voice, “You’re Gerald, correct?”
“I am, indeed,” replied Gerald as he took a bucket of water from Leo before pouring its contents onto the seeds that he had just sowed.
“Are you aware that I’m here to kill you?” asked Lyndon as he narrowed his eyes.
“Shh… Save it for later. I’m planting these flowers that’ll help absorb the holy spirit for the foundation I’m building. Please don’t distract me, though you’re free to sit around and wait for a bit!” replied Gerald in a serious tone.
Upon hearing that, Lyndon immediately began quivering in anger. To think that this brat had the nerve to order him around!
“I admit that your cultivation is quite high for a young boy… In fact, I found your healing spell to be extremely impressive as well! With that in mind, I had honestly wanted to just destroy your cultivation earlier, thinking that it was a pity to kill you. Unfortunately, your arrogance has made me change my mind! Enjoy your trip to hell!” growled Lyndon as he clenched his fists, releasing an immense murderous aura…!
“You done, old man? Even if you aren’t, I advise you to take a seat. I’ll only be done with my work in about half an hour!” replied Gerald as he covered another seed with some soil.
“You…! Just die already!” roared Lyndon as he aimed a fierce blow at Gerald…!

The Invisible Rich Man by: Two Ears is BodhiWhere stories live. Discover now