Ch 1: A Good Night After All

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It has been a few months since we have rescued Tinsley and burned The Vipers clubhouse down. As far as we know there isn't a Viper left on this planet. For now, the threats against us and our ladies are officially over. Until the next person decides to take a hit at us. Everything is slowly getting back into order again. Well, almost everything. Tinsley and Kai are still at a stand still halt with each other. There are days you think they're fine and making baby steps to rebuilding everything back up. I mean it's ten years in the making. Then there's days where they're ten steps back, further than what they originally were. It's honestly a coin toss with them. We never know what to expect. We all begin to crowd around our oldest sibling. He might be an idiot at times, however, he's still our brother. Sometimes he just needs a sibling's swift kick to the ass to get his brain working. Which is what we're planning to do. Open his damned eyes plan is in motion.

"Have you figured out what you're going to do with Tinsley?" Dawson asks.

"Huh?" Is all he says with confusion on his face.

"Like what do you plan on doing? Just stand in one spot?" I ask from the darkest shadow in the back.

"I plan to give her time. To not crowd her. I don't want to push her away." He answers low.

"That wasn't the best choice you made last time. You seen what happened?" Mac calls out from the shadows next to me.

"Well, this time's different. She needs the space. She doesn't trust me guys. And I don't blame her." He slightly snaps as he runs his hands through his messy hair.

"It's not the trust or the space. She's afraid of getting hurt. Again. And again. A girl can only take so much hurt before she crumbles." Rylee says while coming up next to Dawson.

"You know that girl loves you with her whole heart. Even the broken pieces." Kenna says while walking out of the shadows that currently hid both Mac and me.

"So, what is it going to be Kai? Stand here like an idiot and let the love of your life vanish? Or go out there and take what's yours?" Draven says as he walks up towards Mac. He kisses her on her head with a look of passion when he looks down at her. 

"If this comes to bite me in the ass, I swear I'll shot your big toe." He grumbles out his threat.

We all leave him in his thoughts and empty threats yet again. We always love to get his mind to rile up and stir. It gets his brain cells moving and thinking correctly. It's a bitch move but it has worked all our lives. We find Tinsley on the other side of the yard. When I glance back over my shoulder, Kai is no longer where he stood last. Where the hell did he go now? The girls' voices make me turn back around.

"How's thing with Kai?" Kenna asks.

"It's rough." Is all she says.

"Why is that?" Rylee asks.

"Because he's Kai. It's just difficult right now." She vaguely answers.

"How so?" Mac asks.

"Because he's so hot than cold. He flips the switch at any given moment. I don't know if one second, we will be at each others throat or not. Is it truly worth it?" She says in a broken voice.

"You know he loves you. All men especially the ones here can be a little difficult. Take Mac and Draven for an example. They aren't rainbows and mermaids. Draven has the same switch as Kaiser. They just don't show the world that side. But those two were meant for each other. They'd go to war with anyone over one another. The way Draven looks at Mac is the same way Kaiser looks at you." Kenna says.

"And that boy did go to war for you if you haven't realized." Rylee comments.

"When you were gone; the second you ran out. He came out for you, but he got stopped in the process and told to calm down. It took him an hour to calm down. After that hour The VP of this damn club took off with no backup, no wingman—nothing just to try and find you. He never once quit." Mac says with a stern look.

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