Ch 8: Shootout

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⚠️Contains Violence⚠️

I walk behind the twins as they hop onto their own motorcycles. Everleigh is on my mom's old custom one. Mom gave it to her when she had gotten her license. Blade ended up with dad's. The same one he was promised. They haven't changed anything on either one besides freshening up the paints. Everleigh puts her phone in her phone holder between her bars. She places her lilac helmet on with custom painted ghost orchids and hocus pocus roses. Alpha male and female with a pack stands in the distance on a hill. When you ask Everleigh what it all means; she says the Ghost Orchid represents Blade. He's called Ghost for a reason. He can vanish and reappear out of nowhere. The Alpha wolves are her parents; the wolves behind the Alphas are her uncles, aunts, grandparents, siblings, and our MC. The Hocus Pocus Rose is because when she's out and about on the road with us; she's called Rose. Where she's sweet but prickly when tested. She is like magic, there one minute and gone the next. Hence the Hocus Pocus Rose. Blade has a black helmet with greys scattering it. Each little grey piece has our road names on it. Road name Bear for example, my father, has a bear print in a dark grey that reflects in the night. Dragon for me there is a dragon in a light grey that reflects in the night. Knight for Dawson. It's a knight on a horse in a different shade of grey that also reflects in the night. Mac has the queen piece while Draven has the Reaper, a beautiful Hocus Pocus rose for Eve, Ripper it's some type of bloodied dude with a scythe, and so on. Anyone with importance to Blade is on that very helmet. To them, they're taking their loved one with them where ever they go. I still have a horrible feeling about them going but I opted to keep my mouth shut. I'm the uncle not the parent I have no rights to take the ride from them.

Axle is the first one, Gunner takes the right side and is slightly back some from Axle. Felix is in the left side slightly behind Gunner. Ink is slightly behind Felix on the right. Blade is again on the left side slightly behind Ink. Dawson is to the right  and is slightly away from with Blade. Everleigh is the next and last teenager on the left side. She's slightly back from Dawson and I'm pretty much parallel to Everleigh instead of slightly back from her. Draven and Kaiser tail behind us. Either way it went, all the teenagers were safe where they were. Well protected. It's how they were taught to ride in groups. Never in the lead, never in the tail, and never next to the yellow line. Their lives matter the most to us than our own lives. We would jump in front of a train for these 'children'. They're children in my eyes and always will be.

We ride down the windy backroad that leads to Somerset. We head to the dealership where the tags had originally been stolen from. It's was apparently off an employee's car.

"Who's license plate does this belong too?" Draven asks as he hold up a picture of the plate.

"It's mine sir. Who are you?" A small girl with round glasses asks.

"Well for starters, the fuckers who stole those plates harassed my seventeen year old niece. They then had the goddamn balls to kidnap my fucking wife!" I growl in anger. I watch the girl visible shake as I bore my eyes into her's.

"We need information. Whatever it is that any of you will have." Draven calmly continues.

"Our surveillance was knocked out hours before the tags got swiped. But, it's her uncle's car. She just happened to drive it." The owner explains. I have a horrible feeling about all of this. It's just this gut feeling something isn't adding up. I walk towards the door when someone at the reception area catches my attention. Hidden in the far corner where no one could see. Those unique eyes are imbedded into my brain.


Before I could yell, scream, launch an assault.... A loud bang goes off. I look over at Harper again to see he's shot out the light above him. After that, several people from the back offices have come out guns loaded and aimed. The twins and Felix flip over tables and begin to take cover. We all take hiding in different areas of the reception room. Except Draven and Kaiser. They both take out their guns and start firing left and right at them men coming down the hallway towards us. Shots are coming in from different directions. As an enemy comes sneaking up on Felix; Everleigh spots him. In one swift motion her knife is out as she stalks like a ninja assassin towards him. I watch as my niece jumps on this man's back in gunfire and drills her knife into his neck. I hadn't suspected her to even remotely do something like this. My attention is drawn back to the gun fight and apparent knife fight my niece brought on. I have no clue where these fuckers are coming from but there's more of them than us. Harper has disappeared from sight. Every one we take down three more come from hiding. Everleigh and Blade pop up and in each hand is a fucking pyro grenade. A small grenade with minimal damage; but still, you have to take cover and make sure the damn thing lands at least 15 feet away. I watch as they toss the two grenades down the hallway.

"Fire in the hole!"

"Take cover!"

The twins yell out. Everyone is already ducking once fire in the hole was yelled.

These two are a deadlier combination than Dawson and I. We're the fucking uncles!

The grenades go off and parts of the wall in the back collapse. Before we could jump for victory; a smoke grenade goes off. Blinding us all from each other. The room fills with smoke, choking some of us. We don't leave because we can't see Felix, Blade, or Everleigh. I crawl to the area I knew the twins were last at. I feel around in the smoke but I can't find either one. As the smoke fans out and vanishes; we spot Felix knocked out unconscious with Everleigh's right boot in his hand. Everleigh's backpack is laid in her spot and so was Blade's. We walk around frantically looking for the twins. By the door Harper was standing at; there's two sets of bloodied handprints. One set is the smallest and I knew than and there... I really need to voice my opinion to my sister more.

The twins were taken.


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Chapter was one of the hardest to write. I don't like to injury the twins. Nor do I like Ill fates to happen to my main characters. Like death. Mama Bear makes her appearance and you'll see why she's so deadly. McKenzie is a force to be reckoned with; especially when it comes to her children and family. ❤️

Next chapter will probably be just as hard to edit it how I want. Bare with me. 😢

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